“I just feel very responsible” for the MURDER of “SETH RICH” – “At one point I found on his computer that whoever I was giving money to” were being murdered. “They were literally tracking those people and then killing them. They killed like ten people” – 03.07.25 – Tanya Biss, BISS LAW OFFICE

In 2018 Sarah Westall put Timothy Charles Holmseth into contact with a former CIA agent named Robert David Steele. Westall told Holmseth that Steele may help Holmseth his (Steele’s) attorney, Steven Scott Biss, to help Holmseth. Holmseth was being repeatedly arrested (kidnapped 4 times) by STATE OF MINNESOTA after uncovering Jeffrey Epstein’s child procurement and black-market baby sales operation. READ MORE
by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on March 8, 2025 – USA
Yesterday’s story pertained to testimony of Tanya Biss, the wife of Attorney Steven Scott Biss, Biss Law Office.
Steven S. Biss is an attorney that works in the international intelligence community and is the lawyer of retired General Michael Flynn and the Flynn family, U.S. National Security official to Director of National Intelligence, as well as Senior Aide to Congressman Devin Nunes, NOW the FBI DIRECTOR Kash Patel, former CIA Robert David Steele, former U.S. Secret Service NOW Deputy FBI Director Dan Bongino, former House Intelligence Committee Chair Congressman Devin Nunes (now CEO of Truth Social), Dr. Stella Immanuel, Svetlana Lokhova, a Russian born author and academic who sued Stefan A. Halper, former Minnesota Administrative Tribunal Judge Randi Lynn Erickson, and War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth. According to former Biss client Manuel Chavez III (DEFANGO), Biss is also [secretly] an attorney for the United States State Department.
Tanya Biss said she feels responsible for the murder of Seth Rich, which believes traces back to the FBI and state-sponsored assassins.
Tanya Biss shared information she discovered amidst her marriage to Steven Scott Biss who is presently gone from all sight after supposedly suffering a stroke.
“At one point I found on his computer that whoever I was giving money to” were being murdered,” Tanya Biss said.
“They were literally tracking those people and then killing them. They killed like ten people,” Tanya Biss said.
“I think I got Seth Rich killed, frankly,” Tanya Biss said.
“I’ll tell you exactly why. Because I was working on the Bernie Sanders campaign, right? And this is when I was working with Robert David Steele and Cynthia McKinney, and what we were doing is we were ordering paper ballots from China because we had gotten a meet up and Robert and I had found a bus – Cynthia had found people to get [inaudible] we were going around the country – and we wanted to have an app so we could at least prove how people voted.
“And Seth Rich was the head of – he was the head of the voter registration for the DNC – it’s like a huge job he made like $180,000 a year – and I was a big huge Bernie fan – I’m a registered Democrat I’ve been a Democrat my whole life – I went to school in Vermont I used to work for Bernie,” Tanya Biss said.
“So we had been doing polls, and we knew how far ahead of Hillary [that] Bernie was in the 2016 election – we knew our – we we’re doing really shady shit and mainly we were re-districting people – like if your name was John Smith were going to put you in a district that’s already voting republican,” Tanya Biss said.
“So Seth was doing that, and he was really interested in voter – like making sure the votes got counted and stuff – but Hillary had already been named the nominee, and we were both really confused how the voter turnout was so low,” Tanya Biss said.
“So the DC primary is coming up and his (Seth Rich) girlfriend is like I’m going to go here to vote – he’s like that’s not where you vote and I made the program – because he had written the program for the DNC that told you where to vote if you went to the website – so she’s like yep this is where I vote and she pulls up the Hillary’s site and it turns out that Hillary had taken his program that he wrote and she had made it so that if you checked her site – they were like right down the street a duplicate polling place and they were swapping out those rolls at the end of the night because those people had checked the Hillary site – so they’re obviously going to Hillary – and that’s how he had stolen it from Bernie – so he asks me [inaudible] to get in touch with Wikileaks and I’m like ‘no’ but I’ll ask some people right? So I come back to him and I’m like this is the guy you call his name’s “Jerry” he’s a film guy – and so he called him and then he sold a package – see this is the thing – this is not stolen information – there are no emails – there are no servers – this is just his program that he wrote – he has total right to this information and he sells this to WikiLeaks as a mystery package on E-BAY for $50,000. Okay, and he’s dead by the next morning,” Tanya Biss said.
“We were waiting for Wikileaks to release this information like – we were waiting for this to come out and Julian Assange went on TV and he offered a reward for Seth Rich’s murderer.” Tanya Biss said.
“The next day CrowdStrike got a $100,000 donation. Like that’s an FBI sub-contracting company right,” Tanya Biss said.
Tanya Biss said the same type of donation was made after the death of Shawn Lucas who helped serve the DNC with a lawsuit.
“It’s hard to think that that isn’t just a government hit,” Tanya Biss said. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats wanted Bernie on that ballot, she said.
“I just feel very responsible. I didn’t know WikiLeaks was like going to get him killed. And then Jerry the guy who got him in touch with the lawyer for Wikileaks he – we called him two weeks later to ask him ‘why haven’t you released this?’ and his wife said he “died of fast-acting cancer”.
“And then the lawyer got thrown in front of a fucking train and they said it was a suicide,” Tanya Biss said.
https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Craig-Sawyer-Affidavit-by-Jessie.pdf *****
TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS – – – https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/
Below are U.S. Court exhibits (Middle District of Tennessee) (Eastern District of Tennessee) (District of Minnesota) of Craig Sawyer and others at Veterans For Child Rescue Inc. threatening to kidnap, rape, torture, and murder Timothy Holmseth, his escrow agent Randi Lynn Erickson, as well as saying they were going to kidnap Holmseth’s daughter, take her to Fort Campbell military base and have a dog rape her while they filmed it.