A woman's face with the words delphi on it.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 24, 2023 – USA

Delphi Murder Assessment

PART 1: Order of Odin is a Luciferian Brotherhood Order

If you want to understand what is happening in Delphi, I encourage you to read the book, “Initiates of the Flame”.

I must warn The United States of America. This is a matter of national security at the highest level. What Delphi has to reveal, shows that a Sovereign Foreign Nation (The Luciferian Brotherhood) and their foreign military called the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars is operating within our own U.S. Government and Military. I have testified in written affidavit that what is more concerning is that this foreign nation and military are committing crimes against children and humanity that include: rape, torture, satanic ritual, murder, adrenochrome and organ harvesting, and cannibalism.

First, I would like to establish that these murders are associated with the Luciferian Brotherhood in the Delphi Indiana area. Within the Brotherhood System, you have countless orders. An order is considered a circle or a group of individuals that gather together and engage in magik and ritual practices. Magik here is spelled with a “k” instead of a “c” because it represents engaging with the spiritual world rather than just parlor tricks or illusions. Practices that the circle engages in are based off whether the circle of individuals consider themselves part of the light or dark side of the Brotherhood System. These practices can include: rape, torture, satanic ritual, murder, adrenochrome harvesting, organ harvesting, and cannibalism. Within the System, you have three main orders. You have the Order of the Phoenix, the Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Order of Melchizedek. The order of Melchizedek is the highest order within the Luciferian Brotherhood.

I’d like direct your attention to a main resource that the Order of Melchizedek uses in training its members in knowledge of how the Brotherhood operates and functions. That source is a reflection book called “Initiates of the Flame” by Manly P. Hall. Manly P. Hall was a Free Mason and priest in the Order of Melchizedek. This is not the priesthood of Melchizedek that the Holy Scriptures speaks of that is established under Jesus Christ. This is the fake order of Melchizedek that under the Sanhedrin of Israel who have rejected Jesus Christ as their long awaited Lord and Savior and Messiah. The Brotherhood still believes all the prophesies in Scripture about the Messiah and it is their job to raise this false messiah also called the Anti-Christ up. Although they speak of God and Jesus, they are not speaking of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Bible. They are speaking of the one they call creator, God the Almighty, God the All Clandestine, God who blows the wind into the hearts of men, the Eternal Flame, The Great White Light aka Lucifer, also known as Satan. Their “god” or “gods” have many names and I testify that these “gods” are Lucifer and demonic principalities who demand blood in sacrifice.

  • The Order of Melchizedek consider themselves a “priesthood” and “initiates of the flame”.

“Few realize that even at the present stage of civilization in this world, there are souls who, like the priests of the ancient temples, walk the earth and watch and guard the sacred fires that burn upon the altar of humanity. Purified ones they are, who have renounced the life of this sphere in order to guard and protect the Flame, that spiritual principle in man, now hidden beneath the ruins of his fallen temple.  As we think of the nations that are past, of Greece and Rome and the grandeur that was Egypt’s, we sigh as we recall the story of their fall; and we watch the nations of today, not knowing which will be the next to draw its shroud around itself and join that great ghostly file of peoples that are dead. But everywhere, even in the rise and fall of nations, we see through the haze of materiality, justice; everywhere we see reward, not of man but of the invincible One, the eternal Flame.” (Initiates of the Flame page 8)

Those who worship this Flame are now called heathens. Little do we realize that we are heathen ourselves until we are baptised of the Holy Spirit, which is Fire, for fire is Light, and the children of the Flame are the Sons of Light, even as God is Light.” (Initiates of the Flame page 9)

“This same thread of life that passes through the roses of the Rosicrucians, winds among the pedals of the Lotus, and among the temple pillars of Luxor. THERE IS BUT ONE RELIGION IN ALL THE WORLD, and that is the worship of God, the spiritual Flame of the universe. Under many names He is known in all lands, but as Iswari or Ammon or God, He is the same, the Creator of the universe, and fire is His universal symbol. We are the Flame-Born Sons of God, thrown out as sparks from the wheels of the infinite. Around this Flame we have built forms which have hidden our light, but as students we are increasing this light by love and service, until it shall again proclaim us Suns of the Eternal. Within us burns that Flame, and before Its altar the lower man must bow, a faithful servant of the Higher. When he serves the Flame he grows, and the light grows until he takes his place with the true Initiates of the universe, those who have given all to the Infinite, in the name of the Flame within.” (Initiates of the Flame page 11)

  • The main deity they refer to as that flame, worship, and call god, is Lucifer. They also worship Odin, Ammon, Baphomet, Baal, Ashtaroth, Moloch, Leviathan, Azazael, Thoth, Abaddon/Apollyon, Ra, Set, Horos, and many others. The Odin Brotherhood is in Delphi and refer to themselves as Heathenry.

“Let us watch these mighty ones as they pass silently by. First, Orpheus, playing upon the seven stringed lyre of his own being, the music of the spheres. Then Hermes, the thrice greatest, with his emerald tablet of divine revelation. Through the shades of the past we dimly see Krishna, the illuminated, who on the battlefield of life taught man the mysteries of his own soul. Then we see the sublime Buddha, his yellow robe not half so glorious as the heart it covered, and our own dear Master, the man Jesus, his head surrounded with a halo of Golden Flame, and his brow serene with the calm of mastery. Then Mohammed, Zoroaster, Confucius, Odin, and Moses, and others no less worthy pass by before the eyes of the student. They were the Sons of Flame. From the Flame they came, and to the Flame they have returned. To us they beckon, and bid us join them, and in our robes of self-earned glory to serve the Flame they love. They were without creed or clan; they served but the one great ideal. From the same place they all came, and to the same place they have returned. There was no superiority there. Hand in hand they labor for humanity. Each loves the other, for the power that has made them masters has shown them the Brotherhood of all life.” (Initiates of the Flame page 10)

  • In the PDF of Initiates of the Flame that I have provided, the full -page art does not display. However, if you go online you can see that every page of the book is outlined with Solomonic Stars and swastikas. This is because the Initiates of the Flame are Luciferians who practice Solomonic Magik and engage in Satanic Ritual. They also are Nazis of the 10th Reich at the highest levels. Level 33 and above. (See cover page for Initiates of the Flame). This is the same Luciferian Brotherhood I grew up in and was trained to be a top position within the System called, “Queen Mother of Darkness”. I got out at age 10 by the grace of God.


Throughout the book Initiates of the Flame, you see symbols that those who belong to the Luciferian Brotherhood use to communicate with one another. These symbols can be seen within the community in signs, building structures, and exterior and interior designs. When a Brotherhood member enters a community, they will look for the city sigil and the welcome sign to tell them who the main contacts are in the community and where they can attain what they need. (See pics for Delphi)

  • The City of Delphi Sigil Decode. I do extensive coaching courses that teach how to decode these city sigils on Land Assignments.

The first symbol we look at is the Delphi City Sigil’s outer layer. It is read like a clock. The main areas of focus reveal the demonic principality and brotherhood jurisdictions. Looking at the outer layers I see several principalities who have authority over the area. The mass focus on water around the 6 o’ clock mark tells us Leviathan is one. The heavy imagery in the middle tells us Baal and Ashtaroth also have jurisdiction in the area. The rectangular name plaque with the two diamonds tells us that Delphi is no longer under the old Babylonian System that was financially backed by the Vatican. The rectangular plaque tells us it is now considered “sacred ground” and financially backed by the Sanhedrin or the Leviathan System. All sacred ground will be marked with ritual walls that contain bloody hand prints which represent an offering of blood sacrifice to the demonic entities. The two diamonds represent military base connections to the area located East and West in the region. I believe these are underground submarine facilities. The type of watercraft in the picture is reminiscent of an ARC and tells us that one of the military connections is to NORAD in Colorado.

The middle imagery also tells us the major hidden Brotherhood Orders in the area. You have: the ARK representing the Royal Ark Degree; the horse representing the Order of the Honorary Foresters; the trees representing Order of Tall Trees; the sun representing Order of the Golden Dawn; and the water waves which tell us there are priestesses of Delphi in the area. Wherever you have priestesses, you will have knights. Therefore, we also have Knights of Pythias. (The main lodge for the Knights of Pythias is 24 minutes Southwest in Lafayette, Indiana.

Knights of Pythias in Lafayette:

According to the source above, the Knights of Pythias do meet at a Lodge in Delphi. There is also an old 1910 postcard from Delphi showing the Knights of Pythias group being in the area. The main lodge appears to be Delphi Lodge no. 28.

The Knights and priestesses are regional hosts and coordinators for the System who facilitate and coordinate events, activities, feasts, and rituals during Satanic Holidays for the higher-level Brotherhood in the region.

The Order of Honorary Foresters is harder to find in the community. But here is a link that tells us about it:

We do see many (Forester/Tall Tree) gravestones in the Lafayette, IN graveyard. Mixed in with the symbols on the graves we see the Brotherhood Order of the Odd Fellows represented by three gold chains linked together: (See pics of grave stones)

  • These hidden orders will always show where and how they are operating in the community by displaying their locations and humanitarian efforts in the community. These are displayed on the welcoming sign into Delphi. They include: The Honorary Order of the Rotarians, The honorary order of the Kiwanis, St Matthews Catholic Church, Psi Iota Xi (Yellow Rose), VFW, and Delphi First Assembly of God.

These sigils are very important to understand. They tell Brotherhood coming into the area where to go to meet their needs of food, lodging, hospitality, and covering of sin if they are in trouble.

In the System there are four colored roses that speak to Breeder Programs. Breeder programs ensure the Systems continuance. The Rotarians are known to have white roses and usually will select girls in the community that they highlight and sponsor. They will display these girls at the parades and grant “special” opportunities and invest in them. These girls become high commodity “wives” to prominent men in the System. The “yellow” rose is an off shoot of this program but focuses on rearing “priestesses”.  The red rose is overseen by the Rosicrucian’s. And the blue rose is overseen by The Order of the Blue Rose which is a female group in the System who buy, sell, rear, and train prominent men in the System. Delphi prominently had the white and yellow rose programs. The focus is rearing “wives” and “priestesses” in the System.

Where do those who wear “roses” meet in Delphi? What children have they invested in and funded? What schools, scholarships, or community events do they fund?

  • Delphi has a Preservation Society. The Brotherhood uses societies and foundations to purchase properties and lands that they control and use for the System. I have testified that these societies often work in conjunction with the U.S. Government, U.S. Military, and Sovereign Military and profit by leasing their buildings and lands to them. Who sits on these boards? Are they knights or priestesses serving the Brotherhood in the area?

The sign for the Preservation Society has Brotherhood significance. At the bottom you see three tiered lines. These lines represent spiritual gate access in the area down to lower levels as well as tunnel access. Do the buildings and lands the Preservation Society oversees in the area have tunnel and underground access or spiritual gate access?

Second, we see what looks like an arch over the top. That represents a gate of Baal and temple of Baal. The gate is how you enter in, the temple is where one worships. Under it we see what looks like two wings. These wings represent Thelemic Magik. They can also be seen in Initiates of the Flame page 7. Thelemic Magic is a type of Aleister Crowley magik and is connected to pedophilia or sex with boys. The triangle above these wings represents the male compass seen in Masonry. The triangle image below represents the female chalice or womb. We must now ask if the Preservation Society is safeguarding locations within the community where Brotherhood members can engage in pedophilia and sexual magik with children?

  • The Cube Altar (mentioned on page 14) “The Cube Altar: Of the elements of the earth is this altar composed. It is the great cube of matter. On or in this altar burns a Flame. It is this Flame that is the spirit of all created things. Man, know thyself. Thou art the Flame, and thy bodies are the living altar.” (See picture of Indiana Bicentennial statue. It is in shape of The Cube Altar.) What this tells the Brotherhood members coming into the area is that Delphi Indiana is a place where Brotherhood members can get educated, trained, and worship. It also tells them where to look. “The hours may seem long, and the teachers cruel, but each of us must walk that path, and the only ones ready to go onward are those who have passed through the gateway of experience of GOD’S GREAT SCHOOL FOR MAN,” (page 14) This tells Brotherhood members there is a Gateway Experience connection. Gateway Experience became the military term used for those who engage in different forms of remote viewing or spiritual projection and multi-dimensional use of spiritual gates to access the spirit world.

It is well for us to understand that we ourselves are the cube altar upon which and in which burns the altar fire. For many centuries the Initiate of fire has been nourishing and guarding the Spiritual Flame within himself, as the ancient priests watched day and night the altar fires of Vesta’s temple.” (page 17) This means they engage in sex magik.


If you want to understand what is happening in Delphi, I encourage you to read my testimony documented on .  Disclaimer: All names of persons or places are to show what I feel should be investigated. No accusations are made, just interpretations from observations made and my personal knowledge of how the Brotherhood System operates.

I must warn the United States of America. This is a matter of national security at the highest level. What Delphi has to reveal, shows that a Sovereign Foreign Nation (The Luciferian Brotherhood) and their foreign military called the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars is operating a secondary government within and in conjunction to our own U.S. Government and Military. (Dual citizens with first loyalty being to the Luciferian Brotherhood).  I have testified in written affidavit that what is more concerning is that this foreign nation and military are committing and covering up crimes against children and humanity that include: rape, torture, satanic ritual, murder, adrenochrome and organ harvesting, and cannibalism.

In this section I will discuss how the Luciferian Brotherhood, Order of Odin, Sovereign Military, and Priestesses are operating.

In the book “Initiates of the Flame”, I want you to notice the phrase “gateway of experience”.  “The hours may seem long, and the teachers cruel, but each of us must walk that path, and the only ones ready to go onward are those who have passed through the gateway of experience of GOD’S GREAT SCHOOL FOR MAN,” (page 14) That term is utilized by Brotherhood working in conjunction with the U.S. Military Nazi programs within the U.S. Military for the purpose of  breeding and training members of the Luciferian Brotherhood in their positions within the System.

In a series of seven videos with Aquarius Rising Africa and Solutions with Chantelle, I break down how the Gateway Experience works within the U.S. Military projects, programs, and experiments and how they train children to access and operate in the spiritual world through spiritual gates. Understanding these concepts is important to understanding the fullness of what is occurring in the Delphi Indiana area. First, note that there are spiritual gates in the area. Second, note that there are trained individuals in the area who know how to access spiritual dimensions through those gates. These individuals have been trained to access the spiritual world through “remote viewing”. There are two ways of remote viewing. The first is called Astral Projection. When an individual astral projects, their spiritual body is separated from their physical body and they enter the spiritual dimension using their spiritual body while leaving their physical body in a secure location. There are time limits to this form of remote viewing. If the person’s spirit does not return to their physical body in an appropriate amount of time, their physical body will die. This is why there is a clock on the face front of the Court House in Delphi, IN where the spiritual gate is located. Clocks are put near spiritual gate access points so time can be kept since there is no time in the spirit world. (See pic of face front of Delphi Court House). The second form of remote viewing is through vision. This means the individual can see and perceive the spiritual world at the same time they see and perceive the physical world. Their spiritual body does not separate from their physical body. Entering the spiritual dimension occurs through sight or they must enter with their whole physical body to go from one location to another.

