General Michael Flynn connected to unsolved child kidnapping [Haleigh Cummings kidnapped by FBI agent]

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on December 18, 2021 at 7:15 A.M.
Clear and convincing evidence is rapidly connecting career intelligence officer General Michael Flynn to CIA-FBI operatives that executed a high-profile child kidnapping in Florida in 2009.
Here’s the details.
On February 10, 2009, a 911 call was made in Putnam County, Florida by Misty Croslin, the 17-year-old babysitter of HaLeigh Cummings, 5. Croslin alerted law enforcement that Haleigh was missing from her bed. An Amber Alert was issued and to this day the case has not been solved.
Law enforcement correctly determined HaLeigh’s disappearance was not a stranger abduction.
Clear and convincing evidence obtained by award-winning news reporter and FBI witness Timothy Charles Holmseth revealed HaLeigh’s disappearance was a CIA operation orchestrated by a large team of operatives connected to a CIA program formerly known as THE FINDERS.
Clear and convincing evidence obtained during recorded interviews by Timothy Charles Holmseth with the missing child’s mother’s victim’s advocate Wayanne Kruger, revealed Kruger was told by an “FBI agent” the “FBI” “already had HaLeigh” but the FBI wanted to keep it “quiet”.
Wayanne Kruger also told Timothy Charles Holmseth an “FBI agent” with a camera entered the mobile home of HaLeigh Cummings’ father Ronald Cummings, along with HaLeigh’s paternal grandmother Teresa Neves, on a date before HaLeigh vanished.
Ruby Kanger, HaLeigh’s step-grandmother, told Timothy Charles Holmseth during a recorded interview that something happened to HaLeigh in the “bathroom”. Kanger told Holmseth that she would need a lot of money to tell her story because she would have to “leave town” if she told what happened.
Wayanne Kruger told Timothy Charles Holmseth that an ‘older girl’ is often used to keep a child sex abuse victim calm by comforting and encouraging the victim while the child is sexually abused. Timothy Charles Holmseth was sent non-pornographic photos that showed Misty Croslin, 17, posing with HaLeigh in the bathroom. HaLeigh is ‘posing’. The photos show a sequence wherein HaLeigh’s hair is dry, and then becomes wet, and she is shown in different clothes indicating she is taking her clothes off and putting new ones on.
Clear and convincing evidence obtained during recorded interviews with a part-time legal assistant, Donald Knop, Florida, reveals Knop said he physically held photographs that showed Haleigh Cummings naked and showed she had been raped and filmed and her vagina was damaged.
Wayanne Kruger told Timothy Charles Holmseth during recorded interviews that HaLeigh Cummings knew how, and would often, seek out a quiet place and masturbate. Kruger told Holmseth that HaLeigh would move her mouth up and down on a popsicle in a manner, that Kruger described as something only a “woman does to a man”. Kruger told Holmseth there was an incident where HaLeigh was at a doctor’s appointment playing with a little boy in the waiting room and HaLeigh had to be physically restrained because she had mounted the little boy and began grinding in such a fashion as a woman does during sex with a man with the woman on top.
Wayanne Kruger told Timothy Charles Holmseth about an FBI-CIA operation wherein babies and little kids were being kidnapped using CPS and other methods and being transported transnationally through U.S. Embassies using fake medical records and church dossiers.
Key figures in the FINDERS operation involved in the HaLeigh Cummings disappearance were covertly TAPE RECORDED by the FBI as the operatives executed the operation.
The CIA FINDERS operation, as well as the FBI recordings that captured multiple operatives committing felonies associated with HaLeigh’s disappearance, are connected, through documentation and witness statements, to General Michael Flynn.
There exists evidence from multiple sources and methods that General Michael Flynn and Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore are involved in an existing CIA operation designed and deployed to prevent this information from being published by any means necessary.
If you have further questions and/or are interested in obtaining further, detailed and unique information regarding these matters, you are encouraged to contact:
- Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, Florida
- Sean Hannity
- Tucker Carlson