belmont court system

Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 4, 2022 – USA

Why did Randi Lynn Erickson, Minnesota, the former tribunal judge who escrowed crime against humanity evidence detailing cannibalism by Hillary Clinton and world leaders, which is filed under seal in the U.S. Court – Minnesota, call Ohio law enforcement to report that she believes she has been the victim of a plot to murder her and plant pornography on her telephone?

We have answers.

She may have been sent a photo of a raped corpse.

Click image below to hear Randi Lynn Erickson making a report to Ohio law enforcement.

Alexandria Goddard, Ohio, is a psychotic kidnapper, rapist, and sexual torturer from Ohio – AND she’s got a message for the Prosecutor in the Northern Division Courts in Belmont County, Ohio.

Goddard recently announced she wants a vagina line-up conducted to compare her vagina to the photo of the small hairless vagina that she texted to a judge in Minnesota. View Goodard’s demand in the video below.

Evidence shows there may be a connection between the Goddard vagina photo, and the Justin Foley child pornography arrest in Ohio.

On August 16, 2022, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received an anonymous tip that Justin Foley, Columbus, Ohio, was in possession of child pornography.

The date of August 16, 2022, would soon become very important.

NBC reported:

~begin snippet~

“Court documents state that on Aug. 16, Delaware Police received a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and filed by Google. The tip was tied to an online Google account that was allegedly owned by Foley.

Foley allegedly uploaded several images of apparent child pornography to the Google account from an external hard drive. Court documents state that during a Sept. 20 interview with police serving a search warrant, Foley allegedly admitted to possessing the images and that he was aware the child in the images was under 15 years old.

Foley is currently facing one charge of second-degree felony illegal use of a minor or impaired person in nudity.”

~end snippet~

Facts and information, assessed and analyzed in good faith, show a fact-pattern that suggests the anonymous report made to NCMEC on August 16, 2022, may be connected to an admitted sexual predator, torturer, and rapist from Ohio named Alexandria Goddard. (Watch video below to learn about the sex and torture of a kidnapped man by Goddard and Ohio cops).

Very compelling evidence shows that in the days leading up to the arrest of Justin Foley, Goddard and fellow conspirators, including police, attorneys, and a possibly a judge, developed a plan to murder, and/or plant pornography on the telephone of a former Tribunal judge from Minnesota named Randi Lynn Erickson.

The plan also involved an attempt to lure Randi Lynn Erickson to her death.

After news stories began to be published that linked Goddard to a photo of a vagina that she texted to Erickson, Goddard appeared on a You Tube program with William K. Murtaugh, Apopka, Florida who claims to have press credentials.

Goddard appeared on From The Desk Of Murtwitnessonelive and said she is demanding the Belmont County Prosector’s Office conduct a ‘vagina line-up’ to compare her vagina to the image of the vagina she texted to Randi Lynn Erickson. 

Goddard appears to be referring to Scott Lloyd, the prosecuting attorney for the Northern Division Court in Belmont County, Ohio.


The following is a Timeline of Facts.

  1. On Thursday, August 11, 2022, at 4:41 PM Alexandria Goddard, Martins Ferry, Ohio, emailed Randi Lynn Erickson, Minnesota, from Goddard’s Gmail account at [email protected] Goddard emailed Erickson at Erickson’s business email account of REDACTED which is an account owned by Erickson’s husband, Brian Erickson, and the family business, which Brian Erickson owns with their two daughters. Goddard said, “Jealous much, Randall? KMFA”. KMFA means “kiss my fucking ass”.


  1. On Friday, August 12, 2022, at 8:35 AM, Erickson replied to Goddard. Erickson said, “Not much… Just did an interview with Levi’s neighbor.. Yours is next.. R”. The reference by Erickson to someone named “Levi” is a reference to Levi H. Page, Dover, Tennessee.


  1. On Friday, August 12, 2022, at 11:12 AM, Erickson said to Goddard, “Do you have any neighbors you want interviewed.. I’ve been asked to do it live.. R”.