1) Procedures and Protocols of Gateway Experience Part 1:

2) Procedures and protocols of Gateway Experience Part 2: Continued:

(A few of the episode numbers are off. This is the correct order of the series and includes all the episodes done.)

3) The Gateway Experience Part 2:

4) The Gateway Experience Part 3:

5) The Gateway Experience Part 4:

6) The Gateway Experience #4:

7) The Gateway Experience #5:

There is an important Masonic ritual that I feel leans some understanding in how the bodies were found in the Delphi murder. It is called the Rite of Descalceation:

In this rite “shoes” are removed and represent certain entrance into spiritual world.

“A candidate for initiation into a Masonic Lodge often finds odd those requirements which he must fulfill in order to do as have all good brothers and fellows who have gone this way before.  Indeed, that preparation often remains a puzzle to him, since the ritualistic explanation is only partial.  Not only does the newly made brother, bewildered by the new world into which he is thrust, investigate further to ascertain if all was told him which might have been; to learn a still further meaning to the ceremony and symbol which the passage in Ruth purports to make plain.  Those who read the fourth chapter of the immortal Book of Ruth will note especially the seventh and eight verses:

“Now this was the manner in former times in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was a testimony in Israel. “Therefore the kinsman said unto Boaz, Buy it for Thee.  So he drew off his shoe.”“Redeeming” here means the taking back or recovery of  land or property pledged for a debt;  “changing” refers to the transfer of ownership.  As both were then, as now, matters of importance, it is evident that the plucking off of the shoe, as a pledge of honor and fair dealing, was of equal importance, comparable with our swearing to our signatures to documents before a Notary Public, Note that “to confirm all things a man plucked off his shoe. . .” not his “Shoes.”

Taking off one and handing it to him with whom a covenant was made was a symbol of sincerity.Removing “both” shoes signified quite another thought. These are separate and distinct symbols – in Freemasonry both are used – and it is wise to distinguish between the two, not to miss the beautiful implications of entering that place which is holy with both feet bare. The Rite of Discalceation – from the Latin, “discalceatus,” meaning “unshod” – is world wide.  Freemasonry’s ritual of the entered Apprentice Degree refers to the passage in Ruth.  In the Master’s Degree the reference is not verbal but an act which differs in meaning from that in the first degree.”- Rite of Descalceation

To understand how this Rite should be seen, let’s look at how the System is managed by quadrant and region.

Entry Level Masons are encouraged to reflect as they advance in “degrees”. They can be in as many “orders” or “circles” as they like. Each circle group is considered their “brothers” and they meet to train, reflect, participate in rituals, and engage in magik together. Each circle will focus on different types of magik based on the “path” the members are choosing. There are two paths. The right-hand path focuses on Light side training or what is considered “white magik”. This magik is used for the betterment of humanity and healing. The left-hand path is considered the Dark side and focuses on “black magik” which is used to cause destruction, chaos, and mayhem in society. Some individuals in the brotherhood will choose to study and become practitioners of both paths. They are called “greys” and practice grey magik which is a combination of both white and black magik. ALL high-level members in the System from Grand High Priests and Priestesses, Satanic Councilman, and Mothers of Darkness are skilled in Grey Magik.

Understanding the structure of the System and positions is important to further understand how they operate. Those who are chosen from birth or before birth for positions within the System are identified as “hierarchy”. They will be selected to serve in some capacity to ensure the System continues. There are two tiers of hierarchy. First, you have those who are considered “bloodline”. They will be placed in the higher echelons of the System. If you imagine a triangle, at the very top you have the five Mothers of Darkness. Three of those women will be called the “Mother Goddess”. They represent the three-fold goddess called “Isis, Ashtaroth, the Queen of Heaven, the Queen of the Dead, or Jezebel”. They represent the treaty of the womb or chalice with Lucifer and Leviathan. They will be distinguished by three separate positions. The first position is called the Crone. This is the one considered the “Queen Mother of Darkness”. That was the position I was chosen for and trained in. The second is the “Mother”. And the third the “Maid”. The Mothers of Darkness job is to meet with Lucifer nightly to receive his plans and agenda and then to ensure the System is operating in the way he desires. The Mothers of Darkness oversee the operations of the entire System. The Queen Mother of Darkness is the one who oversees the entire System. The other Mothers are given authority and jurisdiction over Quadrants and represent the treaties made with the demonic principalities operating in those quadrants both internationally and within the United States.

Next, in the triangle you have the Satanic Council. This Council goes by many names: The Federation Alliance, the Global Alliance, The Druidic Council, The Council of 300, The Council Seats. Positions in the Council are called “seats”. The position for the head Counselman or spokesperson for the Satanic Council is called the “Phoenix of the Council”. Till May of 2021, this position or seat was held by George Soros. In May of 2021, the seat of the Phoenix was taken and is currently held by former U.S. President Barak H. Obama.  Each member of the Council overseas a quadrant Internationally or within the United States.  The Council can be compared to a Board of Directors or CEOs of the System. Their job is to run the System within the Quadrants. Each member will understand operations for their Quadrant.

The Satanic Council is split into two parts. The main Council is known as the Lower Chambers. The Upper Chambers are broken into several small groups. They are identified by odd numbers. For example: the Council of 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 21. They act like an upper court within the Council if issues or problems arise within the quadrants they are assigned. The head Councilwoman and spokesperson for these special councils is Somerset Belenoff. This is important to understand for the Delphi murders. All issues that pertain to hierarchy within the System are dealt with through the upper and lower chambers based on whether they are a quadrant or regional matter. Random murders and accidents just don’t happen in established Brotherhood areas, and evidence shows that the murders were pre-meditated and posed. It is my belief that they were meant to be a “diversion” and “statement”.

These select Upper Chambers will oversee and direct their managers in each quadrant. The managers are called Grand High Priests and Grand High Priestesses. Their job is to manage the System as they receive instruction from the Councilmen for their quadrant. Their quadrant will be broken down into regions. They will work directly with those (High Priests and High Priestesses) whom they place and train to be regional managers. Regional Managers are called “High Priests and Priestess”. They function as the lord and ladies within those regions.

Imagery within the buildings structure in the Delphi Indiana area tells us that we have High Priests and Priestess using the area for training purposes. (You see laurels, shells, and flowers in building designs). First, we see there are spiritual gates in the area. When there are several small spiritual gates in an area, that area will be dedicated to teaching and training priests and priestesses in spiritual gate operations. These smaller areas will be dedicated or set apart as “Historic” or “Preserved”. The higher-level individuals on the Boards of these committees, foundations, or societies will be regional leaders within the brotherhood.

The High Priests and High Priestesses in the Region will manage the five departments in the System: The Masons, The Mormons, The Jesuit Catholics, The Satanists, and the Kabbalah. In Delphi Indiana, we see several departments in charge of the Systems assets which will be the Hierarchy children and the Expendable children. The prominent departments of the System that seem to be overseeing assets in Delphi, IN are the Masons and Jesuit Catholics.

  1. The Masons main Lodge no. 28.

  1. There is a possible Kabbalah connection through Golden Dawn or Order of Temple Orientis in the area. I believe the Delphi Indiana has a direct spiritual gate connection to Delphi in Greece.

Interesting articles that may connect Delphi in Greece:

Closest Group operating out of Indianapolis, IN:

  1. Satanists: Closest location of groups is Indianapolis IN.
  2. Don’t see a strong Mormon connection in area.

What committees, foundations, or societies are these departments of the System operating through in the Delphi Indiana area?

  • The Delphi Preservation Society. Take note of the symbols used to represent this society and the random symbols on their webpage. These are not just designs. They have meaning in the System and indicate authority, jurisdiction, and contracts.
  1. The leaf like symbols around “The Delphi Society” are called laurels. Wherever you see these, it tells you that you have Knights of Pythias and Priestesses of Delphi or Melissae. These two priestess groups are the oldest of the priestess groups in the System. The financial backing of the System is split into two parts. The first part is considered Rome. It is represented with the color blue and is considered the Old Babylon System. Until this past year, this was the largest financier within the System. It was overseen by the Vatican and the Holy See. The Holy See has direct connections and oversight to three letter agencies in government such as the FBI, CIA, DIA, and Intelligence under Brotherhood members who oversee these programs John O. Brennan and Nazi Michael Karkoc.

In 2022, the Vatican went bankrupt and everything that was financially backed through them is in the process of being transitioned under the “end time” System which is called the Leviathan System or Judah. The Leviathan System is run by the Sanhedrin in Israel. (See pics for Leviathan Sigils). We see the gate of Baal represented in the FBI sigil which has the two pillars representing the Boaz and Joachin poles and the justice scale being used as the top of the gate. The red behind them represents the Sanhedrin as the financial backer of these government agencies. (See FBI sigil, Gate of Baal pic, and Boaz/ Joachin/ High Priestess pic.) In the High Priestess pic we see the two pillars or poles that represent a passage way into the spirit world and into a temple. We see the symbols that designate a High Priestess. The moon in corner, the palms, laurels, and pineapple. You see the circle on the headdress representing the alchemy symbol for gold, which can also be used to represent the element water. We see the tops of the columns representing the lily flower. We see the white cross on the chest representing the brotherhood motto, “In This Sign, We Shall Conquer”.

  1. Priestesses usually have cover lives that help them operate in their positions through Foundations, Societies, and Associations. In Delphi Indiana we find the Delphi Preservation Society. On the website, we see two little purple symbols under the sections “The Delphi Society” and “Our Mission” that are Brotherhood symbols which I believe gives credence to showing the Delphi Preservation Society is connected to the Brotherhood and priestesses in the area. (See pics for Delphi Society 1-4 and Our Mission).

The first symbol under the Delphi Society represents the Leviathan sigil. (See pics for Leviathan Sigil). It designates the contract with the Delphi Society and Leviathan and quadrant contracts with demonic principalities to use of the water ways. The contract covers regional major waterways in the area, as well as the water above the earth and below the earth, and all well springs in the area. This contract allows the priests and priestesses to use water in the area for magik purposes and to curse or taint the water for those not in the System. (I speak of such contracts in my affidavit on Alton Towers found on

  1. The second purple symbol is seen in two different pics of “Our Mission” for the Delphi Society. The first pic shows what looks like a fleur-de-lis. This is a symbol the System uses to represent the Priory of Sion (sometimes spelled Tsion). This is one of the umbrellas that the Knights of Pythias will be connected to. They are considered a regional governing board. They also are just called the Priory. The second pic signifies that members of the Delphi Society and Priory in the region will meet at the Opera House. Usually regional meetings are bi -weekly or quarterly.

I have testified that Foundations, Donors, Sponsors, Associations, Museums, and Societies are formed so that the Regional leaders in the Brotherhood can have ways that the Brotherhood can profit from their oversight in the area while controlling and covering up their operations and buying, selling, and trading off black market currencies. These currencies include blood, fingerprints, DNA, descendant currencies like egg and sperm, and soul energies. In the area we see several Foundation, Donors, Sponsors, Associations, Museums, and Societies established. We see many members of the Delphi Society have positions of authority on boards for these groups, being long standing members, or employed with companies that donate large sums of money for projects in the area.

  1. The Heritage Group headquartered in Indianapolis, IN.


Brotherhood symbols on hard hats in pic on Heritage Group:

They also use the term “potential” on this site. “Unleash your potential”. Potential is a term used by U.S. Military to hide their use of children in the projects, programs, and experiments. The double upside-down V or compass on the hard hats represents bridges and gates of Baal entrances. It also represents “males” in the System. The blue behind it represents the Babylon System so connection to Vatican and Holy Sea financial backing. That means you will find a connection to the Jesuit department with those higher up in this company as well as connections to Rotary Club, Kiwanis, and other Jesuit Brotherhood Orders such as: Royal Arch, Royal Jesters, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei.

Royal Arch:

Grand Worshipful Master of past of Royal Arch in area:

Royal Jesters:

Knights of Columbus in Delphi:

The Knights of Columbus are a “fraternity” or “secret society” within the Brotherhood System. They are considered regional managers within the Jesuit Department of the System.

“Fraternity – Venerable Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, in large part, to provide assistance to the widows and children left behind when the family breadwinner died – often prematurely. The Order’s top-rated insurance program continues to do this today, as do the good works of individual Knights, who gave more than 75 million service hours in 2016, illustrating how Catholics serve each other in fraternity and mercy.”

Connected to St Joseph Catholic Church:

Notice how the “cross” for the Knights of Columbus is same shape and distinction used for cross representing Fire Department. That is important. It connects financial backers and Brotherhood authorities. Under the Knights of Columbus, we find another Society for women in the area: Take note of names and connections within area.

Delphi Fire Department: (See Masonic Crosses pic and Delphi Fire 1 & 2 pics) The pics show the connection between the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars (Division: Knights of Malta) and the Fire Department. The Brotherhood System will set up support services in the area run by Sovereign Military members to control members of the Brotherhood and keep compliance and the code of silence in area. The Sovereign Military’s job includes ritual and training preparations, securing perimeters, securing and transporting of expendable assets and children for sacrifice, elite member protection, and ritual clean up and cover up. In some areas, the Sovereign Military oversees the human meat markets and will coordinate distribution and transportation of human meat and meat facilities. These places are called “Chop Shops”. I was introduced to these in Chicago, IL as well as in Casper, WY.

Higher Level Members of the Sovereign Military will hold distinguished positions in communities to ensure smooth operations. These positions can be in local government, in business, law enforcement, or support services. The Sovereign Military are connected to the Protector department in the System. Those who are considered protectors will have oversight of the entrances and exits in and out of the underground tunnels in the area; this includes spiritual gates.  Notice the symbols and at bottom that the Order is under the jurisdiction of the Priory. Grand Prior is a regional position within the Sovereign Military:

Grand Prior of Indiana: Notice those in these ORDERS claim to be “Christian”. Remember that is the “cover” or “narrative” they display. In “Initiates of the Flame” we see the “Christian” language but that is a guise for all the deities they really worship.

We see that St Joseph Catholic Church falls under the Diocese of Lafayette, IN. (See pic for Diocese 1 -2). The main emblem for the diocese is shaped like the head dress the priests of bishops wear. We also see the moon sliver meaning the High Priests and High Priestesses in area are connected to this church. The head dress resembles the mouth of a fish and signifies worship of “water spirits”; particularly Dagon (mentioned in the book of Daniel in the Bible) and Leviathan.

Following the Moon shape indicated on Diocese crest we find: Schoenstatt Shrine in Delphi IN:

Schoenstatt Movement:

  1. US Aggregates

Blood and ashes from expendable individuals are mixed into concrete or other plywood for two reasons. One it is another way to profit from those who are considered expendable. Two, it is done to curse the land and buildings on Brotherhood properties. It makes the land “unrighteous” in the sight of God which then gives the Brotherhood and the demonic entities that they make contracts the right to establish “strongholds of wickedness” in the area.

