Hillary’s bodyguard goes live to talk about Isaac Kappy (then quick deletes video) [watch video]

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 3, 2020 at 6:31 P.M.
On September 3, 2020, Hillary Clinton’s former bodyguard Craig Sawyer, president, Veterans For Child Rescue, announced he was going on Facebook Live to discuss Isaac Kappy.
Only a short time later after going live – Sawyer deleted the video.
Sawyer has been connected to a Domestic Terror Group operating on U.S. Soil – – – EXCLUSIVE: Federal Conspiracy Case: IT’S BIGGER THAN FLYNN!
On November 4, 2019 Sawyer published a photo he directed to the FBI of nine journalists and whistleblowers whom he said “attacked” his organization, and boasted one was already “dead” (Isaac Kappy).
On August 3, 2020 Sawyer threatened Timothy Holmseth (one of the people in Sawyer’s photo of enemies) via interstate electronic consummations in violation of multiple federal laws.
Channel 9, KGUN in Tuscon reported Sawyer works with FBI, CIA, SEAL TEAM 6, and Delta Force.
Click photo below to view Sawyer’s deleted Facebook Live video.