  1. On Friday, August 12, 2022, at 4:20 PM, Goddard said to Erickson, “FAFO”. FAFO means “fuck around and find out”.


  1. On Friday, August 12, 2022, Goddard telephoned Randi Lynn Erickson at the telephone number REDACTED, which is the business telephone of Brian Erickson’s family business. Goddard called from 760.779.2539. Goddard left a message. The area code Goddard called from was a California area code.


  1. After having received multiple communications from Goddard; which Goddard had initiated; Erickson telephoned 760.779.2539 and left a message.


  1. An extensive exchange of text message communications then began between Erickson and Goddard.


  1. During the exchange of texts, Goddard told Erickson she was physically sitting with “Levi” (Page) and “REDACTED” (REDACTED). REDACTED is a REDACTED, Florida. Alexandria Goddard is an agent of REDACTED and does work for REDACTED.


  1. Goddard has been sued in the past and has publicly bragged she is an expert at dodging service of documents. Erickson advised Goddard she (Erickson) planned to visit Goddard’s area so she could interview people who know Goddard. Randi Erickson needed to obtain enough information about Goddard to verify Goddard’s location so Randi Erickson could commence proper legal action against Goddard.


  1. During the exchange of text messages, Goddard advised Randi Erickson she had personally prepared Restraining Orders on behalf of REDACTED (Florida), REDACTED (Arizona), and retired FBI agent (REDACTED) (California), which had been filed in the Family Court of the Anoka County Courts in Minnesota. The Restraining Orders were filed against Timothy Charles Holmseth and Randi Erickson in 2021. Goddard taunted Erickson and said, “my network is far greater than yours”.


  1. During the text exchange Goddard repeatedly invited Erickson to come to her home. Goddard specifically said she was in no way afraid of Randi Erickson.

  1. During the exchange of texts Goddard made crude and false references to Randi Erickson wherein Goddard referred to Timothy Holmseth as a pedophile.


  1. During the exchange of texts Goddard repeatedly referred to Randi Erickson as a “pedophile” and/or referred to Timothy Holmseth as a “pedophile”. Goddard implied Randi Erickson had molested her own grandchildren (Randi Erickson is a former Truth and Taxation judge in Minnesota, a former elected official, licensed abstractor, has no criminal record, and holds the most coveted licenses in Real Estate. Randi Erickson holds various licenses in both Minnesota and Florida. Randi Erickson passes regular FBI background checks).

  1. During the exchange of texts Goddard told Randi Erickson to be prepared for “posters” to be posted in public of her that say “pedophile”.

15. Goddard began telling Randi Erickson she was going to leave the text conversation for a few minutes because she was going to have sex via the Web with her boyfriend. Goddard asked Randi Erickson if she wanted to “watch”. Goddard then returned and told Randi Erickson that she was done having sex and that her boyfriend “came” (orgasmed/ejaculated).


  1. On Saturday, August 13, 2022, at 9:10 P.M. Goddard texted a photo of a vagina to Erickson. The vagina had no pubic hair around it. Close examination of the hip area of the body contains what either looks like a severe bruise or pigment change due to the body, possibly, being a corpse.


  1. The sequence of communications by Goddard about sex and nudity was an attempt by Goddard to make Randi Erickson think Goddard had a reason to take her pants and underwear off. This was a pre-mediated plan to prevent Randi Erickson from becoming suspicious about the unnatural appearance of the vagina. Goddard is morbidly obese, and it is absolutely impossible that the photo of the ‘small’ vagina was Goddard. The plan was for Erickson to have the photo on her telephone and not be worried about it.

  1. On Saturday, August 13, 2022, at 9:28 P.M. Goddard advised Randi Erickson that she (Goddard) was going to telephone Randi Erickson’s husband and children and warn them that if they did not take action against Randi Erickson, she (Goddard) was going to have Randi Erickson put in jail.

  1. During this time Randi Erickson’s husband, Brian Erickson, clinging to life, was in the hospital being prepped for, and/or receiving, radiation chemotherapy for Leukemia. Randi Erickson had been advised that Brian Erickson’s doctors needed all stress to stop because Brain Erickson had an emergecy heart issue in an elevator.