  1. Heartland Heritage Inc
  2. Wabash-Erie Canal Association of Delphi:

Those who are not chosen to be hierarchy in the System are called “expendable”. They are considered an asset in the System and will be used solely to make profit from. How many ways does the System profit from one expendable child?

Profit Scale of one expendable. First a child is sold for sex trafficking or sexual magik. When a child can no longer be used for sex they are sold for ritual murder and cannibalism. After blood is drained and flesh is consumed, they will be incinerated into diamonds. The diamonds can be kept as a trophy or sold for profit. The ashes that remain are cursed by priestesses in the area and sold to food companies and flour mills for filler or sold to pharma for filler in medications. This is so that those who consume them remain under a curse, “Those who consume flesh are cursed”. (Leviticus 7:26-27). The blood may be kept or sold for ritual purposes. All of this is so that the System keeps that persons rights and authorities to the land.


“Initiates of the Flame” tells Brotherhood members how to find and access spiritual gates in the area. I have testified in written affidavits about how the Luciferian Brotherhood System works and operates. The grotesque crimes I lived through included the witness of ritual killings and murders by U.S. Presidents, Nazi Michael Karkoc, Col. Michael Aquino, CIA Director John O. Brennan, and Northern Quadrant and Regional heads in the Brotherhood System serving in Government, including Vice President Michael Pence.  I testify that I witnessed and was present as a child as Luciferian Brotherhood in government positions, U.S. Military, and in communities engaged in crimes against children that included: rape, torture, satanic ritual, murders, adrenochrome harvesting, organ harvesting, and cannibalism.  Those in the Brotherhood who engage in these things are not a select or segregated “cult”. This is a vast System that is run across the world like a business. The Brotherhood does not engage in their evil just because it is their form of religion. Every aspect of what they do is for the purpose of keeping their System going and making a profit from it.

Centuries ago, the Luciferian Brotherhood sent the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars into the United States to conquer and build up their territories for them. The Brotherhood use the layouts of cities above ground as a map for the underground. The underground is not physically mapped out on paper. The layouts of buildings above ground and the tunnel systems are learned by route memory and passed from one family member in the Brotherhood to another.  When a high-level member (Elite or Sovereign Military) comes into a city, they want to know where they can go to have their needs met and who they can connect with.  The building designs and layouts tell them what they need to know.

  • The first building design tells them where there are small spiritual gate entrances where they can access the spiritual world and worship their deities. These buildings are marked at the entrance by what is considered a gate of Baal. (See pic of Gate of Baal) The gate entrance is marked by two poles or wider stone pillars (can be more) and a head stone across of the two poles. If the headstone is flat (see Delphi Court House 4), it will have access directly to Babylon. (For comparison, also see pic of Chattanooga Train Station which also is a gate of Baal)

If it is triangular, it will have a direct access to the Vatican in Rome. Triangles in the structure also usually indicate access and place of worship for priestesses.  (See pics Delphi Bowen House 1 and Delphi Library) The Delphi Bowen House also has wood floors with the Odin Brotherhood symbols in it. (See Delphi Bowen House pic 2) This house has other indicators with wallpaper design and structure that show it is used by the Delphi Priestesses as a place to engage in ritual magik.

Gates of Baal entrances can also be bridges, frames, or thresholds. They can be drawn by symbols or sticks on the body or on surfaces. The artistry on several bridges in Delphi tells the dimensions that can be accessed. The Brotherhood are trained to see frequency and light spectrum. The height of the gate will tell them which dimensional light spectrums are accessible through that gate. (See Alpha 1 pic, Delphi Monan Bridge, Delphi Bridge 421, Delphi Middle School). The Delphi Middle School and Delphi Low Bridge pic show simple one-dimensional access points. Chicago and the Wisconsin areas had many access points like this into the underground. I would walk under the bridge or through a cul-de-sac and find myself transported through the gate into the underground.

There are two possibilities when you see a gate of Baal.

  1. The building or structure can be an entrance to a place in the spiritual world or another place in the physical world. So, access from point A to point B, C, D, etc..
  2. The building itself is considered sacred ground and is a temple of Baal where ritual worship will happen within the building and underground.

How do you know which it is? You look at the interior designs. In the Court House we see that there is a spiritual gate. (See Court House pics 1-3) The design tells one how the gate is accessed and ritual and elemental positioning of those using the spiritual gate. The ceiling and floor designs are reminiscent of Solomonic patterns. This tells us the gate in the Court House is accessed both above and below. That means it has horizontal access to upper spiritual realms and lower spiritual realms. There are two to three floors around that area with black and white checkered floors. The priestesses will stand around the different floor layers when accessing a gate and sing to open the gate. If the floor is equally black and white checkers that means there is a sub-chamber or reflection room under the main floor area. If the floors are predominantly white, like we see at the Delphi Court House, that means there is an upper chamber room.

These buildings can be used for ritual killings. It is my full belief that the Delphi Court House is used for access to the tunnel area under the city. The outside front entrance of the courthouse has three archways. The three archways in the System are used to mark Northern underground walls. As we dive further into this, we will see there is a great deal to be discovered about Delphi’s underground.  It is important to be able to mark the Northern wall because it helps one to identify the western wall. The western wall is where the altars of sacrifice will be underground. West of the Carroll County Courthouse, you have the Carroll County Monument (a memorial that sits on an altar). The Brotherhood will put memorials on top of areas where ritual walls sit. (See pics of Carroll County Courthouse Monument and Carroll County Courthouse IL pic)  Statues can be a form of necromancy or communication site with the dead. They also can mark sacrificial grounds. (See Candle pic from Initiates of the Flame page 22)

“Upon the altars of the ancients were offered sacrifices to their gods. The ancient Hierophant offered up sacrifices of spices and incense. The Masonic brother of today still has among his symbols the incense burner or censer, but few of the brothers recognize themselves in this symbol. The ancients symbolized under such things as this the development of the individual, and as the tiny spark burning among the incense cubes slowly consumes all, so the Spiritual Flame within the student is slowly burning away and transmuting the base metals and properties within himself and offering up the essence thereof as the smoke upon the altar of Divinity. It is said that King Solomon, when he completed his temple, offered bulls as a sacrifice to the Lord, by burning them upon the temple altar. Those who believe in a harmless life wonder why so many references are made in the Bible to animal sacrifice. The student realizes that the animal sacrifices are those of the celestial zodiac, and that when the Ram or the Bull was offered upon the altar, it represented the qualities in man which come through Aries, the celestial Ram, and Taurus, the Bull in the zodiac.(MEANING HUMAN SACRIFICE). In other words, the Initiate, passing through his tests and purification, is offering upon the altar of his own higher being the lower animal instincts and desires within himself. Among the Masonic brothers we also find what is called the Symbol of Mortality. It is a spade, a coffin, and an open grave, while upon the coffin has been laid a sprig of acacia, or evergreen. In the picture we see the spade of the grave digger, which has been considered the symbol of death for centuries.”- Initiates of the Flame page 19.

(Do we know what kind of wood the branches were that were laid on the girls in the Delphi murder?)

“The Candle: This is the light that has gone out. It is the candle that is hidden under the bushel. This is the true light that forever dispels the darkness of ignorance and uncertainty. Let the light shine forth through a purified body and a balanced mind. For this light is the life of our brother creatures.” -Initiates of the Flame page 22

Often in sacrifices, the head or head and lower abdomen will be separated from the body to represent an offering to Thoth.

“In the Book of Thoth, that strange document which has descended to man at his present stage of evolution as a deck of playing cards, we find a very wonderful symbolism. Of all the suits of cards, that of the spade is the only suit in which all the court cards face away from the pip. In all the other kings and queens, the faces are looking at the little marker in the corner of the card, but in the spade suit, they look away from it. Now it is said that the spade has been taken from the acorn, but the occult student has a different idea. He sees in the spade, which has for ages been the symbol of death, a certain part of his own anatomy. If you will again turn to the picture of the spade, you will see, if you have ever studied anatomy, that the grave digger’s spade is the spinal column, and the spade-shaped piece which is used on the deck of cards, is nothing more nor less than the sacrum bone.”-Initiates of the Flame page 21-22

Thoth is known as “the god who blows wind into the hearts of men. After a sacrifice is decapitated and dismembered, the spine will be saved and turned into ashes that are thrown to the wind which is often why high places are chosen for sacrifice. These pages have imagery of a spade and a candle stick. Notice how the statue in front of Carroll County Court House resembles a candle stick with the flag and soldier being the flame. This is symbolic of a candle and intentions being burned upon an altar. Intentions are “desires”, what one wishes to come to pass.

So, what is underneath Delphi, IN? I have testified in affidavits that are filed with the U.S. Court-Minnesota, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Office of the Texas Governor, and attorneys of President Donald J. Trump of the existence of underground ritual walls. (see Affidavit pic)

  1. “Ritual ground needs to be connected to the land, such as a WALL which literally touches the ground. Ritual ground is identified or ‘marked’ by handprints. These handprints do not need to be in blood. Ritual ground can be mobile. For instance, the Shriners will put painted children’s handprints on the side walls of their vehicles or banners attached to these side walls.
  2. There are many Ritual Ground locations. The BIG WALLS that are used by the Highest-Level Elite in the Luciferian System are located underground throughout the world. I do not have exact coordinates, but I grew up aware that some of the major locations which include Rockford, IL; Ashton, WI; The Castle Neuschwanstein in Germany; The Chateau Amorois in Barvaria; Stonehenge in UK; the Georgia Guidestones; St. Lucia Catholic Church in Port Isabella, TX; House on the Rock in Spring Green, WI; Tsion/Mars under Area 51; Chicago DUMB base; NORAD & Telluride in CO; CERN; Alpha Training Center in Australia; Disney Land in CA and FL; Emerald City under the Pentagon; Shamballa in Tibet Mountains; Ragnarök in Norway and the Northern Dumb in Alaska by the same name; Vatican City; City of London; WA DC; Kuwait; Iraq; Babylon; Jerusalem in Israel; and Yellowstone National Park to name a few.”

I have also testified that Ragnarök is composed of three massive military DUMBS. The first is in Alaska in the Aleutian Islands. The second is known as Antarctica Up There and is a subterranean DUMB near Greenland. The third is known as the South Pole or Antarctica Down There and is located near the South Pole. Those who graduate from the Sovereign Military Program from Ragnarök can specialize in the Order of Odin. They are called Odinites. Because of my Norwegian and Swedish heritage which allowed me to access the spiritual gates in those countries, I was exposed to Odinite training. There are three more major underground cities that are connected to Ragnarök where the Odinites like to perform rituals and keep their ritual walls. That means that these underground cities have spiritual gate access to the three major military bases known as Ragnarök. Those cities are:

  1. The underground city of Valhalla in Valhalla Kansas in Gove County.

“Initiates of the Flame” is a reflection book. The Brotherhood use these types of books to speak in code to one another. If you reflect and ask your mentor questions, you will only get questions back. However, if you reflect and you come upon the answer and share that answer, then your mentor will reveal the mysteries to you. On page 26 of “Initiates of the Flame”, the underground locations to Valhalla and Shamballa are revealed:

“In every mythology and legendary religion of the world there is one spot that is sacred above all others to the great ideal of that religion. To the Norseman it was Valhalla, the City of the Slain, built of the spears of heroes, where feasting and warfare was the order of the day. Here the heroes fought all day and reveled by night. Every day they killed the wild boar and feasted on it, and the next day it came to life again. In the Northland they tell that Valhalla was high on the top of the mountains, and that it was connected to the earth below by Befrost, the Rainbow Bridge; that up and down this bridge the Gods came, and Odin, the All-father, came down from Asgard, the City of the Gods, and worked and labored with mankind.

Among the Greeks, Mount Olympus was held sacred, and here the gods are said to have lived high on the top of a mountain. The Knights of the Grail are said to have had their castle among the crags and peaks of Northern Spain on Mount Salvart. In every religion of the world there is a sacred spot: Meru of the oriental, and Mount Moriah and Mount Sinai (upon which the tablets of law were given to man); all those are symbols of one universal ideal, and as each of these religions claimed among the clouds a castle and a home, so it is said that all the religions of the world have their headquarters in Shamballa, the Sacred City in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia.

Among the oriental peoples there are wonderful legends of this sacred city, where it is said the Great White Lodge or Brotherhood meets to carry on the governing of world affairs. As the Assirs of Scandinavia were twelve in number, as Olympus had twelve gods, so the Great White Brotherhood is said to have twelve members, which meet in Shamballa and direct the affairs of men. It is said that this center of universal religion descended upon the earth when the polar cap, which was the first part of the earth to crystallize, became solid enough to support life. Science now knows that not only does the earth have two motions, that of rotation upon its axis and revolution around the sun, but that it has nine other motions, according to Flammarion, the French astronomer. One of these motions is that of the alternation of the poles; in other words, some day that part of the earth’s surface which is now the North Pole will become the South Pole. Therefore, it is said that the Sacred City has left its central position and after much wandering is now located in Mongolia.”

This describes why the Ragnarök military bases have the same name. The System rotates where rituals will be held. This movement is what makes it so hard to discover evidence of crimes committed by the Brotherhood.

  1. On page 30, we discover the details that indicate the sacred city of Valhalla is underground in Valhalla Kansas in Gove County and the sacred city of Shamballa is under Topeka Kansas.

“In the spreading of the bone between the eyes called the frontal sinus, is the seat of the divine in man. There, in a peculiar gaseous material, floats, or rather exists, or is, the fine essence which we know as the Spirit. This is the Lost City in the Sacred Desert, connected to the lower world by the Rainbow Bridge, or the Silver Cord, and it is to this point in himself that the student is striving to rise. This is the Sacred Pilgrimage of the Soul, in which the individual leaves the lower man and the world below and climbs upward into the Higher Man or Higher World, the brain. This is the great pilgrimage to Shamballa, and as that great city is the center for the direction of our earth, so the corresponding great city in man is the center for his governmental system.” -Initiates of the Flame page 30

When one looks at the City Sigil for Topeka Kansas, they see the words “Golden City”. All lost cities were sought after because it was said they held a treasure of gold. In the System, gold is not material gold, but represents the “immortal stone” which is man having reached his godhood state. In the sigil, we also see lines separated like a peace sign. These lines represent bare branches or rods, as well as, the outline of a human nasal cavity.

