Overstock $150,000 rug links to sexual pictures of kids on Yandex

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on July 12, 2020 at 9:24 A.M.
The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force continues to investigate evidence of international child sex trafficking under high command of Joint Special Operations Command and The White House.
The following images are screenshots of images found on Yandex using Overstock product number srcusa32399921.
The images were secured by PPTF for any action deemed appropriate by the U.S. Military, Department of Homeland Security, or Department of Justice.
The top photo of the girl duck taped to the bed has more than a touch of a satanic child sacrifice to it.
Timothy, you are linking it to Overstock which is incorrect. SRCUSA alone produces the same results WITHOUT the numbers – SRCUSA is linked directly to Tom Hanks. Google “Tom Hanks SRCUSA Glove”.
One of these poor girls looks very similar to a child I know and love. I would die to protect her. It’s sickening how people can even think of these chikdren in any way except for being children. Breaks my heart
SRCUSA must mean satanic ritual cult USA. OMG.
Makes my stomach sick, so shocked.
Thank you Timothy for sharing this Wayfair /Yandex information on your website.
I said a prayer at church today for you and your family to be safe along with President Trump, his family, and all the other brave Patriots risking their lives to take down these evil sick people. And of course a prayer for the children. God Bless!
Thank you to all of you in the task Force for all you are doing to save these children and get the truth to the public about these horrible crimes which are being committed all around the world every day. A big THANK YOU to Our beautiful FIRST LADY for making this her cause! We love you all! Keep charging ahead until every last one of these demons is rounded up & held accountable. ❤
Several years ago I tried shedding light on the child trafficking happening in New England, no one listened then, and is not listening now. It is beyond disturbing this is a world wide epidemic. I thank you for getting people to listen and exposing this. Hopefully this will also lead to the exposure of child trafficking in Maine and the other New England states.
Thank you for your dedication to help and rescue children from these evils, I hope more of us will stand as strong. God be with you.
Why would you post these children’s faces or even the photos, themselves. It only perpetuates the pedophiles fantasies. I disapprove of this, however, I hope this site is shut down and the children are returned home.
If he did not post the pictures, then it would be too easy for the public to deny what he found. A vast majority of the public still think this is a hoax!
The pictures themselves, do not show any names or pertinent information, nor actual nudity. So the children themselves are not further injured or endangered by this. In fact if it does expose a child sex ring, then they are immensely benefited by this article and the accompanying pictures.
For you to wish this website to be taken down as it attempts to expose very likely International child trafficking organization is ridiculous, that’s exactly what the pedophiles are hoping happens. You’re not one of them are you?
Are YOU??
I sooooooo agree!! Disgraceful. Honestly Evil is so brazen; as the antichrist comes to fruition evil is being broadcast on radio, tv, social media and any other platform there is. In recent months I have for the first time in 41 years seen in person people sporting upside down crosses. Is sad that the new norm is so off. Scripture says in the days of His coming right will be wrong and wrong will be called right. I’m sure these are the days of my King. Thank you Jesus. In four short years Your will be done! God bless, and pray for the children!
When you see the childs face it has a massive impact and that is what’s needed unfortunately, ignorance or denial will never help anyone. That image has got us all talking and that will resonate with others as we all have a common goal …. to rid the evils of Peodo’s ! If anyone wants to bury their head in the sand then go to the beach, no disrespect to anyone but horrible times need horrible exposure x
GOD damn these criminals and bless those unlucky victims!
I hope Barr gets these people
look no further than he Democratic Party
It is truly shocking. However if people do not search and find those websites themselves they tend to deny it. Yesterday, I checked a different item’s number. The top of the page looks OK. The images of girls start to appear half way down.
This is disgusting! As a Mom this makes my blood boil, let me get my hands on these pieces of garbage trying to abduct children! Please God put them in my path. Working on my black belt for such a time.
I think that in certain situations public execution broadcast, when pedophiles are put to death. My preferred punishment!
If he did not post the pictures, then it would be too easy for the public to deny what he found. A vast majority of the public still think this is a hoax!
The pictures themselves, do not show any names or pertinent information, nor actual nudity. So the children themselves are not further injured or endangered by this. In fact if it does expose a child sex ring, then they are immensely benefited by this article and the accompanying pictures.
For you to wish this website to be taken down as it attempts to expose very likely International child trafficking organization is ridiculous, that’s exactly what the pedophiles are hoping happens. You’re not one of them are you?
Are YOU??
I have known about the Disney Pedo ring for over 30yrs. I even busted up an attempted’hand off’, between a ‘handler’ and a ‘client’, at the park in Orlando FLA in 1994, and saved a 5 yr old little girls life. I knew then, that Hollywood and the Music industry were deeply involved in child sex trafficking and pedophilia, and that it was a huge, organized system that was international. What we are seeing now is more nefariously evil and satanic, reference Epstein Island. For these people to be as blatantly open about their business is, I feel, a sign that our world has drastically changed so much that these sick, evil people do not seem to fear being caught. The Holy Bible describes these days in great detail and they are a sign to us of what is coming soon if this trend is not stopped and the people repent of their evil ways. We are truly living in the last days. I noticed from some of the vids posted on this page, that both Twitter and Face Book, have sites on them that have vids and pics of young, underaged children performing sex acts and posing, along with what would be classified as pedophile content along with xxx vids of graphic sex acts. My question is: How the hell can they flag us for purportedly violating their TOS and at the same time allow this obviously obscene and illicit content to be posted to their platforms that unquestionably violates their TOS. This really needs to be thoroughly investigated by the DOJ and other agencies. Porn of this nature drives the lust of these sick people to engage in this evil, abominable, immoral behavior and lifestyle. The porn industry that promotes this kind of sickness needs to be torn down and totally erradicated from this country, otherwise, we will be fighting this plaque until the inevitable happens, The Tribulation, and the end of all things. God is watching us and judging
us on our resolve to deal with this very moral issue. Children and life at conception are prescious to Him, and if we fail to properly handle this, you can be assured that He will. We must all fight evil wherever it is and never allow it to prosper in this nation or in the world. Because “the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”- Edmond Burke.