  1. Randi Erickson said to Goddard, “You started this with an email”.


  1. Goddard repeatedly told Randi Erickson she was going to blow Randi Erickson’s head off if Randi Erickson came to her property. Goddard told Randi Erickson she would be going back to her “family” in a “body bag”.


  1. Randi Erickson stopped responding to Goddard. Goddard continued to proactively re-initiate communications with Randi Erickson. Goddard stimulated communication for several days.


  1. On or about August 19, 2022, Levi Page completely cleared out the public history of his Twitter account located at https://twitter.com/levipagetv


  1. On August 19, 2022, Page, Dover, Tennessee, went Live on You Tube Livestream to report Timothy Holmseth and Randi Erickson were charged with “Stalking” in Ohio. The video was entitled Randi Erickson and Timothy Holmseth charged w/ stalking!


  1. During the report about Timothy Holmseth and Randi Erickson, Page showed court documents from the State of Ohio that had been published on the Web.


  1. 22CRB00617N STATE OF OHIO vs. ERICKSON, RANDI LYNN MF shows Erickson is charged with 2903.21.1 M1 MENACING BY STALKING (M1). The filing date is August 16, 2022 (same day as the anonymous tip to NCMEC regarding Justin Foley and child pornography). 


  1. 22CRB00614N STATE OF OHIO vs. HOLMSETH, TIMOTHY CHARLES MF shows Plaintiff is charged with: 2923.03 / 2903.21.1 – M1 COMPLICITY/MENACING BY STALKING. The filing date is August 16, 2022 (same day as the anonymous tip to NCMEC regarding Justin Foley and child pornography). 


    1. During the Livestream, (REDACTED) logged into the chat room and began providing legal commentary on Page’s report. (REDACTED announced that Randi Erickson had committed a “crime”).


  1. During the Livestream, (REDACTED) logged into the chat and provided commentary about the charges against Timothy Holmseth and Randi Erickson being bumped up to a “felony”.


  1. On August 20, 2022, William K. Murtaugh, an agent of (REDACTED), and conspiring colleague of Page and Goddard, went Live on You Tube to discuss what Page reported the night before about stalking charges against Timothy Holmseth and Randi Erickson. The video is entitled FAFO.


  1. FAFO is letters that stands for “Fuck Around And Find Out”.


  1. On August 20, 2022, Randi Erickson contacted a friend who is an investigator for a police department in Minnesota. Randi Erickson advised the investigator she received a very disturbing photograph from Goddard. Randi Erickson’s investigator friend advised her to go to the area where the photo was transmitted from and have their law enforcement download the evidence.


  1. On August 20, 2022, Randi Erickson telephoned the Sheriff in Belmont County, Ohio for the first time.


  1. Randi Erickson advised Sheriff David M. Lucas’ office that she received a photo of a “vagina” from Goddard and asked Lucas to download the evidence. Lucas advised Randi Erickson to report it to the “FBI”. Lucas noted the FBI is really busy with Donald Trump. Lucas also told Randi Erickson that the Martins Ferry Police Department would handle her Complaint. Randi Erickson advised Lucas he is the highest law enforcement authority in the County and said she didn’t want to enter into any contract with Martins Ferry or their Police Department. Lucas told Randi Erickson that an investigator from Martins Ferry Police Department would be calling her. Randi Erickson never received any call.


  1. On August 23, 2022, Randi Erickson called Martins Ferry Police Department and talked to dispatch. Dispatch said an investigator would call Randi Erickson. Randi Erickson received no call back.


  1. On August 27, 2022, Timothy Holmseth contacted the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI). Holmseth contacted the TBI to alert them to the fact that people involved in the transmission of a photograph of a vagina (with no pubic hair) (i.e., Goddard, Page, and REDACTED) were specifically named in a report Holmseth had made to TBI on September 9, 2021 regarding missing child Summer Wells. The report Holmseth made to TBI on September 9, 2021 is published on timothycharlesholmseth.com in a story entitled “Tennessee Bureau of Investigation alerted to organized kidnapping in Summer Wells case”.