“The Rod That Budded: The buds in the Rod are the seven centers within yourself, which when you develop their spiritual powers shine out as centers of fire within your own being. The ancients have taken flowers to symbolize these centers, which when they shine out show that the dead stick, cut from the Tree of Life, has budded.”-Initiates of the Flame page 30

We see this 7-fold imagery of sun rays or the bare sticks in many places. Rainbow Bridge lies between Topeka and Valhalla Kansas on route 66. (See Topeka Kansas City Sigil). Both locations have an underground ritual wall. I believe that Mulvane Art Museum with a Buffalo statue in front is an above ground marker for the underground city of Shamballa.  Four minutes away from Mulvane Art Museum, you have the Kansas City Discovery Center.  I believe Shamballa stretches far and wide under Kansas and Missouri.

Pages 30-33 describe sex magik. How does one reach the state of “higher enlightenment” during Brotherhood rituals? It is through sodomy. The lotus represents the anus. Rainbow bridge is a symbol for places where sex magik or sodomy can be acquired. The typical sex magic formation for priests and priestesses in training is to have a sex orgy with those in the area who are considered the 12 elders.  Usually, girls who are expendable will be impregnated at age 12 during the spring or fall equinox that occurs before they turn 13. When “Initiates of the Flame” speaks of “gods” it is referring to men and women. When “higher gods” is spoken of, that refers demons. When it speaks to the “higher gods coming down”, it is referring to demonic revels which are sexual orgies that include: humans, demons, and animals. The following excerpts speak to sex magik performed to open spiritual gates. It also speaks to their belief of devotion, including sexual devotion, within one’s brotherhood circles, before one indulges in sexual pleasures in the outside world.

“When any other thing governs man, he is not attuned to his own higher self, and it is only when the gods, representing the higher principle, come down the Rainbow Bridge and labor with him, teaching him the arts and sciences, that he is truly receiving his divine birthright. In the Orient the student looks forward with eager longing to the time when he shall be allowed to worship before the gates of the sacred city; when he also shall see the Initiates in silent conclave around the circular table of the zodiac; when the veil of Isis shall be torn away, and the cover lifted from the Grail Cup.

Let the student remember that all of these things must first happen within himself before he can find them in the universe without. The twelve Elder Brothers within himself must first be reached and understood before those of the universe can be comprehended. If he would find the great Initiates without, he must first find them within; and if he would see that Sacred City in the Lotus Blossom, he must first open that Lotus within himself, which he does, petal by petal, when he purifies and attunes himself to the higher principles within. The Lotus is the spinal column once more; its roots, deep in materiality; its blossom, the brain; and only when he sends upward nourishment and power, can that Lotus blossom within himself—blossom forth with its many petals, giving out their spiritual fragrance.

Sometimes you will see in store windows funny little Chinese gods or oriental Buddhas sitting on the blossom[32] of a lotus. In fact, if you look carefully, you will find that nearly all of the oriental gods are so depicted. This means that they have opened within themselves that Spiritual Consciousness which they call the Shushuma. You have seen the funny little hats worn by the Hindu gods. They are made to represent a flower upside down, and once more, like the rod of Aaron that budded, we see the reference made to the unfolding of consciousness within. When the lotus blossom has reached maturity, it drops its seed, and from this seed new plants are produced. It is the same within the spiritual consciousness, which, when the plant is finished and its work is done, is released to work and produce other things.

In the Western World the lotus has been changed to the rose. The roses of the Rosicrucian, the roses of the Masonic degrees, and also those of the Order of the Garter in England, all stand for the same thing, the awakening of consciousness and the unfolding into full bloom of the soul qualities of man. When man awakens and opens this bud within himself, he finds, like the gold pollen in a flower, this wonderful spiritual city, Shamballa, in the heart of the lotus. When this pilgrimage of his spiritual fire is accomplished, he is liberated from the top of the mountain, as in the ascension of Christ, and the spiritual man, freed by his pilgrimage from the Wheel of Bondage, rises upward from among his disciples, the convolutions of the brain, with the great cry of the Initiate, which has sounded through the Mystery Schools for ages when the purified[33] student goes onward and upward to become a pillar in the temple of his God. With that last cry the true mystery of Shamballa, the sacred city, is understood and he joins the ranks of those who in white robes of purity, their own soul bodies, gaze down upon the world and see others liberated in the same way, and who also sound the eternal tocsin, “consumatum est” (it is finished).” -Initiates of the Flame page 30-33

We see this symbology of roses in Delphi in the Brotherhood Rotarian Orders and the Yellow Rose of Psi Iota Xi. In light of this information, we must ask if sexual rituals are occurring among these Brotherhood circles. We must also ask if these sexual rituals involve children, demons, and animals in the places where they meet.

About Valhalla it says,

“To the Norseman it was Valhalla, the city of the Slain, built of the spears of heroes, where feasting and warfare was the order of the day. Here the heroes fought all day and reveled by night. Every day they killed the wild boar and feasted on it, and the next day it came to life again. In the Northland they tell that Valhalla was high on the top of the mountains, and that it was connected to the earth below by Befrost, the Rainbow Bridge; that up and down this bridge the Gods came, and Odin, the All-father, came down from Asgard, the City of the Gods, and worked and labored with mankind.

Among the Greeks, Mount Olympus was held sacred, and here the gods are said to have lived high on the top of a mountain. The Knights of the Grail are said to have had their castle among the crags and peaks of Northern Spain on Mount Salvart. In every religion of the world there is a sacred spot: Meru of the oriental, and Mount Moriah and Mount Sinai (upon which the tablets of law were given to man); all those are symbols of one universal ideal, and as each of these religions claimed among the clouds a castle and a home, so it is said that all the religions of the world have their headquarters in Shamballa, the Sacred City in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia.”-Initiates of the Flame page 26.

Notice what the Odinites are known for:

  • The city of the slain
  • Built of the spears of heroes (heroes is a name for Veterans who have served, also Firemen, Police men, and those who serve in support services). I’d also like to point out that the “spear” is a symbol for the Odinites. How many military groups utilize this symbol in their sigils or logos?
  • Feasting and Warfare was the order of the day.
  • Heroes fought all day and reveled by night. (The dual life of one in the brotherhood.)
  • Every day they killed the wild boar and feasted on it. (The pig or boar is a symbol of flesh. This is why many upper levels make their own human meat into sausages, blood sausage, and head cheese. That makes it hard to identify because most people automatically assume sausages are pork.)
  • The next day it came to life again. (This is a phrase that signifies the hunting and feasting never ends. It also signifies the ability to remain in connection to the soul of the victim and to communicate with that soul through necromancy.)
  • Valhalla is high on the mountains…and connected to the earth below by Rainbow Bridge. (This describes the terrain in Valhalla and the connection to the earth below which is Topeka.)

If the murder victims were in a military training program, that could mean their handprints could be found on other ritual walls besides the one in Delphi. If they were in military training programs and their bodies were found on what is considered high ground, then their handprints are on the ritual walls in Valhalla Kansas or the Ragnarök bases in Alaska or Greenland. The relation of the tree to the bodies is important. I believe it was done to indicate the location of the real handprints in blood that were placed on ritual walls. I think it would be of benefit to compare the position of these significant Brotherhood locations with the position the girls were posed in.

Could the Bison Project be connected to ritual walls and movement of sacrifices in Indiana?

Notice that several foundations and societies supporting the Bison Project are also connected to the Delphi Preservation Society and their projects.

There is a Bison with handprints at the Carroll County Fire Department. (See pic Bicentennial Bison 2) Remember that I have testified that ritual walls can be mobile.

Notice (pic Bicentennial Bison 1) has a child in red and one in blue. This is how the brotherhood pairs children up for ritual magik to open spiritual gates. One child will specialize in the element of fire (red), the other in the element of water (blue). We also see the Bridge on 421 that I pointed out as a gate in earlier pics. Page 17-18 of “Initiates of the Flame” speaks to the two fires (red and blue):

“There are two paths or divisions of humanity whose history is closely related to that of the Wisdom Teachings. They embody the doctrines of fire and water, the two opposites of nature. Those who follow the path of faith or the heart, use water, and are known as the Sons of Seth, while those who follow the path of the mind and action are the Children of Cain, who was the son of Samael, the Spirit of Fire. Today we find the latter among the alchemists, the hermetic philosophers, the Rosicrucian’s, and the Freemasons.

It is well for us to understand that we ourselves are the cube altar upon which and in which burns the altar fire. For many centuries the Initiate of fire has been nourishing and guarding the Spiritual Flame within himself, as the ancient priests watched day and night the altar fires of Vesta’s temple.

The ever-burning lamp of the alchemist, which having burned thousands of years without fuel in the catacombs of Rome, is but a symbol of this same spiritual fire within himself. In the picture we see the ever-burning lamp which was carried by the Initiate in his wandering. It represents the spinal column of man, at the top of which is flickering a little blue and red flame. As the lamp of the ancients was fed and kept burning by the purest of olive oil, so man is transmitting within himself and cleansing in the laver of purification the life essences, which, when turned upward, provide fuel for the ever-burning lamp within himself.”

  • Lastly, we see that it says the Odinites travel “up and down the bridge the gods come.” (Signifying travel from one location to another. The movement and transportation hubs. How does Valhalla get its endless supply of children? It gets them as they come in through the hub of Topeka where brotherhood members work.
  1. The last Odin city is under the airport in Denver Colorado. Notice on the Masonic Headstone at Denver Colorado that it has the seven sunrays on top. This is to signify the 7 Centers that “Initiates of the Flame” speaks to.


In the System, I witnessed countless ritual killings. There are two primary ways ritual killings occur. The cleaner way is to use a guillotine or razor wire because it creates a clean cut that bleeds more freely and makes gathering blood flow easier. If cutting is done by hand, the high priest stands behind the victim and holds their body facing outward. Assuming the priest is right handed, the throat cut will be from left to right. The priest’s arm will be surrounding the left shoulder of the victim and holding the top of the right side of face. Priestesses will be standing next to him, usually one on each side of the victim, and they will be holding a bowl to collect the blood. The victim is usually given a paralyzer drug. The victim will be naked or dressed in a white robe with nothing underneath.

If the victim is not killed in a standing position, an altar is used. If there is an altar with blood divots, blood can be collected by slicing throat over divots. I have given identifiers that will help to locate the altars under Delphi.

One more technique that I witnessed which could be used in priestess training is embalming. There was not a lot of blood found on the scene in the woods. That implies the killings most likely occurred at another location. It could also imply that embalming was done prior to the throat being cut. Was embalming done?

I do believe that the rite of Descalceation was done in the Delphi Murders as stated in Part 3:

“In this rite “shoes” are removed and represent certain entrance into spiritual world. “A candidate for initiation into a Masonic Lodge often finds odd those requirements which he must fulfill in order to do as have all good brothers and fellows who have gone this way before.  Indeed, that preparation often remains a puzzle to him, since the ritualistic explanation is only partial.  Not only does the newly made brother, bewildered by the new world into which he is thrust, investigate further to ascertain if all was told him which might have been; to learn a still further meaning to the ceremony and symbol which the passage in Ruth purports to make plain.  Those who read the fourth chapter of the immortal Book of Ruth will note especially the seventh and eight verses:

“Now this was the manner in former times in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor; and this was a testimony in Israel. “Therefore, the kinsman said unto Boaz, Buy it for Thee.  So, he drew off his shoe. ”Redeeming” here means the taking back or recovery of  land or property pledged for a debt;  “changing” refers to the transfer of ownership.  As both were then, as now, matters of importance, it is evident that the plucking off of the shoe, as a pledge of honor and fair dealing, was of equal importance, comparable with our swearing to our signatures to documents before a Notary Public, note that “to confirm all things a man plucked off his shoe. . .” not his “Shoes.”

Taking off one and handing it to him with whom a covenant was made was a symbol of sincerity. Removing “both” shoes signified quite another thought. These are separate and distinct symbols – in Freemasonry both are used – and it is wise to distinguish between the two, not to miss the beautiful implications of entering that place which is holy with both feet bare. The Rite of Discalceation – from the Latin, “discalceatus,” meaning “unshod” – is worldwide.  Freemasonry’s ritual of the entered Apprentice Degree refers to the passage in Ruth.  In the master’s degree the reference is not verbal but an act which differs in meaning from that in the first degree.”- Rite of Descalceation

Why would the rite of Descalceation be done?

If this was a Descalceation rite, then it is my belief that the girl with the shoe under her body was killed first and the killing was done to redeem an offense. In the System, I witnessed Brotherhood members kill children in order to show consequences to other members of the circle. This was done when someone refused to walk in compliance with the System or when they had committed an offense that could carry devastating consequences to their “circle” if discovered. Such dire consequences serve as a warning for those who break the code of silence.

Were Abbey and Libby hierarchy children in the Brotherhood System being trained as priestesses in the Delphi area?

I believe whoever posed and placed the bodies in the location they were found did so to misdirect individuals outside of that Brotherhood circle from discovering ritual ground and altars, and that the city of Delphi, IN is being used to train children in Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military Order positions.


I must warn The United States of America. This is a matter of national security at the highest level. What Delphi has to reveal, shows that a Sovereign Foreign Nation (The Luciferian Brotherhood) and their foreign military called the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars is operating within our own U.S. Government and Military. I have testified in written affidavit that what is more concerning is that this foreign nation and military are committing crimes against children and humanity that include: rape, torture, satanic ritual, murder, adrenochrome and organ harvesting, and cannibalism.

Disclaimer: My report is made from observations I have made based on my knowledge and experience of how the Luciferian Brotherhood operates. I am not making accusations, but based on observations, I am requesting that an investigation be made of the area for possible crimes being committed against children and humanity.

When I go into an area, I look to see what the three prominent Churches in the Brotherhood are. They form a triangle through lay lines in the area and sit above ritual ground. The three major churches are:

  1. St Joseph Catholic Church
  2. Delphi United Methodist (This may be the Golden Dawn connection in the area)
  3. Delphi Church of Christ

I noticed those three are on the outer perimeter of the city but there is also an inner perimeter which means that you have a High Priestess in the area. When the Brotherhood stacks the radius with an outer perimeter, it means they are providing protection for higher ups. So there will be an outer perimeter that is built around a 15 mile radius and there will be an inner perimeter built around a 7 mile radius. Lower level individuals will only be aware of the outer perimeter. The three churches named will be for the major sacrifices that are required each year: Christmas, Easter, Halloween. High Priests and Priestesses, Grand High Priests and Priestesses, and upper level Brotherhood are required to sacrifice more frequently. That means the inner perimeter will be used for that. When they are sacrificing, the three outer perimeter Churches will be used by sisters of light or Sovereign Military to secure the location so no unsuspecting wanderers happen into the area.

I believe the inner perimeter sacrificial churches are:

  1. Sanctuary Delphi
  2. Parish House
  3. Under Court House

I believe that the entrances in and out of the underground are located at the Court House, some of the Churches named, the Masonic Cemetery (look for any graves that do not have a date of death that can be moved to open up to underground.)

Additional locations I believe will have entrances into the underground are:

  1. Under Court House
  2. St Elizabeth’s Medical
  3. Delphi Community Middle School
  4. Delphi Community High School

(There are more entrances and exits but I feel these are the ones that are used the most.)

