Kidnapped U.S. Marine in Wisconsin requests organizer of Pentagon Pedophile Task Force ask Florida Governor Ron DeSantis implement Operation Feral Porcine against child sex trafficking through Ukraine Embassy in Washington DC

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 18, 2019 at 2:53 P.M.
From his prison cell today, Field McConnell called into his own radio program ‘The Field Report’ and gave an update – with a big twist.
McConnell, 70, is the former U.S. Marine who founded The Children’s Crusade and was recently arrested in Pierce County, Wisconsin on a fake warrant from Broward County, Florida.
Today, McConnell issued a request to the organizer of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
“I would like to think that the person who organized the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force would see the value in perhaps encouraging Florida Governor [Ron] DeSantis in having Operation Feral Porcine,” McConnell said.

“Tampa, Florida just had a fairly large human trafficking sting called Trade Secrets Two – and that’s because Tampa is trying to clean up their reputation as a sex trafficking destination…” McConnell said, noting the upcoming Super Bowl, Basketball Final Four, and world wrestling events to come.
McConnell continued.
“What I’m going to suggest is that if the State of Florida and Tampa is trying to clean up sex trafficking perhaps they ought to have an Operation Feral Porcine – and I would encourage the governor [Ron] DeSantis to authorize Operation Feral Porcine – and if you want to use high school terms instead of college boy terms a feral porcine would be a wild pig – and there’s some wild pigs running lose in a certain county in Florida that are trafficking children through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC and there’s four household names of career politicians who have sons that have made millions of dollars in the Ukraine and there’s four of them and I always forget one but some of the listeners would know the fourth – the first three are Joe Biden’s son, John Kerry’s son, and Mitt Romney’s son – so what are they doing in the Ukraine that’s making them money – is it all about Energy?” McConnell said.
Companies that sell drugs in Florida over the Internet comply with this state’s law, including those who sell generic Cialis only with a doctor’s prescription.
“If a certain county in Florida is trafficking children through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC and they are trafficking children through the United Nations in New York and the traffic is going from the U.S. to at least the Ukraine where are these kids going – who is acquiring these kids and for what purpose,” McConnell said.
Former U.S. Marine and 911 Whistleblower Field McConnell, 70, Plum City, Wisconsin is presently incarcerated in the county jail in Pierce County, Wisconsin based upon a felony arrest warrant issued out of Broward County, Florida. The fake warrant was issued with no Grand Jury Indictment through a scheme that uses a ‘Family Court’ to subvert the Constitution of the United States of America.
As I reported earlier today, the fake warrant was requested via a sworn affidavit from a Broward County Sheriff’s Office deputy named Robert Rutowski. Rutowski has made the news in Florida for being named in lawsuits alleging Rutowski was corrupt; part of the Sheriff Scott Israel crowd; and being paid for favors.
Rutowski IS THE DEPUTY THAT ARRESTED ZACHARY CRUZ, the brother of alleged Parkland School shooter NIKOLAS CRUZ. Nikolas Cruz is the alleged Parkland school shooter.
Before the arrest of McConnell in November of 2019, Timothy Charles Holmseth (this writer), 51, an award-winning news reporter with the North Dakota Newspaper Association, formerly of East Grand Forks, Minnesota, was arrested in Polk County, Minnesota in the exact same fashion as Field McConnell – an arrest based upon a Florida ‘domestic violence order’ intended to gag Holmseth.
Here’s why.
Timothy Holmseth was told during recorded interviews with Hillary Clinton-associate-Wayanne Kruger, that CIA operatives were staging a black-market baby sales operation out of Broward County, Florida. Kruger told Holmseth the names of CIA and FBI operatives and explained how fake medical records and church dossiers were used to move small babies out of the country. Holmseth was arrested in Minnesota after publishing the recorded interviews regarding the black-market baby sales and child porn operation.
And – you couldn’t make this up – – – in 2018 Timothy Holmseth had police in East Grand Forks, Minnesota knocking on his door and telling him he was under arrest only minutes after publishing a Tweet that said the Mail Bomber and Parkland school shooting false- flags were all being run by a group in Broward County, Florida.