  1. The letter is as follows:



Timothy Charles Holmseth
[email protected]

In Re: Summer Wells

September 9, 2021

Chief Investigator
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Dear Chief Investigator,

On August 4, 2021 the TBI published on Twitter,  “#TNAMBERAlert: The investigation into the disappearance of Summer Wells remains ongoing. Misinformation shared on social media about the case continues to cause problems. We are again urging the public only to share info from official sources.”

I have information that will lead you to specific individuals that are working as part of an organized operation that is in place to threaten and tamper with witnesses, obstruct justice, and strategically disseminate disinformation at a mass scale in many missing child cases including the case of Summer Wells.

MY BACKGROUND – Timothy Charles Holmseth About Timothy Holmseth – TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH™ Reports https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/about/

I am an investigative journalist, author, and have been an award-winning news reporter with the North Dakota Newspaper Association. I passed a security clearance background check performed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and was authorized to enter the secure areas of a locked federal facility.

I am presently an independent journalist and report for the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force (PPTF), which was created via Presidential Executive Order within the Donald Trump White House per a liaison to the President, as part of the United State Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA) and Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) which gathers actionable intelligence regarding international crimes and turns it over to the U.S. Military via liaison for review and possible action.

In December, 2017 I sent a MEMO to A.G. Jeff Sessions warning President Trump about the perils of Mike Pence and an international human harvesting operation. The MEMO was Tweeted by high profile attorney Lin Wood who encouraged the world to read it. https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/attorney-lin-wood-encouraged-the-world-to-read-timothy-charles-holmseths-memo-warning-trump-about-pence/


In 2010, I was deemed a credible witness after I was interviewed by the Minneapolis FBI at the federal courthouse in Grand Forks, North Dakota. I was interviewed regarding recorded interviews I conducted with multiple key figures in the national profile kidnapping and AMBER ALERT case of five year-old HaLeigh Cummings, Florida. I learned HaLeigh was a sex abuse victim who had been photographed in ways that featured the damage to the child’s private parts caused by the abuse. I learned the secret photographs (kiddy porn) were being secretly (unofficially) passed around by a team that involved HaLeigh’s family, a CPS child protection worker, attorney(s), PI’s, advocates, paralegals, events planners, etc. I learned Haleigh’s family partnered with a licensed PI named William E. Staubs ‘Cobra the Bounty Hunter’ (Case Closed Inc, Florida) and, a convicted sex offender from Hastings, Florida named “John Regan” who dressed up as a pastor and involved himself in the search for HaLeigh. I interviewed scores of people who told me John Regan identified himself as a “pastor” (who possessed a Chaplain’s Badge), an “undercover FBI agent”, and a “CIA agent”. John Regan and his son, Jeremiah Regan, met with Staubs and HaLeigh’s family to conduct a ‘private search’ in a rural location for HaLeigh that turned up ominous [planted] items that seemingly connected to HaLeigh and created the [false] impression HaLeigh was dead. FBI Special Agent A.J. Eilerman, and, Major Gary Bowling, Director of Law Enforcement, Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, Florida, both agreed that the group involving Staubs and the Regan’s had planted the evidence to make HaLeigh appear dead so people would stop looking for her.

Wayanne Kruger, an associate of Hillary Clinton, and the official advocate for HaLeigh’s mother, told me during recorded interviews that John Regan told her he was “CIA” and “FBI’. She said John Regan told her the “FBI” already had HaLeigh but wanted to keep it quiet. She told me John Regan told her he reported to “Washington”. She told me John Regan was involved in an international human trafficking and baby sales operation that utilized CPS and other methods to obtain babies and children and move them out of the country through then Ukraine Embassy in Washington DC using faked church dossiers and faked medical records.

In 2020, the PPTF determined John Regan was one in the same as “REDACTED” who serves on the Board of Advisors for (REDACTED). (REDACTED), Arizona. REDACTED was founded by Hillary Clinton’s former REDACTED, former REDACTED. REDACTED publicly states he formed REDACTED in April of 2017 with high ranking FBI, CIA, and other federal agencies and military groups.

