JONBENET RAMSEY BREAKTHROUGH! EVIDENCE: Colorado Man That Produced Child Torture Porn CHANGED HIS NAME After Being Questioned by Law Enforcement About JonBenet Ramsey Murder

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 20, 2019 at 12:51 PM
On October 18, 2019 I (Timothy Charles Holmseth) published ‘JonBenet Ramsey Murder Solved? Unidentified Forensic Evidence Found at Murder Scene Linked to Colorado ‘Child Torture Porn’ Producer?’
The following is the beginning of the article where I published information I received from my Pentagon source.
Does unidentified forensic evidence found at the JonBenet Ramsey murder scene belong to a Colorado man who creates child torture porn?
The Colorado man under scrutiny of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force goes by the name Montagraph on the Web. Records show Montagraph has had three names which are Dale Ellis Bennett; Roy Warren Marshall; Steve Quest. He is believed to be 56 years old. The symbol he uses on the Web is a ‘hand’.
Montagraph’s possible involvement in the murder of JonBenet Ramsey was brought to the attention of Investigative Journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth (this writer) when NSA whistle blower, Kevin Flynn, contacted Holmseth. Flynn told Holmseth he believed Montagraph was tazing JonBenet Ramsey with a stun-gun during an “MK Ultra basic training session” the night the child was murdered.

The next day…
On October 19, 2019 ‘MONTAGRAPH’ published a You Tube livestream video and said, “Stop lying about me Mr. Holmseth. I don’t use three names – you’re wrong as hell. Excuse me – the Bennett name – actually that individual was questioned about the situation in Boulder I do believe. We actually looked him up – he doesn’t look nothing like me. I’ve never used that name, sorry. You fail again.” [GO TO 16:25 IN VIDEO]
According to records from my Pentagon source MONTAGRAPH is/was Dale Ellis Bennett.
In a video previously published by MONTAGRAPH he warned his enemies “we are going to turn you into electronic rag dolls” which sounds like a reference to torture with a stun gun.
On October 17, 2019 Investigative Journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth (this writer) issued a public request to Montagraph on Facebook Live. Holmseth asked Montagraph if he would be willing to provide law enforcement with DNA and fingerprints to be compared with evidence found at the JonBenet Ramsey murder scene. Holmseth never mentions ‘semen’ or any specific bodily fluid. View –
On October 18, 2019 Montagraph published a response on his You Tube Livestream entitled “Timothy Holmseth BEGS For My SEEDS :)” View –
In Montagraph’s video response he repeatedly makes sexually vulgar statements implying Holmseth wants to be physically battered while he (Holmseth) performs oral sex on him (Montagraph) and Montagraph ejaculates in Holmseth’s face.
Montagraph published this video alerting the public to his “dark side”.

Montagraph published this video warning “never fuck with crazy people” – “I have gotten so psychotic over the past three days I am on full throttle” – “we are going to turn you into electronic rag dolls”
Wow, just Wow!! I’ve gone approx. 22 years thinking about this little girl. I always hoped of the day that her murderer would be found. This is a few years, before I had my very own children. It seemed like she would never receive Justice. Bravissimo, this was no easy task. So very grateful for your Integrity, Honesty, Hard Work, and all that you are Sacrificing. Thank you, for Paving the way, for the future of our children. ?
Thanks so much for all you are doing. You are right. Monty is one sick puppy. I remember the first time I saw him. The “creepy” level was off the charts. I cannot believe there are people who actually find him entertaining and believe his lies. The man is pure evil. I had this feeling he was involved with that case.
I follow you and appreciate your work. I have been watching to also find someone I knew as a young girl. Her name is Tammy Lynn Leppert. I might have spelled it wrong. Mother was Linda Curtis. I may have spelled her name wrong too. Linda was my boyfriends sisters agent in child beauty pageants. She went missing and had been on TV. I can’t remember what show it was. Do you have any information on her
These satanic rituals are still taking place. It’s like these parasites have infiltrated every aspect of my life.
God bless you Timothy. I heard about you through mr. McConnell. I guess they’ve arrested monograph if he was involved with JonBenet. I went and watched a little bit of his show and yes I agree he’s a real nut. Now worried about mr. Field McConnell but I know God has his hand on this man. Please take care of yourself Timothy I wish you well with a good future ahead of you. I thank God for people like you. Please know that we all pray for you. Glad to know you’re working for our dear sweet president another good man.