An area of interest is near an Elderly Care Facility. It includes Carroll Manor) I believe Carroll Manor is where the elite Brotherhood in the area retire. As a child I witnessed that their evil towards children and cannibalism did not stop. When they were too old to go get it for themselves, it was brought to them. I witnessed manors, mansions, and private homes being used by the elderly elite to hunt toddlers and small children for sexual use. I also witnessed elderly kitchens at facilities being used to keep and process human meat. I witnessed children being delivered to the front door. The story usually was that they were there to see their grandparents or great grandparents. I never witnessed those children leave nor did I see them again. In additional crime I witnessed is that the non-brotherhood members of these facilities or of other facilities in the area would be used for adrenochrome, organ harvesting, and soul torture. I witnessed elderly being brought to Military Facilities where they were placed in airplane like chairs and their blood harvested. Some would be taken back to their facilities during the day time hours and would be very weak and confused and would sleep most of the time. I witnessed some whom members of the Brotherhood faked their deaths, they would be put full time into these nazi torture programs until they died. No one would look for them because they were considered dead.

There are several big facilities that have connections to mass means of transport coming into that area. They may be the transportation means for any harvesting occurring in the area.

  1. Carroll White REMC
  2. Indiana Packers Corporation
  3. Carroll County Transfer Station

(There may be more. I pointed these out because of their location in conjunction to Carroll Manor.)

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This section which is called “The Initiates of the Flame” by Manly Palmer Hall is/was included in the submission to this publication (TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS) via War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth from Jessie Marie Czebotar. Jessie Marie Czebotar’s sworn statements regarding crimes against humanity and war crimes are entered into the United States District Court, Criminal Investigation Division of Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, Office of the Texas Governor, Attorney Steven Scott Biss, Virginia, E~Clause LLC, and others. TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS is held in escrow by Randi Lynn Erickson under the legal advice of Attorney Steven Scott Biss for the purpose of securing the evidence in a chronological abstract for any legal purpose for which it may be used. TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS publishes Czebotar’s statements in Good Faith.

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Title: The Initiates of the Flame

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This Special Student’s Edition of “The Initiates of the Flame” is dedicated by the author to the One Thousand Students of the Classes of 1922, and is limited to one thousand copies of which this one is

Number 91


A snake encircling a bottle


of the

A flame coming out of a pyramid

He who lives the Life shall know the Doctrine



Copyrighted, October, 1922
All rights reserved

Permission to copy or translate may be secured upon application



Introduction 7
Foreword 13
Chapter One
The Fire Upon the Altar 15
Chapter Two
The Sacred City of Shamballa 25
Chapter Three
The Mystery of the Alchemist 35
Chapter Four
The Egyptian Initiate 45
Chapter Five
The Ark of the Covenant 55
Chapter Six
The Knights of the Holy Grail 63
Chapter Seven
The Mystery of the Pyramids 73




The Cube Altar 14
The Everburning Lamp 16
The Masonic Censor 18
The Grave Digger’s Spade 20
The Candle 22
The Lotus 28
The Rod That Budded 30
The Philosopher’s Stone 34
The Five Pointed Star 38
The Marriage of the Sun and Moon 40
The Pillars of the Temple 42
The Serpent 44
The Masonic Apron 46
The Scepters of Egypt 48
The Sacred Scarab 50
The Priest before the Ark of the Covenant 54
[6]The Rod that Budded, the Pot of Manna, and the Tablets of the Law 58
The Holy Grail 62
The Stone and the Sword 64
The Rosicrucian Rose 66
The Sacred Spear 68
Cross Section of the Great Pyramid of Gizah 74
The Pyramid 76
The Sphinx 78
The Key and the Cross 82
The White Grail 86
The Black Grail 87


Decorative illustration

The Initiates of the Flame


Few realize that even at the present stage of civilization in this world, there are souls who, like the priests of the ancient temples, walk the earth and watch and guard the sacred fires that burn upon the altar of humanity. Purified ones they are, who have renounced the life of this sphere in order to guard and protect the Flame, that spiritual principle in man, now hidden beneath the ruins of his fallen temple.

As we think of the nations that are past, of Greece and Rome and the grandeur that was Egypt’s, we sigh as we recall the story of their fall; and we watch the nations of today, not knowing which will be the next to draw its shroud around itself and join that great ghostly file of peoples that are dead.

But everywhere, even in the rise and fall of nations, we see through the haze of materiality, justice; everywhere we see reward, not of man but of the invincible One, the eternal Flame.


A great hand reaches out from the unseen and regulates the affairs of man. It reaches out from that great spiritual Flame which nourishes all created things, the never dying fire that burns on the sacred altar of Cosmos—that great fire which is the spirit of God.

If we turn again to the races now dead, we shall, if we look, find the cause of their destruction. The light had gone out. When the flame within the body is withdrawn, the body is dead. When the light was taken from the altar, the temple was no longer the dwelling place of a living God.

Degeneracy, lust, and passion, hates and fears, crept into the souls of Greece and Rome, and Black Magic overshadowed Egypt; the light upon the altar grew weaker and weaker. The priests lost the Word, the name of the Flame. Little by little the Flame flickered out, and as the last spark grew cold, a mighty nation died, buried beneath the dead ashes of its own spiritual fire.

But the Flame did not die. Like spirit of which it is the essence, it cannot die, because it is life, and life cannot cease to be. In some wilderness of land or sea it rested once again, and there rose a mighty nation around that flame. So history goes on through the ages. As long as a people are true to the Flame, it remains, but when they cease to nourish it with their lives, it goes on to other lands and other worlds.

Those who worship this Flame are now called heathens. Little do we realize that we are heathen ourselves until we are baptised of the Holy Spirit,[9] which is Fire, for fire is Light, and the children of the Flame are the Sons of Light, even as God is Light.

There are those who have for ages labored with man to help him to kindle within himself this spark, which is his divine birthright. It is these who by their lives of self-sacrifice and service have awakened and tended this fire, and who through ages of study have learned the mystery it contained, that we now call the “Initiates of the Flame.”

For ages they have labored with mankind to help him to uncover the light within himself, and on the pages of history they have left their seal, the seal of Fire.

Unhonored and unsung they have labored with humanity, and now their lives are used as fairy stories to amuse children, but the time will yet come when the world shall know the work they did, and realize that our present civilization is raised upon the shoulders of the mighty demigods of the past. We stand as Faust stood, with all our lore, a fool no wiser than before, because we refuse to take the truths they gave us and the evidence of their experiences. Let us honor these Sons of the Flame, not by words, but by so living that their sacrifice shall not be in vain. They have shown us the way, they have led man to the gateway of the unknown, and there in their robes of glory passed behind the Veil. Their lives were the key to their wisdom, as it must always be. They have gone, but in history they stand, milestones on the road of human progress.

Let us watch these mighty ones as they pass silently by. First, Orpheus, playing upon the seven stringed lyre of his own being, the music of the spheres. Then[10] Hermes, the thrice greatest, with his emerald tablet of divine revelation. Through the shades of the past we dimly see Krishna, the illuminated, who on the battlefield of life taught man the mysteries of his own soul. Then we see the sublime Buddha, his yellow robe not half so glorious as the heart it covered, and our own dear Master, the man Jesus, his head surrounded with a halo of Golden Flame, and his brow serene with the calm of mastery. Then Mohammed, Zoroaster, Confucius, Odin, and Moses, and others no less worthy pass by before the eyes of the student. They were the Sons of Flame. From the Flame they came, and to the Flame they have returned. To us they beckon, and bid us join them, and in our robes of self-earned glory to serve the Flame they love.

They were without creed or clan; they served but the one great ideal. From the same place they all came, and to the same place they have returned. There was no superiority there. Hand in hand they labor for humanity. Each loves the other, for the power that has made them masters has shown them the Brotherhood of all life.

In the pages that follow we will try to show this great thread, the spiritual thread, the thread of living fire that winds in and out through all religions and binds them together with a mutual ideal and mutual needs. In the story of the Grail and the Legends of King Arthur we find that thread wound around the Table of the King and the Temple of Mount Salvart. This same thread of life that passes through the roses of the Rosicrucians, winds among the pedals of the Lotus, and among the temple pillars of Luxor. THERE IS BUT[11] ONE RELIGION IN ALL THE WORLD, and that is the worship of God, the spiritual Flame of the universe. Under many names He is known in all lands, but as Iswari or Ammon or God, He is the same, the Creator of the universe, and fire is His universal symbol.

We are the Flame-Born Sons of God, thrown out as sparks from the wheels of the infinite. Around this Flame we have built forms which have hidden our light, but as students we are increasing this light by love and service, until it shall again proclaim us Suns of the Eternal.

Within us burns that Flame, and before Its altar the lower man must bow, a faithful servant of the Higher. When he serves the Flame he grows, and the light grows until he takes his place with the true Initiates of the universe, those who have given all to the Infinite, in the name of the Flame within.

Let us find this Flame and also serve it, realizing that it is in all created things, that all are one because all are part of that eternal Flame, the fire of spirit, the life and power of the universe.

Upon the altar of this Flame, to the true creator of this book, the writer offers it, and dedicates it to the one Fire which blazes forth from God, and is now hidden within each living thing.


The Sun



The World is the schoolroom of God. Our being in school does not make us learn, but within that school is the opportunity for all learning. It has its grades and its classes, its sciences and its arts, and admission to it is the birthright of man. Its graduates are its teachers, its pupils are all created things. Its examples are Nature, and its rules are God’s laws. Those who would go into the greater colleges and universities must first, day by day, and year by year, work through the common school of life, and present to their new teachers the diplomas they have won, upon which is written the name that none may read save those who have received it.

The hours may seem long, and the teachers cruel, but each of us must walk that path, and the only ones ready to go onward are those who have passed through the gateway of experience,



The Cube Altar:

Of the elements of the earth is this altar composed. It is the great cube of matter. On or in this altar burns a Flame. It is this Flame that is the spirit of all created things. Man, know thyself. Thou art the Flame, and thy bodies are the living altar.



As far back as our history goes we find that fire has played an important part in the religious ceremonial of the human race. In practically every religion we find the sacred altar fires, which were guarded by the priests and vestals with greater care than their own lives. In the Bible we find many references made to the sacred fires which were used as one form of devotion by the ancient Israelites. The Altar of Burnt Offerings is as old as the human race, and dates from the time when the first man, lifting himself out of the mists of ancient Lemuria, first saw the sun, the great Fire Spirit of the universe. Among the followers of Zoroaster, the Persian Initiate, fire has been used for centuries in honor of the great Fire God, Ormuzd, who is said by them to have created the universe.


The Everburning Lamp:

Know that the Flame that burns within thee and lights thy way is the ever burning lamp of the ancients. As their lamps were fed by the purest of oil, so thy spiritual Flame must be fed by a life of purity and altruism.


There are two paths or divisions of humanity whose history is closely related to that of the Wisdom Teachings. They embody the doctrines of fire and water, the two opposites of nature. Those who follow the path of faith or the heart, use water, and are known as the Sons of Seth, while those who follow the path of the mind and action are the Children of Cain, who was the son of Samael, the Spirit of Fire. Today we find the latter among the alchemists, the hermetic philosophers, the Rosicrucians, and the Freemasons.

It is well for us to understand that we ourselves are the cube altar upon which and in which burns the altar fire. For many centuries the Initiate of fire has been nourishing and guarding the Spiritual Flame within himself, as the ancient priests watched day and night the altar fires of Vesta’s temple.

The ever burning lamp of the alchemist, which having burned thousands of years without fuel in the catacombs of Rome, is but a symbol of this same spiritual fire within himself. In the picture we see the ever burning lamp which was carried by the Initiate in his wandering. It represents the spinal column of man, at the top of which is flickering a little blue and red flame. As the lamp of the ancients was fed and kept burning by the purest of olive oil, so man is transmitting within himself and cleansing in the laver of purification the life essences, which, when turned upward, provide fuel for the ever burning lamp within himself.


The Masonic Censor:

As the perfume rising from the incense burner was acceptable in the sight of the Lord, so may our words and actions ever be a sweet incense acceptable in the sight of the Most High.


Upon the altars of the ancients were offered sacrifices to their gods. The ancient Hierophant offered up sacrifices of spices and incense. The Masonic brother of today still has among his symbols the incense burner or censer, but few of the brothers recognize themselves in this symbol. The ancients symbolized under such things as this the development of the individual, and as the tiny spark burning among the incense cubes slowly consumes all, so the Spiritual Flame within the student is slowly burning away and transmuting the base metals and properties within himself, and offering up the essence thereof as the smoke upon the altar of Divinity. It is said that King Solomon, when he completed his temple, offered bulls as a sacrifice to the Lord, by burning them upon the temple altar. Those who believe in a harmless life wonder why so many references are made in the Bible to animal sacrifice.

The student realizes that the animal sacrifices are those of the celestial zodiac, and that when the Ram or the Bull was offered upon the altar, it represented the qualities in man which come through Aries, the celestial Ram, and Taurus, the Bull in the zodiac. In other words, the Initiate, passing through his tests and purification, is offering upon the altar of his own higher being the lower animal instincts and desires within himself. Among the Masonic brothers we also find what is called the Symbol of Mortality. It is a spade, a coffin, and an open grave, while upon the coffin has been laid a sprig of acacia, or evergreen. In the picture we see the spade of the grave digger, which has been considered the symbol of death for centuries.


The Grave Digger’s Spade:

Let us take the spade that now digs our grave through the passions and emotions of life and use it to unearth the secret room far below the rubbish of the fallen temple of the human soul.


In the Book of Thoth, that strange document which has descended to man at his present stage of evolution as a deck of playing cards, we find a very wonderful symbolism. Of all the suits of cards, that of the spade is the only suit in which all the court cards face away from the pip. In all the other kings and queens, the faces are looking at the little marker in the corner of the card, but in the spade suit, they look away from it. Now it is said that the spade has been taken from the acorn, but the occult student has a different idea. He sees in the spade, which has for ages been the symbol of death, a certain part of his own anatomy. If you will again turn to the picture of the spade, you will see, if you have ever studied anatomy, that the grave digger’s spade is the spinal column, and the spade-shaped piece which is used on the deck of cards, is nothing more nor less than the sacrum bone.

The sacrum bone

This bone forms the base of the spinal column, and is also the spear of the Passion. Through it and the foramana which pierce it, pass the roots of the spinal nerve, which indeed are the roots of the Tree of Life. It is the center through which are nourished and fed the lower vertebrae of the spine, and the sacrum and coxygeal bones that dig the graves for all created things. This point has been beautifully symbolized by the grave digger’s spade, which has been used by the brothers of many mystic organizations for ages. The currents and forces working through these lower spinal nerves must be transmuted and lifted upward to feed the altar fire at the positive or upper end of the spine.


