JESSIE MARIE CZEBOTAR ELABORATES ON DELPHI RITUAL MURDERS ASSESSMENT: “…matters of National Security as the Luciferian Brotherhood continues to commit crimes of rape, torture, satanic ritual and murder, trafficking, adrenochrome and hormone harvesting, organ harvesting, and cannibalism against children and humanity”

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 30, 2023 – USA
“This is a secondary statement that is meant to reveal more about the System that will provide insight into the Delphi Case. Getting into the horrific details of priestess and oracle training and embalming,” Czebotar said.
Part 1: Background on Priestesses and Oracles
I am sharing further because it is my belief that these are matters of National Security as the Luciferian Brotherhood continues to commit crimes of rape, torture, satanic ritual and murder, trafficking, adrenochrome and hormone harvesting, organ harvesting, and cannibalism against children and humanity. The memories I’d like to share deal with tortures, trafficking, and embalming I experienced and witnessed being committed against those being trained to be oracles and priestesses in the System. As I have testified in the Greenbrier and Alton Towers affidavits, I witnessed crimes being committed against disabled female children who were housed at some of the private Brotherhood schools, Asylums, and Sanitoriums where priestesses in the System are trained. I also experienced these crimes in buildings they consider their sacred temples. I have identified more specific places where crimes are committed against children in the Luciferian Brotherhood.
The positions of priestess and oracle are vastly different in some ways. One who is chosen as an oracle for the quadrant will go through far more physical torture than one designated to be a priestess. In the 1980s, I visited facilities where the Mothers of Darkness use oracles. On these visits, I witnessed the abuse of young girls and women being used as oracles. I was forced to watch and participate in procedures, torture, and experiments that were meant to enhance their spiritual eyesight and train them to use their “gift”. Some of the procedures included:
1) Ancient surgical procedures with handheld tools that remove or manipulate certain parts of the brain or disconnected the optic nerves through the nasal cavity
2) Tapping of certain glands
3) Removal of eyes permanently or for procedures that pertained to the eyes
4) Soul torture techniques and demonic attachment and possession
5) Removal of tongues or muting of tongues
6) Fastening hands, legs, and bodies to clairvoyant chairs to force divining
7) Embalming
Some of the priestesses in training were forced to participate in these abuses upon the oracles in training. In my experience, there are four main priestess orders. They should be considered as quadrant and regional governing bodies because they hold authority and jurisdiction for their assigned areas and make contracts with demonic deities for use of elements, energies, lands, and waterways in the areas. Beyond contracts, these individuals buy, sell, and trade rights to lands, elements, and minerals which are God given blessings meant to enrich us all. Some work to save these natural elements while others work to destroy them.
The main priestess orders I was trained with were:
1) The Priestesses of Delphi. The Grand High Priestesses and Quadrant leaders of Delphi during my training were Maxine Sanders (whose husband was Carl Sanders who is considered the head of the Kabbalah department), Laurie Cabot Kent, Gloria Vanderbilt, and Mary Lou Whitney. From my experience, Maxine Sanders and my main teacher Laurie Cabot Kent are best friends. They worked closely together when I was a child.
Another High Priestess of Delphi was Delores Ashcroft. From my understanding she was mainly over the East and West Regional coordination. She later separated her group of priestesses and called them the Priestesses of Gaia.
2) The Priestesses of Melissae
3) The Priestesses of Gaia
4) The Seraphical (pronounced Seraph-ay-i-cal) Priestesses. The Seraphical Priestesses are one of the highest orders of priestesses. They are considered to be in the order of Miriam (Moses and Aaron’s sister in the Bible) and only serve in temples connected to the Sanhedrin in Israel or official temples of Baal. That means in the United States, they can serve in Chabad Synagogues which includes U.S. Capitals or Court House buildings.
5) The Oracles are also called “The Witch of Endor” or “Pythia”.
Priestesses and Oracles Are Made
In the Luciferian Brotherhood, priestesses and oracles are made. Their positions are ones that are necessary to ensure the structure, working, and continuance of the System. The priestess’s job is comparable to a hostess or event coordinator. They will work with the Grand High Priests and Grand High Priestesses, and Knights of Pythias at a Regional level to host the major satanic ritual events that occur yearly or the promotional events in the System. Promotional events occur when those holding a position in the System or who have been trained for a position get elevated in title, service, or initiation into the priestesshood. The majority of top position Knights who run the Sovereign Military have a priestess or priestess group they work with that they use in an advisor capacity and for strategic military endeavors in their quadrant.
