by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on December 28, 2023 – USA
We have been covering an ongoing story regarding Field McConnell, Plum City, Wisconsin, who stated on the March 2, 2016, on the Richie Allen show, that his sister Kristine Marcy conspired with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to attack the United States on 911.
The Field McConnell story has developed into the exposure of a sprawling international spy network called ABEL Danger, comprised of anonymous agents, many connected to ABEL Danger operative Gerald ‘Guy’ Brummell (aka Agent Margaritaville), Canada, who states he has information about a money laundering and child trafficking operation that involves a $68 Billion money transfer through the Toronto Dominion Bank for Jeffrey Epstein.
The Field McConnell involvement in the spy and espionage network was effectively uncovered by Timothy Charles Holmseth who quietly developed a plan to infiltrate the PSY-OP called “Q” and/or “QAnon” with what Holmseth called “Q – Project Ambition” (the original name was “Q – Project Secret Ambition” based on the song Secret Ambition by Michael W. Smith, but Holmseth removed the word ‘Secret’) and infiltrated the satanic sovereign international military network plotting January 6, 2021, which involved military brass, FBI, CIA, U.S. State Department, and others, who were was executing a plan to overthrow President Donald Trump in advance of installing retired General Michael Flynn as President.
Recent developments revealed the espionage operation Holmseth was uncovering involved a network of spies and trafficking operatives working with Field McConnell, who used trickery and deception to lure (now federal RICO cannibalism by Hillary Clinton witness) Jessie Marie Czebotar into believing she was electronically transferring information and evidence she possessed of crimes against children, crimes against humanity, human harvesting, ABOVE TOP SECRET military programs she was used in as a child when she was tortured and trained by the U.S. Military, and other information affecting National Security). The operatives, Czebotar said, pretended to be working for President/Commander in Chief Donald J. Trump and other high-level officials.
On December 26, 2023, we reported in part:
Revisiting the proposed plea deal authored by Gerald Brummell, there is now a significant focus being placed upon line item 5, where Brummell falsely accused Timothy Charles Holmseth and others of “impersonating Government officials”.
“5. Field will agree to press publicly for a criminal probe into Timothy Charles Holmseth “and his accomplices” for railroading the Abel Danger platform and raising illicit funds in what is NOW known to be a conspiracy to commit international wire fraud by impersonating Government officials and cooperate fully with that investigation as terms of his probation,” Brummell said.
In 2023, Jessie Marie Czebotar said, during multiple interviews, she remembered being fooled by anonymous people online who claimed they were working with Field McConnell and the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.
Czebotar said they needed her information, evidence, and intelligence regarding crimes against children and humanity. Czebotar said she was required to communicate online somewhat anonymously, with people who were using the images of high-level officials and purporting to be working for the President of the United States Donald Trump.
Czebotar said she later realized there were two “Pentagon Pedophile Task Forces” running parallel to each other. Czebotar said the legitimate task force was Randi Lynn Erickson and Timothy Charles Holmseth, and that she eventually realized Erickson and Holmseth did not know about the fake task force.
Evidence shows Jessie Czebotar is being truthful.
Many of the high-level operatives Holmseth uncovered unabashedly claimed to be working for and with President Trump. One of these operatives is a spy called Juan O’Savin who McConnell said had been to his Plum City, Wisconsin home. During her a Trump rally, Roseanne Barr held up a jacket and, indirectly, referred to Juan O’Savin as her friend. O’Savin later appeared on a talk show and said he and Roseanne met with Trump.
David Lester Straight, who met Juan O’Savin in Washington DC on January 6, 2021, publicly claimed he would talk to President trump on the phone. Straight claimed his JSOC liaison for the “Pentagon Pedophile Task Force” was Melania Trump.
On March 15, 2018, Field McConnell appeared as a guest with Jason Goodman, Crowdsource The Truth, where he said, “I communicate daily with President Trump“.
Yet, on March 2, 2016, on the Richie Allen show, McConnell said his sister Kristine Marcy conspired with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to attack the United States on 911.