REDACTED is billed by REDACTED as a former FBI agent who REDACTED North America Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). The NAMBLA case became a high profile media event that was covered by FOX NEWS and major media outlets. REDACTED on Oprah, FOX NEWS, and other media where REDACTED ‘undercover’ pedophile, international arms dealer, contract killer, etc. Clear and convincing evidence easily shows REDACTED and John Regan are the same man.

Evidence strongly suggests REDACTED did not actually ‘REDACTED NAMBLA. Evidence suggests REDACTED CIA pedophile and was in fact actually REDACTED NAMBLA. REDACTED caught and a cover story was then created REDACTED by the FBI wherein the FBI allowed REDACTED part of a sting on sex tourism for pedophiles to Thailand. Evidence shows after the 2005 case regarding NAMBLA, REDACTED from the FBI.

REDACTED in 2009 as Pastor John Regan in the HaLeigh Cummings case.

In the late 1980’s an investigation took place regarding an organization that later became known as THE CIA FINDERS CULT after six neglected and abused children were discovered with strange men in a Tallahassee, Florida park. According to FBI files that have been released, the FINDERS had a secret headquarters in a building in Washington DC which contained evidence of kidnapping tactics, child porn, ritual abuse, ritual sacrifice, and espionage involving China. Wayanne Kruger told me that John and Jeremiah Regan ‘reminded’ her of the FINDERS. Investigation records released by the FBI show child sex abuse victim, Max Livingston, 6, told detectives he believed everything belonged to “Mr. Reagen”. REDACTED told REDACTED in a published interview that REDACTED once possessed a “passport” that was made by the “Chinese” for him and that the passport is now in the “FBI museum”.

THE FINDERS was/is a CIA operation that entails full spectrum tactics for international trafficking and racketeering that permeates every form of government and the private sector including social media and the mainstream corporate media.

Evidence shows organized operatives that are connected to REDACTED are operating a media disinformation system that is being used to threaten and intimidate witnesses with kidnapping, rape, beastiality, torture, forced porn with animals at Fort Campbell, murder, and false arrest. The operation is used to guide narratives and confuse investigators in missing child and child sex abuse cases.

Operatives within this criminal organization include:

Levi Page, Tennessee, and, Alexandria Godard (not an American citizen), Ohio. You can view Pages You Tube at  Levi Page – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/LeviPageTV/videos

William K. Murtaugh, Florida. You can view Murtaugh’s You Tube at FROM THE DESK OF MURTWITNESSONELIVE – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/FROMTHEDESKOFMURTWITNESSONELIVE/videos

If you investigate these operatives it is very likely you will be led to missing children and you will determine who is responsible for their disappearances.

You should be advised CID at Fort Campbell has already requested, and received, the evidence of rape and murder threats made against me, my child, and my publisher Randi L. Erickson, REDACTED, that involved Fort Campbell being a burial ground for murder victims.

I visited Rogersville, Tennessee as part of PPTF operations and I was filmed in front of the Rogersville city sign. You can view that and other information in a video that was published at the following link TIP FOR TENNESSEE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ON SUMMER WELLS [REDACTED KID FINDERS] REDACTED

The following article will provide you further insight and the names of specific operatives. EXCLUSIVE: Federal Conspiracy Case: IT’S BIGGER THAN FLYNN! – TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH™ Reports REDACTED

Very Respectfully Yours,
Timothy Charles Holmseth

Cc: Fort Campbell CID

Attached: 24 jpgs regarding threats, REDACTED


  1. On September 1, 2022, Timothy Holmseth and Randi Erickson traveled to the TBI headquarters in Nashville, TN. They spoke with Agent REDACTED and Agent REDACTED. Holmseth and Randi Erickson provided evidence to TBI that a racketeering operation involving human trafficking was being staged, in part, out of Dover, TN, by Levi H. Page. Randi Erickson handed her telephone to the TBI agents and they observed the photo of the vagina that Goddard texted to Randi Erickson by Goddard.

  1. On September 2, 2022, Randi Erickson telephoned the Belmont County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) and alerted BCSO she had taken the vagina photo that had been texted to her by Alexandria Goddard and presented it to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation for examination. The officer who spoke with Randi Erickson said the report needed to be taken by Martins Ferry Police Department because he didn’t want to “step on their toes”.