Rituals and events are constantly moving and rotating from one quadrant to another so that makes it more difficult to discover where and when crimes are occurring. Rotation is done to make it harder for anyone, especially children, to break the code of silence to those outside the System. Ritual and non-ritual events are run smoothly from preparation to clean up. The Brotherhood excels in leaving no trace behind. If there is something that can be seen, it is only because they want it to be seen. The priestesses will also ensure perimeter protection for events is secure. I witnessed this perimeter protection often. There are several ways it looks:
1) It can look like groups of individuals protesting or disguised as Catholic prayer groups that go into areas to “pray” before or at the events that are blatantly opposed by “Christians”.
2) Many priestesses are trained in weather magik. The Sisters of the Axillary of Light (aka Sisters of Light) are a select group of priestesses that are considered part of the Brotherhood military special forces of the Sovereign Military Order. They will gather starting about 6 days before an event at nearby Churches and perform rituals and establish perimeters around the area in the spiritual world.
The oracles are also a special position necessary to continue the System. They are considered a class of priestesses. They are trained to specifically divine the System prophesies, times, seasons, and are used to give predictions. They have access to some of the System’s ancient scrolls, books, teachings, and prophesies. Some speak with their own voices; others speak only through the demonic spirit they host. It is common for all high-ranking members and knights-in-training to visit the oracles to divine their destinies. In my experience, this includes Knights of Malta, Knights of Pythias, Knights of the Rosy Cross, Knights of St. John, Knights of the Bath, Knights of the Garter, Knights of the Order of Jerusalem, and Knights of the Thistle. Basically, the majority of all Sovereign Military will be “encouraged” to journey (in the spirit or physically) at least once in their life to have an oracle divine their destiny. For those who do not have a “Christian” cover life and are considered dark side of the System, this journey will be compared to the story of Hercules. For those who do have a “Christian” cover, the story is compared to the journey of Saul who visited the Witch of Endor. Sometimes the oracles will be called the “Witch of Endor”.
Journey Training in the spirit
This journey can be spiritual or physical. When experienced in the spiritual, it is similar to a role-playing game like Dungeons and Dragons. One of the locations I witnessed these journeys occurring was in the Madison/Blue Mounds/Mt. Horeb school districts in Wisconsin. In both districts, there were high priestess teachers who would sit with boys and girls around a lunch table. The boys were knights, and the girls were priestesses. The teacher was the Master of Ceremonies or the Narrator for the “visual exploration”. In these experiences, the children are literally pulled into vision or a dream-like trance. I don’t remember any hypnosis being done, but it is a possibility. In my younger days, I had to participate in several of these experiences. Later, after I got out of the System, I would be sitting off to the side at a table eating my lunch and observing as they would go through the journey and experience the obstacles or challenges that they must face. The outcome determines their readiness to step into their destinies. In this journey, they are given tools or gifts that will help them. (Items like armor, weapons, key words or phrases they could use to cast spells or healing, suggestions, or random items.)
Those at my school in Blue Mounds/Mt. Horeb area who also went through the physical aspect of this journey did so at Circle Sanctuary which is a grove near Blue Mounds/Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin. Children from both districts will use that grove for training. There are cages where expendable children are kept under the mounds in the area. One of the cave entrances to those mounds is in Circle Sanctuary. After I got out of the Luciferian Brotherhood at age 10, as I continued to refuse to go back into the System, I had priestesses and witches from Circle Sanctuary attack me throughout the day and night. Those who were teachers would threaten and target me during school hours. Others would astral project and cause terrors through the night in my dreams, as well as physically attack me. They would scratch me with long nails or paper causing little wounds that bled as they laughed and said, “Heal thyself”. “Death by a thousand cuts” was what they were going for. They also would send demons. I would wake up at night choked by something I could not see. I ended up sleeping with my Bible open on top my chest.