The Candle:

This is the light that has gone out. It is the candle that is hidden under the bushel. This is the true light that forever dispels the darkness of ignorance and uncertainty. Let the light shine forth through a purified body and a balanced mind. For this light is the life of our brother creatures.


The centering of thought or emotion upon higher or lower things, as the case may be, determines where thin life energy will be expended. If the lower emotions predominate, the flame upon the altar burns low and flickers out, because the forces which feed it have been concentrated upon the lower centers. But when altruism predominates, then the lower forces are raised upward and pass through the purification which makes possible their being used as fuel for the ever burning lamp. Thus we see why it was a great sin to let the lamp go out, for the pillar of flames which hovers over the Tabernacle, purified and prepared after the directions of the Most High, is the Spiritual Flame that, hovering above man, lights his way wherever he may go.

The sun of our solar system, that is, the Spiritual Sun behind the physical globe, is one of these Flames. It began no greater than ours, and through the power of attraction and the transmuting of its ever increasing energies it has reached its present proportions. This flame in man is the “light that shineth in darkness.” It is the Spiritual Flame within himself. It lights his way as no exterior light can. This radiating out from him brings into view, one by one, the hidden things of[24] the cosmos, and his ignorance is dispelled in exactly the same proportion as his light is spread, for the darkness of the unknown can only be removed by light, and the greater the light, the further back the darkness is driven. This is the Lamp of the Philosopher, which he carries through the dark passageways of life, and by the light of which he walks among the stones and along the narrow cliff edge without fear. But although he gain all other things and have not this light within himself, he cannot know where he goes; he cannot watch his footsteps; and he cannot dispel his ignorance with the light of truth.

Therefore let each student watch the fire that burns upon his altar. Let him also make that altar, his body, as beautiful and harmonious as possible, and let him also sacrifice upon that altar the frankincense and myrrh, his actions and his deeds. As in the Tabernacle he offers all upon the altar of divinity, so let him day by day dispel the symbols of mortality—the coffin and the open grave by which he prepared himself through the mastery of the lower emotions within himself—and recognize that no matter how crystallized or dead his life may be, the fact that he exists at all proves that the sprig of acacia, the promise of life and immortality, is somewhere within himself; and although the flame of life may appear faint or cold, if he will supply the fuel by his daily actions, he will kindle the altar flame once more within himself, which, shining forth, will also help his brother to kindle this flame, which is a living sacrifice to the living God.



In every mythology and legendary religion of the world there is one spot that is sacred above all others to the great ideal of that religion. To the Norseman it was Valhalla, the City of the Slain, built of the spears of heroes, where feasting and warfare was the order of the day. Here the heroes fought all day and reveled by night. Every day they killed the wild boar and feasted on it, and the next day it came to life again. In the Northland they tell that Valhalla was high on the top of the mountains, and that it was connected to the earth below by Befrost, the Rainbow Bridge; that up and down this bridge the Gods came, and Odin, the All-father, came down from Asgard, the City of the Gods, and worked and labored with mankind.

Among the Greeks, Mount Olympus was held sacred, and here the gods are said to have lived high on the top of a mountain. The Knights of the Grail are said to have had their castle among the crags and peaks of[26] Northern Spain on Mount Salvart. In every religion of the world there is a sacred spot: Meru of the oriental, and Mount Moriah and Mount Sinai (upon which the tablets of law were given to man); all those are symbols of one universal ideal, and as each of these religions claimed among the clouds a castle and a home, so it is said that all the religions of the world have their headquarters in Shamballa, the Sacred City in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia.

Among the oriental peoples there are wonderful legends of this sacred city, where it is said the Great White Lodge or Brotherhood meets to carry on the governing of world affairs. As the Assirs of Scandinavia were twelve in number, as Olympus had twelve gods, so the Great White Brotherhood is said to have twelve members, which meet in Shamballa and direct the affairs of men. It is said that this center of universal religion descended upon the earth when the polar cap, which was the first part of the earth to crystallize, became solid enough to support life. Science now knows that not only does the earth have two motions, that of rotation upon its axis and revolution around the sun, but that it has nine other motions, according to Flammarion, the French astronomer. One of these motions is that of the alternation of the poles; in other words, some day that part of the earth’s surface which is now the North Pole will become the South Pole. Therefore it is said that the Sacred City has left its central position and after much wandering is now located in Mongolia.


Those who are acquainted with the Mohammedan religion will see something of great interest in the pilgrimage to the Kabba at Mecca, where thousands go each year to give honor to the Stone of Abraham, the great aerolight, upon which Mohammed is said to have rested his foot. Old and young alike, some even carried, wind through desert sands and endure untold hardships, many coming from great distances, to visit the place they cherish and love. In India we find the same thing. There are many sacred places to which pilgrims go, even as the Templars went in our Christian religion to the Sepulcher of Christ. Few see in this anything more than an outward symbol, but the true student recognizes the great esoteric truth contained therein. The spiritual consciousness in man is a pilgrim on the way to Mecca. As this consciousness passes upward through the centers and nerves of the body, it is like the pilgrim, climbing the heights of Sinai, or the Knight of the Grail returning to Mount Salvart.

When the spinal fire of man starts upward in its wanderings, it stops at many shrines and visits many holy places, for like the Masonic brother and his Jacob’s Ladder, the way that leads to heaven is upward and inward. The spinal fire goes through the centers or seed ground of many great principles, and worships at the shrine of many Divine Essences within itself, but it is eternally going upward, and finally it reaches the great desert. Only after pain and suffering and long labor does it cross that waste of sand. This is the Gethsemane of the higher man, but finally he crosses the sacred desert, and before him in the heart of the Lotus rises the Golden City, Shamballa.


The Lotus:

May your consciousness be lifted upward through the Tree of Life within yourself until in the brain it blossoms forth as the Lotus, that rising from the darkness of the lower world, lifts its flower to catch the rays of the Sun.



In the spreading of the bone between the eyes called the frontal sinus, is the seat of the divine in man. There, in a peculiar gaseous material, floats, or rather exists, or is, the fine essence which we know as the Spirit. This is the Lost City in the Sacred Desert, connected to the lower world by the Rainbow Bridge, or the Silver Cord, and it is to this point in himself that the student is striving to rise. This is the Sacred Pilgrimage of the Soul, in which the individual leaves the lower man and the world below and climbs upward into the Higher Man or Higher World, the brain. This is the great pilgrimage to Shamballa, and as that great city is the center for the direction of our earth, so the corresponding great city in man is the center for his governmental system.


The Rod That Budded:

The buds in the Rod are the seven centers within yourself, which when you develop their spiritual powers shine out as centers of fire within your own being. The ancients have taken flowers to symbolize these centers, which when they shine out show that the dead stick, cut from the Tree of Life, has budded.


When any other thing governs man, he is not attuned to his own higher self, and it is only when the gods, representing the higher principle, come down the Rainbow Bridge and labor with him, teaching him the arts and sciences, that he is truly receiving his divine birthright. In the Orient the student looks forward with eager longing to the time when he shall be allowed to worship before the gates of the sacred city; when he also shall see the Initiates in silent conclave around the circular table of the zodiac; when the veil of Isis shall be torn away, and the cover lifted from the Grail Cup.

Let the student remember that all of these things must first happen within himself before he can find them in the universe without. The twelve Elder Brothers within himself must first be reached and understood before those of the universe can be comprehended. If he would find the great Initiates without, he must first find them within; and if he would see that Sacred City in the Lotus Blossom, he must first open that Lotus within himself, which he does, petal by petal, when he purifies and attunes himself to the higher principles within. The Lotus is the spinal column once more; its roots, deep in materiality; its blossom, the brain; and only when he sends upward nourishment and power, can that Lotus blossom within himself—blossom forth with its many petals, giving out their spiritual fragrance.

Sometimes you will see in store windows funny little Chinese gods or oriental Buddhas sitting on the blossom[32] of a lotus. In fact, if you look carefully, you will find that nearly all of the oriental gods are so depicted. This means that they have opened within themselves that Spiritual Consciousness which they call the Shushuma. You have seen the funny little hats worn by the Hindu gods. They are made to represent a flower upside down, and once more, like the rod of Aaron that budded, we see the reference made to the unfolding of consciousness within. When the lotus blossom has reached maturity, it drops its seed, and from this seed new plants are produced. It is the same within the spiritual consciousness, which, when the plant is finished and its work is done, is released to work and produce other things.

In the Western World the lotus has been changed to the rose. The roses of the Rosicrucian, the roses of the Masonic degrees, and also those of the Order of the Garter in England, all stand for the same thing, the awakening of consciousness and the unfolding into full bloom of the soul qualities of man. When man awakens and opens this bud within himself, he finds, like the gold pollen in a flower, this wonderful spiritual city, Shamballa, in the heart of the lotus. When this pilgrimage of his spiritual fire is accomplished, he is liberated from the top of the mountain, as in the ascension of Christ, and the spiritual man, freed by his pilgrimage from the Wheel of Bondage, rises upward from among his disciples, the convolutions of the brain, with the great cry of the Initiate, which has sounded through the Mystery Schools for ages when the purified[33] student goes onward and upward to become a pillar in the temple of his God. With that last cry the true mystery of Shamballa, the sacred city, is understood and he joins the ranks of those who in white robes of purity, their own soul bodies, gaze down upon the world and see others liberated in the same way, and who also sound the eternal tocsin, “consumatum est” (it is finished).

The Lotus


The Philosopher’s Stone:

This is the true stone of the philosopher, which gives him power over all created things. This stone is himself. The experiences of his evolution have cut and polished the rough stone until in the Initiate it reflects the light of creation from a thousand different facets.



There are very few occult students today who have not heard of the alchemist, but there are very few who know anything about the strange men who lived during the Middle Ages and concealed under chemical symbolism the history of the soul. At a time, when to express a religious thought was to court annihilation at the stake or wheel, they labored silently in underground caves and cellars to learn the mysteries of nature which the religious opinions of their day denied them the privilege of doing. Let us picture the alchemist of old, deep in the study of natural lore. We find him among the test tubes and retorts of his hidden laboratory. Around him are massive tomes and books by ancient writers; he is a student of nature’s mystery, and has devoted years, lives maybe, to the work he loves. His hair has long since grayed with age.

By the light of his little lamp he reads slowly and with difficulty the strange symbols on the pages before[36] him. His mind is centered upon one thing, and that is the finding of the Philosopher’s Stone. With all the chemicals at his command, their various combinations thoroughly understood, he is laboring with his furnace and his burners to make of the base metals the Philosopher’s Gold. At last he finds the key and gives to the world the secret of the Philosopher’s Gold and the Immortal Stone. Salt, sulphur, and mercury are the answer to his problem; from them he makes the Philosopher’s Stone; from them he extracts the Elixir of Life; with the power that they give him he transmutes the base metals into gold. The world laughs at him, but he goes on in silence, really doing the things the world believes impossible.

After many years of labor he takes his little lamp and silently slips away into the Great Unknown. No one knows what he has done, or the discoveries that he has made, but he, with his little lamp, still explores the mysteries of the universe. As the close of the fifteenth century clouded him with mystery, so the dawn of the twentieth century is crowning him with the glory of his just reward, for the world is beginning to realize the truths he knew, and to marvel at the understanding which his years of labor had earned for him.

Man has been an alchemist from the time when he first raised himself, and with the powers long latent pronounced himself as human. Experiences are the chemicals of life which the philosopher is experimenting[37] with. Nature is the great book whose secrets he seeks to understand through her own wondrous symbolism. His own Spiritual Flame is the lamp by which he reads, and without this the printed pages mean nothing to him. His own body is the furnace in which he prepares the Philosopher’s Stone; his senses and organs are the test tubes, and incentive is the flame from the burner. Salt, sulphur, and mercury are the chemicals of his craft. According to the ancient philosophers, salt was of the earth earthy, sulphur was a fire which was spirit, while mercury was nothing, only a messenger like the winged Hermes of the Greeks. His color is purple, which is the blending of the red and the blue—the blue of the spirit and the red of the body.

The alchemist realizes that he himself is the Philosopher’s Stone, and that this stone is made diamond-like when the salt and the sulphur, or the spirit and the body, are united through mercury, the link of mind. Man is the incarnated principle of mind as the animal is of emotion. He stands with one foot on the heavens and the other on the earth. His higher being is lifted to the celestial spheres, but the lower man ties him to matter. Now the philosopher, building his sacred stone, is doing so by harmonizing his spirit and his body. The result is the Philosopher’s Stone. The hard knocks of life chip it away and facet it until it reflects lights from a million different angles.


The Five Pointed Star:

This picture, known to all Masons, is that of the Soul. It is the Star of Bethlehem, which heralds the coming of the Christ within. The two clasped hands are the spirit and body united in the marriage of the Lamb. It is from the union of the higher with the lower that the Christ is born.


The Elixir of Life is once again the Spirit Fire, or rather the fuel which nourishes that fire, and the turning of the base metal into gold is accomplished when he transmutes the lower man into spiritual gold. This he does by study and love. Thus he is building within himself the lost panacea for the world’s woe. The turning of the base metal into gold can be called a literal fact, as the same chemical combination which spiritually produces gold, will also do this physically. It is a known fact that many of the ancient alchemists really did create the precious metal out of lead, alloy, etc. But it was upon the principle that all things contain some part of everything else; in other words, every grain of sand or drop of water has in some proportion every element of the universe therein. Therefore the alchemist did not try to make something from nothing, but rather to extract and build that which already was, and this the student knows is the only possible course of procedure.

Man can create nothing from nothing, but he does contain within, in potential energy, all things; and like the alchemist with his metals, he is simply working with that which he already has. The living Philosopher’s Stone is a very beautiful thing. Indeed, like the fire opal, it shines with a million different lights, changing with the mood of the wearer. The transmuting process, whereby the spiritual fire passing through the furnace of purification radiates from the body as the soul body of gold and blue, is a very beautiful one.


The Marriage of the Sun and Moon:

This takes place in man when the heart and mind are joined in eternal union. It occurs when the positive and negative poles within are united, and from that union is made the Philosopher’s Stone.


The Masons have among their symbols that of a five-pointed star with two clasped hands within it, and in that we have the mystery of the Philosopher’s Stone. The clasped hands represent the united man in which the higher and the lower are working for their mutual betterment, by a co-operative rather than a competitive system. The five-pointed star is the soul body, born of this co-operation; it is the living Philosopher’s Stone, more precious than all the jewels of earth. From it pour the rivers of life spoken of in the Bible; it is the Star of the Morning that heralds the dawn of Mastery, and is the reward that comes to those who follow in the footsteps of the ancient alchemist.