  1. On September 2, 2022, Randi Erickson telephoned Martins Ferry Police Department and spoke with dispatch. Dispatch advised Randi Erickson she would receive a return call. Randi Erickson received no call back.


  1. On September 17, 2022, William Kevin Murtaugh went Live on his You Tube channel where he produces a show called From The Desk Of Murtwitnessonelive. Murtaugh prepared a show to announce that in “4 days” there was to be a court hearing in Belmont County, Ohio where Timothy Holmseth and Randi Erickson were going to be arraigned for “stalking” and “complicity” in stalking. Murtaugh began the show with an announcement that a man named David Lester Straight was traveling from Minnesota to Wisconsin, and on to Ohio, regarding matters pertaining to the charges against Timothy Holmseth and Randi Erickson.


  1. David Lester Straight told Timothy Holmseth and Randi Erickson (on recorded calls) that he (Straight) worked for the United States Secret Service. Straight said he served on Presidential Commissions under President Donald Trump including commissions on Human Trafficking, Judicial Corruption, and Space Force. Straight told Holmseth he (Straight) viewed video of U.S. Vice President Mike Pence raping a little boy. Straight told Holmseth (on a recorded call) he (Straight) talked to Attorney Lin Wood on the telephone shortly before the events of January 6, 2021 in Washington DC. Straight told Holmseth he was meeting Lin Wood in DC. Straight told Holmseth he was part of an operation connected to retired General Michael Flynn that was going to “arrest” and “hang” Mike Pence and members of U.S. Congress on January 6, 2021. On January 4, 2021, Wood Tweeted a MEMO to Donald Trump that was authored by Timothy Holmseth that had been sent to AG Jeff Sessions warning Trump about Pence and an international child trafficking operation through the Ukrainian Embassy in DC. Straight told Holmseth he assisted the U.S. Marines with the transfer of 2,100 children from their confinement in cages underground in California. Straight told Holmseth he assisted in the rescue of several hundred (other) children that were being kept in confinement in California while the child traffickers waited for orders for kids (like you order a pizza). The 2,100 kids were verified on Network news as existing, but the Biden Administration blamed the disappearance of the children on Trump. After Holmseth exposed the criminal activities of David Straight, Straight threated to kill Holmseth.


  1. As Murtaugh prepared his presentation, Alexandria Goddard called in Live to his news channel.


  1. Goddard announced the court date had been continued to October 12, 2022.


  1. Goddard declared she did not file charges against Randi Lynn Erickson. Goddard said the County Attorney did. Goddard said she does not even have to appear for any hearings or be involved in any way because, she said, the State of Ohio is the Plaintiff (thus the victim).


  1. Goddard stated that during the time she was exchanging the text messages in the conversation she had with Randi Lynn Erickson, she had a loaded 9mm handgun on her table. She said the 9mm was loaded with “cop killers”.

  1. During the text message exchange between Goddard and Randi Lynn Erickson, Goddard clearly taunted Randi Lynn Erickson and tried as hard as she could to lure Randi Lynn Erickson to her home.


48. Goddard said she was a “Guardian Ad Litem” and testified on behalf of children in court. Goddard said she had children taken away from their parents if they were ‘pieces of shit’. Goddard continuously talked about her “vagina”. Goddard laid back and spread her legs back by her head and said, ‘I’m a nasty whore’. Goddard admitted she sent a photo of a vagina to Randi Erickson. Goddard addressed “Randi” and told her to look at her buttocks. Goddard stood up and pulled her shorts aside to show her butt crack. Goddard warned Randi Erickson she was going to have Randi Erickson’s professional licenses revoked. Goddard said she was demanding the Belmont County Prosecutor conduct a vagina line-up to compare her vagina to the image she texted to Randi Erickson.

49. Randi Erickson discovered the Judicial Branch in Ohio is impersonating the Executive Branch on official documents, and then, the Clerk is processing fraudulent criminal charges using STATE OF OHIO without authorization, and then filing false claims. Randi Erickson telephoned the Ohio BAR and Clerk of Court, which you can hear in the videos below.


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