Journey Training in the Physical
Some of the physical obstacle courses I witnessed occurred at military bases, groves, and conservatories in connection to the Islands of the Oracles, one being the island of Malta. Some other locations were:
2) Neverland (Palisades, CA DUMB) and Wonderland bases out of FL
3) Circle Sanctuary and several unidentified groves
4) Greenbrier area (see Greenbrier affidavit for full scope of locations that area includes)
5) Alton Towers area (see Alton Towers affidavit for full scope of locations that area includes)
6) Several unnamed locations
The knights who physically go through a “journey obstacle course” are put into situations where they must choose their path. The path is defined as the left-hand or right-hand path. Their choices will help them distinguish if they prefer the dark or light side of the System. The divining is usually followed by a period of testing in the spirit world. So first, the knights present themselves before the oracle and hear their destinies, then they begin the time of testing and enter the obstacle course. Although this time of testing seems innocent and safe, it is not. What the children experience both in the physical and spiritual worlds is quite real. The dangers surmount and the threat of death is ever looming. There are stone gardens with statues of children that are the remains of children who failed these times of testing. They are put in places where training occurs or within communities to stand as a reminder to those in the System that immortality is the only aim and even the smallest failure is deadly. As fantastic as these claims sound, we must no longer ignore the reality that exists in the Brotherhood. A reality entwined between the physical and spiritual. Once we accept the reality of the spiritual, there are questions we must ask. Can those trained in magik manipulate elements? Can they turn organic matter into rock or metal? In the art of witchcraft, are there things that defy reality?
My time of testing was divined in the Fall of 1981. Divining occurs in stages and means that you are brought before certain individuals who use witchcraft, sorcery, or divination in an attempt to discern your life destiny or steps you are to take. At age 4 ½, my testing began with those who became my teachers in the Luciferian Brotherhood including Clara Odilia Acker Church, Nazi Michael Karkoc, Laurie Cabot Kent, Col. Michael Aquino, John O. Brennan, and Gloria Vanderbilt. For my initial divining, I was brought before each of them, and they divined my destiny through the use of tarot cards. What they were looking to see what my position in the System was to be and how my role would play out in end time events. What was interesting is that I had already become a Christian and received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. So, when they went to divine, unexpectedly, all their tarot cards pulled the exact same cards and told them I would be used to tear the System down. This is the first step of divining.
Next, I was brought before three ancient oracles naked at night for my divining at the Nymphaeum in Jordan. This area is highly used for priestess initiation ceremonies. This area is one of the System’s larger unholy trinity grounds with underground tunnels and waterways that connect to Israel and the land in Jezreel confiscated by Jezebel. Unholy Trinity areas are marked by imaginary triangles that connect locations together. An unholy triangle is formed between:
1) The Jezreel Valley including Jezreel Springs, Gideon Springs, and the Herod Spring.
2) Pools of Siloam including upper and lower pools and springs.
3) Nymphaeum in Jerash including the Temple of Artemis, Oval Plaza, and the Roman arena or ampitheatre.
Together, the three ancient oracles are called “Pythia”. Each oracle will take a name based on the goddess or priestess she is representing. From my understanding, each one has jurisdiction over a different ancient priestess area that is connected to well springs.
Divining at the Nymphaeum Memory
The ancient oracles are accompanied by a certain element of fear. Before I was to meet them, I was told mythical stories that included Medusa and children being turned into stone. These stories initially caused me deep fear so that I was not tempted to try to see their faces or whether they had eyes or not. They have great sight in the spirit world. In my experience, they are usually dressed in lighter colored robes when they visit or when you visit them. The robe can be colored but usually has a dull appearance. They usually have a tea-colored veil, mantle, or face wrap that hides their face. This is a vast contrast to the oracles-in-training who do not usually wear anything initially to cover their faces. As they graduate, they may wear veils. Most that I experienced were either well off in age or super young and blind. They could have eyes but physically would not see. I experienced Grand High Priestesses, like Gloria Vanderbilt, blinding them so that their spiritual sight would be heightened. Oracles are commonly used in the upper echelons of the System. The majority of them that I experienced being used by the Mothers and Grand High Priestesses had disabilities and were kept at Asylums or Sanitariums.
At the Nymphaeum in Jerash, I stood on the upper platform looking over the water basin with the oracles behind me. It was filled with water. As it was, an image of myself was cast on the water. I remember seeing their spirits like ghosts moving on the water around my image. As they did, I could physically feel their energy like wind moving around me. I got shivers as they spoke to one another back and forth in the spirit about me. I heard them conversating with one another and speaking the prophesies of the end times and the things they were looking for. Everything stopped the moment they determined that I was the one prophesied about and that I bore the mark of being chosen to succeed the Queen Mother of Darkness, Clara Odilia Acker Church. We both bear the same birth mark above our right back hip area.
Divining is used as a form of soul torture. It is a way that the System navigates you away from your God given destiny while taking pieces of what the Lord has prepared for you to do and twisting it to fulfill what they would like you to do for the System. The knowledge that the oracles produce comes from Lucifer and demonic entities. This was just the beginning of the divining I experienced at Jerash; the horrors never cease…being the “chosen one” meant I had to drink from the cup of abominations.