It is well for the student to realize that the alchemy of life produces in natural sequence all of the states of progression which are explained in the writings of the alchemist, until finally the sun and the moon are united as described in the Hermetic Marriage, which is, in truth, the marriage of the body and the spirit for the mutual development of each other. We are the alchemists who centuries ago carried on in secret our studies of the soul, and we still have the same opportunity that we had then, even more than then, for now we can state our opinions with little danger of personal injury. The modern alchemist thus has an opportunity that his ancient brother never had. On a busy street corner he daily sees nature’s experiments carried on. He sees the mixing of metals, and from the everyday book of life, through the power of analogy, he may study Divinity. Through experience and often suffering the steel of his spirit is tempered by the flame of life. As the moon in the zodiac touches off like a fuse the happenings of life, so his own desires and wishes touch off the powers of his soul, and the experiences may be transmuted into soul qualities when he has developed the eye which enables him to read the simplest of all books—everyday life.


The Pillars of the Temple:

These pillars symbolize the heart and mind, the positive and the negative poles of life. Those who would enter the temple must pass BETWEEN the pillars. Every extreme is dangerous. It is the point between all poles that is safe to stand upon. You cannot enter the temple by the development of either the heart or mind alone, but only by the equal development of both.


The alchemist of today is not hidden in caves and cellars, studying alone, but as he goes on with his work, it is seen that walls are built around him, and while he is in the world, like the master of old, he is not of it. As he goes further in his work, the light of other people’s advice and outside help grows weaker and weaker, until finally he stands alone in darkness, and then comes the time that he must use his own lamp, and the various experiments which he has carried on must be his guide. He must take the Elixir of Life which he has developed and with it fill the lamp of his spiritual consciousness, and holding that above his head, walk into the Great Unknown, where if he has been a good and faithful servant, he will learn of the alchemy of Divinity. Where now test tubes and bottles are his implements, then worlds and globes he will study, and as a silent watcher will learn from that Divine One, who is the Great Alchemist of all the universe, the greatest alchemy of all, the creation of life, the maintenance of form, and the building of worlds.


The Serpent:

This is the serpent crown of the ancient Gods. It shows that the two paths or parts of the spirit fire have been united. This crown is the symbol of mastery and the union takes place within the student when the life forces are lifted to the brain.



Many ages have elapsed since the Egyptian Priest King passed through the pillars of Thebes. Ages before the sinking of Atlantis, thousands of years before the Christian Era, Egypt was a land of great truths. The hand of the Great White Brotherhood was held out to the Empire of the Nile, and the ancient pyramid passages resounded with the chants of the Initiates. It was then that the Pharaoh, now called half-human, half-divine, reigned in ancient Egypt. Pharaoh is the Egyptian word for king. Many of the later Pharaohs were degenerate and of little account. It is only the early Pharaohs we now list among the Priest Kings.


The Masonic Apron:

In the triangle we see spirit descending into the square of matter. Let us so purify matter that spirit may shine through it and make of us lights to guide the footsteps of humanity.


Try to picture for a moment the great Hall of Luxor—its inscriptive columns holding up domes of solid granite, each column carved with the histories of the gods. There at the upper end of the chamber sat the Pharaoh of the Nile in his robes of state; around him his counsellors, chief among them the priest of the temple. An imposing spectacle it was: the gigantic frame of the later Atlantean, robed in gold and priceless jewels; on his head the crown of the North and South, the double empire of the ancient; on his forehead the coiled serpent of the Initiate, the serpent which was raised in the wilderness that all who looked upon it might live; that sleeping serpent power in man, which coiled head downward around the tree of life, drove him from the garden of the Lord, but which raised upon the Cross, became the symbol of the Christ.

The Pharaoh was an Initiate of Scorpio, and the serpent is the transmuted Scorpio energy, which working upward in the regenerated individual is called the Kundalini. This serpent was the sign of Initiation. It meant that within him the serpent had been raised, for the true Pharaoh was a priest of God, as well as a master of men. There he sat upon the cube altar throne, indicating his mastery over the four elements of his physical body—a judge of the living and of the dead, who in spite of all his power and glory, having about him the grandeur of the world’s greatest empire, still bowed in humble supplication to the will of the gods. In his hands he carries the triple sceptre of the Nile, the Shepherd’s Crook, the Anubis-headed Staff and the Flail or Whip. These were the symbols of his work. They represent the powers which he had mastered. With the whip he had subjugated his physical body; with the Shepherd’s Crook he was the guardian and keeper of his emotional body; with the Anubis-headed Staff he was master of his mind and worthy to wield the powers of government over others, because, first of all, he obeyed the laws himself.


The Sceptres of Egypt:

These are the three bodies that are the tools with which we are to build our temple. When they are mastered they are the living proof of our right to kingship.


With all his robes of state and with the scarab upon his breast, and with the All-seeing Eye above his throne, there was still nothing as precious or as sacred to the ancient Egyptian Priest King as the triangular girdle or apron which was the symbol of his initiation. The apron of the ancient Egyptian carried with it the same symbolism as the Masonic apron of today. It symbolized the purification of the bodies, when the seat of the lower emotions, Scorpio, was covered by the white sheepskin of purification. This symbol of his purification was the most precious belonging of the ancient Pharaoh; and this plain insignia, worn by many others below him in rank and dignity, but equal to him in spiritual purification, was the most precious of all things to the Priest King. There he sat, written upon him in the words of the Initiate, the symbols of his purification and mastery, a wise king of a wise people. And it was through these Priest Kings that the Divine worked, for they were of the order of Melchisedec. Through them was formed that doctrine which degeneracy has not been able to entirely obliterate, which we know as the divine right of kings—divine because through spirituality and growth God was able to manifest through them. They were conscious instruments in the hands of a ready writer, willing and proud to do the work of those with whom through knowledge and truth they had attuned themselves.


The Sacred Scarab:

In this form the ancient Egyptians worshiped Khepera, the rising Sun, and the sacred scarab was buried with the dead as the symbol of resurrection. For as the sun rises from the darkness of night, so the divine spirit rises from the body that is no more. The life is eternal.


But the time came, as in all nations, when selfishness and egotism entered the heart of king and people alike, and slowly the hand from the Great White Brotherhood that fed ancient Egypt was withdrawn, and the powers of darkness transformed the land of glory into one of ruins, and the names of mighty kings were buried beneath the oblivion of degeneracy. Mighty cataclysms shook the world, and out of the land of darkness the Great White Brotherhood carried the chosen people into the promised land; Egypt, the land of glory, disintegrated into dust.

The great temples of the Pharaohs are ruins, and the temples of Isis are but broken heaps of sandstone. But what of the priest kings who labored there in the days of its glory? They are still with us, for those who were leaders before are leaders now, if they have continued to walk the path. Although his sceptre is gone, and his priestly vestments have moulded away, the Priest King still walks the earth with the dignity and the power and the childish simplicity that before made him great. He no longer wears the robes of his order. Although he bears no credentials, he is as much a priest king now as then, for he still bears the true insignia of his rank. The coiled serpent has given place to knowledge and love. The hand that bestowed the riches of the past does little acts of kindness now. Although he no longer carries the sceptres of self-mastery, still he manifests that mastery in his daily life. Although the altar fires within the temple at Karnac have long been dead, the true fire within himself still burns, and before that he still bows as he bowed in the days of Egypt’s[52] glory. Although the priest no longer is his counsellor, and the wise ones of his country no longer aid him in governmental problems, still he is never alone, for the priests in white and the counsellors in blue still march with him and whisper words of strength when he needs them.

Have you seen people that somehow you liked regardless of appearances? Have you seen other charming people whom you hated in spite of their charms? Have you seen learned people who were fools or impressed you as such, or people who knew little and yet you felt were wise? Those are the insignia of rank, which the loss of title or position cannot destroy. Kings with or without crowns they were—not puppets dressed in tawdry tinsel. And they still are kings and will be to the end of time, and they still manifest their rank, not by their superiority, and their high-headedness, but by the soul qualities which they radiate from themselves. The purity of their lives still radiates outward from those who wore the apron of the Initiate, for while that triangular apron with its serpent drawn upon it has long since rotted away, still the spiritual counterpart of that symbol radiates in their daily lives, proving beyond all dispute that they were Priest Kings and are today. We find them in every walk of life—in high places and down in the mire of life. But wherever we find them, they are still the mouthpieces of the gods, and through them comes the promise to all who strive. They are kings, not of the earth but of heaven, and in the life of our own Master we find one who joined himself to those[53] who served, and was a true King even when his only crown was a wreath of thorns.

Still in the pyramid of Gizeh, the initiations continue; still the Initiate receives the insignia of his rank. Before that Fire within himself he makes his vows, and upon the burning altar of his own higher being he lays his crown and his sceptre, his robes and his diamonds, his hates and his fears, and sanctifies his life as a Priest King, and swears to serve none but his own higher self, the god within. His robes are his soul body; and his crown is his life, and in the streets of life he is enthroned. The dusky towers and factory chimneys around him fade into the templed pillars of Luxor, and with a lunch pail on his arm, his face brown with honest dirt, he is as much a king as when the crown of the double Nile rested upon his brow, and the priest of the temple made him one with his God and his fellowman.

The Candle


The Priest before the Ark of the Covenant, and the Spirit over the Mercy Seat.



One of the most interesting symbols that has come down to us from the ancients is that of the Ark, or the box that was said to contain the sacred relics. Many people believe that this belongs particularly to the Jewish nation, but this is a great mistake, because it has been the birthright of every country to have the Ark. All have, like the Jewish people, lost much of their power and glory when they lost the sacred Ark. In ancient Chaldea and Phoenicia the Ark was well known. India celebrates it as the Lotus, and the ancient Egyptians tell how the moon god Osiris was imprisoned in an ark. In all the Mystery Religions of the world, individually and cosmically, the ark represents the fountain-head of wisdom. Over it the Shekinah’s glory hovers, as a column of flames by night and a pillar of smoke by day. Every country has seen and felt its presence when the Priest Kings and Initiates bring out of an old civilization, lost because of crystallization, the sacred Ark, and surrounded by those[56] faithful to the truth carry it into other lands and among other peoples.

In every creed and religion we find crystallization. We find small groups of people separating themselves from their brother man. We find those who, clinging to the old, refuse to advance with the new, and whenever we find this crystallization, we find the spirit of truth carried away to other people and embodied in other doctrines. The ancient Ark of the Israelite never had removed from it the staves by which it was carried and moved, until finally it was placed in Solomon’s temple. Neither does the spirit fire in man rest until finally it is enthroned in the holy place of his solar temple. Ever towards the rising sun its bearers carry this sacred truth.

Nations are born of those who love the truth, and are buried when they forget it. The time has come when its silent bearers have taken the sacred Ark and the Shekinah’s glory, and in solemn file have moved across the waters and brought it to the new world. The call has sounded through the universe, and those who are true to their own higher principles have surrounded the sacred chest. Those who have sworn alliance to their own higher being are following the priests and their sacred burden, and a beautiful mystery temple is being built in this beautiful land of ours, loved and guarded by those who are laboring for humanity. The staves are still in the Ark, however, and only when real good can be done by it will it remain.


The opportunity is now confronting the Western World. The knowledge of the ancients, the wisdom of the ages is knocking at the door and seeking those who will follow it. The bearers of the Ark have stopped and are gathering a nucleus of spiritual souls to carry on their work, and whether or not the word of the Lord will remain with a nation depends upon its own actions, and the actions of a nation are the collective actions of its individuals. If it finds nothing here attuned to itself, if it finds few that will answer to its call, the call of service and brotherhood, then will its priests lift again the staves and the sacred work will go out into other lands.

The life of a country thus gone, like the ancient city of the Golden Gate it will be swallowed up in oblivion. The call is sounding, and those who love the Truth and think and care for the Light must join that band of servers who have for centuries dedicated themselves to the preservation of Truth. Their lives they have given a thousand times, their happiness has been second to their duty. They are the keepers of the sacred Word, and the law of attraction draws to them all who love and live the Truth. A great influx of spiritual light comes to those who live the life and have learned the doctrine, and regardless of clan or country they have joined the silent file of watchers and workers around the sacred Ark of the Covenant. Every individual by his daily actions is expressing more plainly than by words his ideals, his desires, and his attitude towards this great work. The composite attitude of a certain number of people either shuts out or lets in the light. Therefore every individual has a great duty, a great work has to be done, and to that the true student must dedicate his life. Then wherever he may go, whatever he may do, he is being led, and the Shekinah’s glory directs his footsteps.


The Rod that Budded, the Pot of Manna, and the Tablets of the Law:

In these three things contained within the Ark we see the threefold spirit contained within the ark of man’s bodies.


In the brain of man, between the wings of the kneeling cherubim, is the mercy seat, and there man speaks with his God as the priest of the tabernacle spoke to the spirit of the Lord hovering between the wings of the Angels. Man is again the Ark, and within him are the three principles, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—the tablets of the law, the pot of manna, and the rod that budded. But as in the case of the ancient Israelites, when they became crystallized the pot of manna and the rod that budded were removed from the Ark, and all that was left were the tablets or the letters of the law. When the individual crystallizes and excludes various sidelights from his mind, he excludes the life force which was flowing to him. In shutting out strangers, he shuts out his own life, and all that he has left are the tablets of the law, the material reasons from which the spiritual life has gone.

Solomon’s temple, or the perfected temple of the human body, the perfected temple of the universe and the perfected temple of the soul, finally forms the perfect shrine for the living Ark. There at the head of a great cross it is placed, and there in man it becomes permanently fixed. The staves of polarity upon which it was carried are removed, and it becomes a living[60] thing, a permanent place where man converses with his God. There man, the purified priest, arrayed in the robes of his order, the garments of his soul, converses with the spirit hovering over the Mercy Seat. This Ark within is always present, but man can only reach it after he has passed through the outer court of the Tabernacle, after he has passed through all the degrees of initiation, and after he has taken the Third Degree and becomes a Grand Master. Then and then only can he enter into the presence of his Lord, and there in the darkened chamber, lighted by the jewels of his own breast plate, he converses with the Most High, the true spiritual essence within himself.

We are working towards this, and the time will come when each person for himself will know the mystery of the Ark, when the student through purification shall be led through the door of the Holy of Holies and there be enveloped by the Light of Truth. This was his birthright which he sold for a mess of pottage. “To this end came he into the world that he might bear witness to this truth, that through this light all men might be saved.” The Ark, that great spiritual principle, surrounded by its loving workers, is calling all to follow it.

When through materiality and degeneracy a great people are destroyed or a continent sinks beneath the ocean, then those that are true are called around the Ark, and as its faithful servers are led out of the land of darkness into the new world and a promised paradise. All great teachings set forth the same thing. The[61] student will find that it is true, and when he allies himself with the powers of light, when he becomes a channel for its expression, and when he radiates it from himself to all who need it, then indeed will the Light protect him and he shall become a Sun of God.

Sun and Moon in an alchemical bottle


The Holy Grail:

See in this cup your own body within which is the life blood of the Sun Spirit of the Universe. Each day that we live we perpetuate the Last Supper, and in all that we do we drink again the blood of Christ, the life power of the Cosmos.



