HaLeigh Cummings: Ten years later Minnesota journalist retains Florida attorney to attack Broward County court order that stopped his reporting and jailed him

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on February 10, 2019 at 10:06 A.M. CST
Ten years ago today an ominous 911 call was made in Florida reporting a five year-old named HaLeigh Cummings had mysteriously vanished from her bed.
Timothy Charles Holmseth, (now 50) an investigative journalist from East Grand Forks, Minnesota entered the case a month later when he received a telephone call from a private investigator, William (Cobra) Staubs, who was working for a ‘team’ that had surrounded the child’s mother.
Holmseth went on to learn HaLeigh was alive, hidden, and child porn had been created of her.
Holmseth has retained an attorney from Florida (name is not being released to avoid organized harassment but is part of court file in Minnesota).
The following is a general timeline regarding Timothy Holmseth.
- 2009 Holmseth reported sensitive information to the Florida Attorney General and FBI regarding the missing child HaLeigh Cummings
- 2010 Holmseth was interviewed by the Minneapolis FBI twice
- 2011 Holmseth was featured on television and national news regarding information he uncovered regarding the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping
- 2011 Holmseth filed a BAR complaint in Florida
- 2011 Broward County ‘Domestic Violence’ Court issues restraining order against Holmseth restricting his publication
- 2011 Holmseth was arrested by the police in East Grand Forks, Minnesota for publishing something in violation of the Florida order
- 2012 Holmseth obtained hidden emails and FBI records from Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth that revealed the ranking police officer at the East Grand Forks Police Department had been secretly communicating with CNN via private email addresses back in 2009 and discussing how to “stop” Holmseth from helping the FBI regarding information Holmseth had given the FBI about photos (including child porn) of HaLeigh Cummings that had been placed on a CD
- 2012 Holmseth’s home-office was raided by the Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang and Task Force wearing bullet proof vests – his computer and storage devices were seized
- 2013 Polk County Judge Tamara Yon vacates prior orders after Holmseth submits recordings (that had been marooned on a hard drive destroyed by the Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang and Drug Task Force) that captured CIA child sex traffickers committing felonies and discussing operations
- 2017 Holmseth initiates Q – The Trump Wall – Project Ambition
- 2018 Holmseth is arrested twice for allegedly violating the Florida order
- 2018 Holmseth is interviewed by the Grand Forks Herald for a story regarding his association with QANON. Holmseth is asked about his association with Q and if he is a Trump supporter. LISTEN Holmseth said, “In my opinion he’s the greatest president in the history of the United States”. East Grand Forks City Manager David Murphy tells the Herald he believes Holmseth is “sick” for suggesting government employees are involved in sex trafficking. LISTEN to entire interview.
- EGF City Attorney Ronald Galstad requests Timothy Holmseth be ordered to take a psychological evaluation. Galstad and East Grand Forks Police provide the psychologists CD’s with interviews Holmseth gave U of M Professor Sarah Westall regarding the national profile case of Jacob Wetterling. Holmseth reported Jacob Wetterling’s bones and teeth had not truly been found because a search warrant in the case states the teeth and bones were later determined by the lab to not be human
- 2018 Holmseth easily passes a psychological evaluation requested by East Grand Forks City Attorney Ronald Galstad. The examiner mentioned Jacob Wetterling and Holmseth’s reporting about Jacob Wetterling and said there was no mental issues or thought disorder present
- Holmseth files Motion with sworn Affidavit to Polk County Court alleging East Grand Forks City Attorney Ronald Galstad and select police officers in East Grand Forks, Minnesota knowingly protected the identity of persons that created child pornography of HaLeigh Cummings and sold black market babies through the U.S. Embassy
- 2018 Holmseth submits audio confessions to U.S. Attorney General and FBI Director regarding the ritual torture sacrifice of Jacob Erwin Wetterling that implicate the child’s father, Jerry Wetterling, as the person that murdered Jacob during a Satanic ritual
If you would like to support Timothy Holmseth’s Christian mission and help with attorney’s fees you can use the following options.
Timothy Charles Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W.
Unit 17
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
John 21:18: Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.”
Timothy, Is it possible for me to buy your book?? I have searched high and low but still haven’t found it. I will pay the full price plus I will pay you extra as a donation for your amazing professional and important journalism. Incase you respond and I dont see it then write me a message on Twitter @WhitWWG1WGA I Hope to hear back, I really want to read your book. Thank you Tim. Godbless & WWGOWGA ??❤??
Whoops I meant *WWG1WGA ?