Minnesota accused of POLITICAL PROSECUTION against journalist who called President Trump “greatest president in the history of the United States” during interview with State news station

Court motion details how Minnesota police raided author’s office and destroyed hard-drive containing investigation files linked to Bob Kraft international sex trafficking scandal in Florida
by Timothy Charles Holmseth on February 28, 2019 at 5:52 P.M. CST
The following Motion was submitted to the Polk County Court today.
STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) PLAINTIFF, ) ) MOTION TO DISQUALIFY vs. AND TERMINATE DEFENSE COUNSEL ) TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH, DEFENDANT, ________________________________________________________________________ Dear Polk Court, I (Timothy Holmseth) represent myself Pro Se on case file number 60-CR-18-2074. The Minnesota Public Defender’s Office assigned Attorney Gretchen Handy to represent me on case file numbers: 60-CR-18-343; 60-CR-18-441; 60-CR-18-439 I move to disqualify Ms. Handy on her assigned cases. Alternatively, I move to terminate Ms. Handy. I request Ms. Handy be replaced. If the Court will not Order Ms. Handy be replaced I request I be allowed to proceed as my own counsel for trial on Ms. Handy’s assigned cases. I believe I have very just cause to terminate Ms. Handy. I advised Ms. Handy immediately upon her becoming my counsel that City of East Grand Forks could not, and failed to establish, the alleged offenses were committed in Polk County, Minnesota. I was very clear. City of East Grand Forks merely confirmed there was a court order in Florida against me; and that I resided in East Grand Forks. Several of their cases were literally mailed to me in the form of citations. Ms. Handy told me she is not going to make the prosecution prove the offense was committed in Polk County, Minnesota. OUTRAGEOUS! I was interviewed and featured by many news outlets including the Grand Forks Herald/Bismarck Tribune, Vice News, Minnesota City Pages, after the hactivist group ‘ANONYMOUS’ issued a national press release in publications such as The Hill, Newsweek, and others they are targeting QANON and “Timothy Charles Holmseth”. They literally announced it and it was on the news everywhere. I am THE ONLY ONE that was doxxed by ANONYMOUS regarding my publication in the WHOLE WORLD. I was openly targeted because I publish about child sex trafficking and QANON which is connected to U.S. President Donald Trump. Emily Allen, the reporter who interviewed me for The Herald asked me if I was a Trump supporter because QANON is connected to the President. I told her I believe he is the greatest president in the history of our country because he is protecting our children. David Murphy, the city manager for East Grand Forks told the Herald I am “sick” for saying government employees are involved in child sex trafficking. He made this statement in the same time-window the City’s prosecutor, Ronald Galstad, requested I be mentally evaluated for accusing people of conspiracy. As the court knows I easily passed that evaluation (and then Gretchen Handy hid it from me for a month). Ronald Galstad told Robert David Steele, a former CIA case agent who was recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize, and serves as General Counsel for the International Tribunal for Natural Justice’s inquiry into pedophilia, that he should re-consider having me testify before the commission. Galstad told Steele, in an email that was sent to local politicians, law enforcement, and judges, brought up my accusations regarding Florida and then went on to say that I am not to believed regarding what I say about him (Galstad). Notably – the first charge against me pertains to a folder called MAGA that appeared on the Web and contained court papers and recordings of the Polk Clerk pertaining to international sex trafficking in Florida. Some of the documents implicate Ronald Galstad for his involvement. Most recently it was internationally reported that Bob Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots was arrested during a sex sting in Jupiter, Florida along with many others including former law enforcement officers and billionaires. The items I allegedly published contained information regarding that human trafficking operation; and my hard-drive the police seized and destroyed, which was held until I agreed to drop my BAR complaint against Ronald Galstad and remove items I published about local government and contained hundreds of hours of audio interviews. This is an unfair POLITICAL PROSECUTION. The only thing that stands between me and 1,000 posts on the Web being made in my name by ANONYMOUS or others is the State’s duty to prove proper Venue, which Ms. Handy told he she is not going to do. I respectfully request the court issue an Order dismissing Ms. Handy from all of my cases. Respectfully submitted, Timothy Charles Holmseth Cc: Ronald Galstad, Gretchen Handy, David Murphy
Sounds like you being targeted 4 sure!! Please keep me informed
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