Before starting to take up the study of the Grail legends, it will be well for all who are interested to read those tales that are now listed under the heading of children’s fairy stories. For example the story of good King Arthur and his Round Table is a cosmic myth, and while there is little doubt that he as a man also lived, the real mystery as in the story of the Christ, is not the literal tale, but the great mystic or occult truth that it concealed under allegory and parable. It is the same with the story of Parsifal which can never be really understood and appreciated until the student sees in the Knight and later King of the Sacred Cup, his own spiritual development and the temptations he must also master if he would become a King of the Grail.


The Stone and the Sword:



In Lohengrin also the same truth is shown to the world. It is the path of Initiation along which each must pass on his road to self-mastery. To every nation and in every tongue sacred legends have been given to teach man the path he must follow. The blind Homer of the Greeks who told of the wanderings of Ulysses gave the same great truths to the world. The Scalds of ancient Norway and Sweden and the Prophets of the Jews used the same means, and everywhere from the Sacred Books of the East to the legends of the American Indians we find one great connected truth told to many different people in ways that were best suited for their development.

Such a truth is the legend of the Round Table, given to King Arthur as a wedding gift. All true students know what wedding that was. Not of earth but the wedding of the Spiritual and Intellectual within the Initiate himself, when the spirit and the body are united eternally, each swearing to honor and protect the other. Of such a marriage was the union of Arthur and Guinevere in the legend of the King.

Let us first of all consider the coming of Arthur the King. We read in the legend of Arthur regarding Merlin the Magician, the wise man who it is said had charge of the coming King during his youth. Merlin represents the hand of the Elder Brothers, who realizing that a great ego had come into the world, had consecrated themselves to the work of preparing him for his mission.


The Rosicrucian Rose:

In this flower, which was painted upon the center of King Arthur’s Table, we see the soul of man, which through purification and service has blossomed out with all the grandeur of the Initiate.


It was under the direction of Merlin, the master mind, that the anvil and stone with the sword thrust into it were raised in the square of the city when it became necessary for a new king to be selected. It was he also who called all of the brave knights of the country and told them that the one who could draw forth the sword would be king of all the land. And of all the knights in the land, Arthur the half-grown boy was the only one who could release the sword.

There is a very wonderful mystery of the soul contained within that divine allegory. Let us read the letters that were engraved upon the sword. “WHO SO PULLETH OUT THIS SWORD OF THIS STONE AND ANVIL IS RIGHT-WISE KING BORN OF ENGLAND.”

The cube stone is the body; it has been so symbolized for centuries, and today among the Masons the Ashler is the symbol of Man. Experience is the anvil, and it is upon this anvil that the sword is tempered. The sword is spirit, and he who would be King in the true spiritual sense of the word must first show his divine power by freeing the Sword of Spirit from the casings of the lower man and the world.

It is the same symbol as that later used by Sir Galahad, the guileless knight, the personification of the purified man, who comes without a sword but who later arms himself with the sword of spirit that he draws from the cube block which was floating down the river (of life) past Camelot. Sir Galahad had the strength of ten because his heart was pure, and the Knight of today must follow in the same path.


The Sacred Spear:

This is the spear of Passion that pierces the side of the Christ, the higher principle in man. But when in the hand of the pure of heart this power can heal the very wound it caused.


If you have read the story of King Arthur, you will remember how he was given Excalibur, the enchanted sword, how it came up out of the water held by a hand draped in white. Excalibur represents light and truth, which is the weapon of the true Initiate.

In England there still hangs on a courthouse wall the Round Table of King Arthur. In the very center of the table is a beautiful rose painted in natural colors. This symbol is that of the Rosicrucians, the ancient alchemists, and there is a direct connection between the legend of the British King and the ancient philosophers of fire.

Now let us turn our attention for a moment to the history of the Holy Grail, or the cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper and which was said to have caught his blood when he was dying upon the cross. Ancient legends tell us that this cup was made from a sacred stone which had been the crown jewel of Lucifer, the dynamic energy of the universe. It was said that the green stone had been struck from the crown of Lucifer by the archangel Michael during the famous battle in heaven.

After the death of Christ it is said that Joseph of Arimathea took the sacred cup and the spear of the Passion and carried them into a distant land. He wandered with his sacred relics through Europe and is said to have finally died, and those who came after him after many centuries of tribulation carried the sacred relics to Mount Salvart in northern Spain where they remained until Parsifal finally took the grail and spear back to the East where it is to be now preserved.


It is around this cup and spear that the legends of Parsifal and King Arthur have been written, and it is through study of this fact that we are able to better understand the mystery of the Great White Lodge of which the Round Table of Arthur and the circular temple of the knights of the Grail is a symbol.

Although we no longer have the cup as a physical symbol, it is not gone from among us, and as in the days of old the brave knights of the Round Table went out to fight for right, so those knights of today who belong to the Great White Brotherhood go out into the world in the name of truth and labor with mankind and seek to right the wrongs of the world. It is said that the knights of Arthur’s court always fought for virtue and purity, and so did those who rode out of Mount Salvart.

The grail cup is the symbol of the creative force of nature; it is also the symbol of the human race which is slowly learning the mysteries of creation. Within the cup is the blood of Christ, that force which is transmuting the body into soul, fast or slowly as we give it greater or lesser opportunity.

In the sacred spear we find symbolized again the creative force, which in the hands of Klingsor, the evil one, wounds and causes suffering, but which when held by the pure Parsifal heals the very wound that it caused.

A great lesson is being taught to man through these allegories, but the average person is unwilling to stop[71] and consider them. They do not realize that they themselves are the ones whom the Elder Brothers of humanity must use in the fight against the forces of evil. They do not realize that the dragons and ogres of the legends are their own lower natures which they must overcome. They do not see in the hand to hand combat of the knights of old for a lady’s hand the higher and lower man fighting for the soul within.

The knight of today does not realize that the white armor that he wears is his own purified body which is proof against all the attacks of vice and passion, but nevertheless this is the meaning of the legend. His shield is truth, which is a perfect protection to the inner man. His strong right arm is the knowledge and spiritual power he has developed within, and the sword that he uses is the spiritual light with which the pure flame of the spirit fire dispels the darkness of ignorance and the demons of lust.

The sacred spear and the cup which he serves are the two poles of the creative life force within, the development of which he gains as he daily serves his fellow men.

Far from the uninitiated the twelve Elder Brothers of mankind sitting around the circular table of the universe watch the knights in their battle of life, and the time comes when the student having finished his work here is liberated at the foot of the Grail. There the candidate stands robed from head to foot in the armor of spirit and in the pure white of a body that has been[72] cleansed. Then the cloth is lifted from the sacred cup, and he is illuminated by the light which would have killed him had he seen it without purification. He then takes his place among the knights of the Round Table, and joins those who give up all and labor for humanity.

When in sickness and in suffering we beg of the great unknown that he send us help, then indeed our knight comes to us as Lohengrin came to Elsa. When our loved ones pass into the great unknown, there stands the brother of the Grail, the invisible helper, who through days of labor has earned the right to become a member of that great band of servers who gather around the table of the King, and while their bodies are asleep still labor in their great search for light and truth, and pray for the day when they shall also become Kings of the Holy Grail.

A Grail



There comes a time in the development of the occult student when he understands one of the great secrets of the Initiates, and that is that every sacred thing outside of himself stands for some organ or function within himself. This is, of course, true in the case of the Great Pyramid, except that this particular pile of stone said by many to be the oldest building on the surface of the earth, is the great symbol of composite man. In other words it stands for man as a unit.

Let us first consider it simply from the exterior standpoint. When we first look at it in the distance it seems to be one great stone, but as we come closer we see that it is made of thousands of smaller stones, each one carefully fitted into place. Here we see the first likeness between the pyramid and man. We consider man to be a unit, but when we examine more closely, we find that he is a great number of small units, each working in harmony with the others. It is the same with everything. We take a successful life and we think of it as an entirety, but when we examine it, we find that it is a number of small achievements joined together.


Cross Section of the Great Pyramid of Gizah.


As thousands of workmen were used in the building of the pyramid, so there are unnumbered workmen at work in the building of our bodies, which are symbolical of the same building.

There are many pyramids all over the world. We find them in South America and in Mexico; we find mounds which were made to represent them among the American Indians, and in Europe and Britain we find remnants of the same things. But there is only one real pyramid in all the world. Even the others in Egypt are but copies of the Great Pyramid, and were used as tombs for the Pharaohs, but nobody was ever found in Cheops, nor were there ever any signs that it had been so used.

Now let us continue our analogy between the pyramid and man. If you will look at the accompanying illustration, you will see the pyramid laid flat, and you will notice it is made of four triangles laid around the base square. The four-sided base of the pyramid represents the four elements of which man’s bodies are composed. These are hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon, or earth, water, fire, and air. These are called the base of all things, and upon this base the four bodies of man are raised, each from its own element. Thus the physical body is raised from the earth. The vital body is raised from the water, the emotional body from the fire, and the mental body from the air.


The Pyramid:

Here we see the pyramid laid out so that the four triangles and the square are clearly seen. This represents man once again, and the ancient Pyramid is man offering his higher being upon the altar of the Great Fire Spirit.


There are twelve lines used in the drawing of the four triangles, which stand for the twelvefold constitution of man when it is complete: the threefold body, the threefold mind, the threefold soul, and the threefold spirit. It also gives us the twelve signs of the zodiac, divided into their respective groups.

Sacrum bone and inverted sacrum

Out on the desert stands the Sphinx, the Guardian of the Threshold mentioned by Bulwer Lytton. It stands for the bodies of man, and is that strange being which must be passed before the student can go on in his development. The four fixed signs of which the Sphinx is a symbol are Taurus the Bull, Leo the Lion, Scorpio the Eagle, and Aquarius the Man, or the human head.


The Sphinx:

This is that mysterious being suspended ’twixt heaven and earth, which has the head of a human being and the body of an animal. In other words the Sphinx symbolizes man.


I have already given you some work on the sacrum bone, and I told you that it was the grave digger’s spade. Here is a picture of the head of the Sphinx, and the inverted sacrum bone when it has been turned upward. We see the Sphinx in the inverted sacrum and also in it the inverted Masonic keystone. All this is very interesting, but unless we realize the inner meaning of it, its true value is lost. But it is not chance that these things should be so.

You have most of you heard of the Dweller on the Threshold, that creature built by our own actions and mistakes. Well out on Egypt’s desert it stands and bars the way to the pyramid, the temple of the higher man. And the message that it gives to the world is:

“I am the bodies. If you would go on to the temple you must master me, for I am within you.”

The Sphinx again symbolizes man, with the mind and spirit of the human rising out of the animal desires and emotions. It is the riddle of the ages, and man is once more the answer.

It is said that in ancient times the Sphinx was the gateway of the pyramid, and that there was an underground passage which led from the Sphinx to Cheops.[80] This would make the symbolism even more perfect, for the gateway to the spirit is through the bodies according to the ancients.

Let us now enter the pyramid and passing through the corridors come to the King’s Chamber as it is called. There are three great rooms in the pyramid which are of great interest to the student. The highest is the King’s Chamber, then below that is the Queen’s Chamber, and down below the surface of the earth is the Pit. Here we again find the great correlation between the pyramid and man. The three rooms are the three great divisions in man which are the seats of the threefold spirit. The lower room is the generative system under the control of Jehovah. The center room or Queen’s Chamber is the heart, under the control of the Christ; and the upper room or the King’s Chamber is the brain, which is under the control of the Father. In this upper room is the coffer made of stone, the meaning of which has never been explained, but which the student recognizes as the third ventricle in the brain.

It is quite certain also that this coffer was used as a tomb during initiation, when as is the case in the Masonic initiations of today, (which are the remnants of the ancient mysteries) the candidate was buried in the earth and resurrected, a symbol of the death of the lower man and the liberation of the higher.

It is said that Moses was initiated in the Great Pyramid, and some also say that Jesus was instructed there also. Be that as it may, we know that for thousands[81] of years since the time it was built by the Atlanteans it has been the greatest temple of Initiation in the world. It seems also that its work is not yet done, for mutely it is teaching those who will see the mysteries of creation.

It is said by many that it is the original Solomon’s Temple, but this we know is not true, for while it may be the first and original material temple, the true temple of Solomon is the universe, the Solarman’s temple, which is slowly being rebuilt in man as the temple of the Soul of Man.

There is probably no point that is as important in connection with the pyramid as that of the corner stone. On the very top of the great pyramid is a comparatively flat place about thirty feet square. In other words the TRUE STONE WHICH IS THE HEAD OF ALL THE CORNERS IS MISSING. If we look at the reverse side of the United States seal, we find again the pyramid from which the top is separated. Omar Khayyam, the Persian Poet, gives us the secret of the keystone when he says:

“From my base metal shall be filed a key,
Which shall unlock the door he howls without.”

The value of the stone is better understood when you understand that it completes all of the triangles at once, and without it none of them are complete.


The Key and the Cross:

Upon the cross of matter that forms our bodies, hangs the key to all the mysteries of creation. It is our duty to take this key and with it unlock the door that conceals from us the unknown. This key is the spirit. Release it.


This stone is the spirit in man, which fell from its high position, and has been lost beneath the rubbish of the lower man. This is the true cap stone that is now hidden in the pit of man’s temple, and which he must exhume and place again as the true crown of his spiritual pyramid.

He can only do this when he calls the thousands of workmen within himself together and binds them to the service of the higher man. There must be no traitors to murder the builder this time. And Lucifer, the one rejected by man as the devil, is the one who must through the planet Mars send man the dynamic energy which man himself must transmute from the fire of passion to the flame of spirit. He then must take the tools of the craft and cut and polish his own being into the cap stone of the Universal Temple.

It is interesting to note how the casing stones that once made the pyramid so beautiful and true were carried away to build the cities nearby, and in connection with that it is interesting to note how the soul and body of man, the casing stones of his spiritual temple, have been sacrificed in order that he might have material things.

As we look at pictures of the ancient pyramid and Sphinx which have stood on Egypt’s sands for ages, let us see in them our own mystery temple, made without the sound of hammer or the voice of workman. And as we sadly think of this mighty ruin, broken by ages of neglect, let us remember our temple, and that its corner stone is missing also and our walls are falling with neglect. Let us learn the lesson which it teaches,[84] hasten to perfect our pyramid, cap it with the stone of spirit, offer upon its altars our sacrifice to the Great Sun Spirit, and bury our lower nature in its ancient coffer. Then for us will its mysteries be revealed, and the sealed lips of the Sphinx give up their secret.

A flame coming out of a pyramid





White grail

Choose now your path

Celtic cross
  • Service.
  • Self-Sacrifice.
  • Purification.
  • Love.
  • Study.



Black grail

Choose now your path

Celtic cross
  • Prosperity at others expense.
  • Selfishness.
  • Short-cuts.
  • Mastered by appetite.
  • Comfort.




512 West Twelfth Street
Los Angeles

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Timothy Charles Holmseth















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