When Timothy Holmseth and Field McConnell met, McConnell, a follower of Jesus Christ and former fighter pilot, told Holmseth, “you didn’t know it but you’ve had a phantom wing-man the whole time”.
The U.S. Marine and pilot kept his word.
On August 26, 2019, McConnell (a faithful U.S. Marine) led a caravan of the Children’s Crusade to Polk County, Minnesota where Holmseth was scheduled to be framed in a Sharia Law trial and murdered in jail – but only McConnell and The Children’s Crusade showed up – Holmseth did not show up – drawing media attention and news reporters – the State of Minnesota was then exposed for having NO JURISDICTION over Holmseth.
Timothy Holmseth survived the plot against his life because a Special Board of Review Judge that hears Real Estate disputes in Minnesota put him on the telephone with constitutional law expert David Straight (Navy SEAL), who arranged for Holmseth to receive legal counsel from Kirk Pendergrass (former U.S. Marine) E-Clause LLC, Florida – a corporation formed under direct consent of Congress that does loss prevention for the government of the United State of America.
During Holmseth’s incarceration in Polk County, Minnesota he (Holmseth) worked for a task force created through the U.S. Pentagon and he (Holmseth) followed instructions regarding how to resist his captors and continue his journalism project on called Q – PROJECT AMBITION.
Note: The project was originally called Q – PROJECT SECRET AMBITION because Holmseth knew he was going to “give his life away” (be murdered) for publishing his evidence of the Ukrainian Embassy black market baby sales (as noted in the Michael W. Smith song Secret Ambition) and after praying, obeyed the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob and told the world about the babies.
Field McConnell has now followed suit – giving his life away to save babies and children from torture deaths.
McConnell is presently languishing in a prison cell while ominous postings on the Web show there is a mafia “contract” on McConnell’s life.
Here is what is what is going on America.
‘Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Forms’ are being used to Petition a Florida (fake) judge to issue an unlawful ‘Domestic Violence Protection Order’ against non-residents of Florida who have absolutely no family/intimate relationship with the filing Petitioner for the express purpose of violating the First Amendment (freedom of speech and press), Second Amendment (right to keep and bear arms), and Fifth Amendment (right to due process) constitutional rights of the Respondent – all taken away with the signature of a fake judge and no Trial by Jury.
The fake court orders are being used across the nation to arrest (kidnap) whistleblowers who are exposing a world-wide child sex trafficking and black-market baby sales operation as well as kidnapping s and human trafficking by Child Protective Services (CPS).
There is a growing concern that the continued imprisonment of U.S. Marine Field McConnell is going to result in the world learning the meaning behind the old adage “you mess with one Marine you mess with all Marines”.
Denise Clarke McConnell recently stated she is concerned that her husband’s continued imprisonment is going to result in a “civil war”.
Timothy Charles Holmseth is an award winning (former) news reporter with the North Dakota Newspaper Association. Timothy Holmseth is now the exclusive reporter for the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. Timothy Holmseth’s Pentagon contact meets personally with President Trump. President Trump has requested regular updates on the Timothy Holmseth case.
Also – President Trump is going to win Minnesota.
The following public servants listed below would like to hear from you about Field McConnell’s imprisonment.
Note: If you telephone, email, or otherwise contact an elected leader regarding your concern about the Family Court scheme used to kidnap American journalist and publishers we encourage you to record your communication. Submit your communication to [email protected] and it will be considered for publication.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (Media Inquiries)
Nancy Hove – County Sheriff – Pierce County, Wisconsin
Tony Evers – Governor – State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Legislators
Broward County, Florida Sheriff Tony Gregory
US Army Provost Army General / State of Wisconsin
[email protected] <[email protected]
Florida Supreme Court
[email protected] <[email protected]
Timothy, is the DOJ aware of the latest on the arrest of Field? I know there is a lot of talk and awareness nkw, but whywas no bail set? Are you concerned about Field’s safety? Shhould we, the public contact anyone with our outrage?
May GOD be with you Field, on your journey to Florida. We are all praying for you