SECRET DATABASE DISCOVERED – tracks pregnant women from conception for meeting industrial-level human trafficking demands

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 23, 2020 at 8:38 A.M.
The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force has located and identified an international human trafficking operation that uses medical codes to begin tracking a woman/mother and her baby from the moment she becomes pregnant.
The unholy database provides industrial-level human traffickers the ability to maintain a database of every single aspect of a mother and/or her coming baby.
There is a secret market for everything regarding the mother and baby (e.g. organs, ritual sacrifice, sex, etc.).
This is a developing story.
Believe in me I’m with the High Command
Thank you for your job and your efforts. We will share it!
Why is snopes saying that the PPTF does not exist?
I like the post but can’t find any information about this on the web.
Snopes is owned by people who secretly do not want us to actually know the truth. But you certainly don’t have to believe me.
We are Chattel to them, We are bought & Sold like Sheep… An elitist “Shipping War”
◄ Revelation 13:18 ►
“This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.”
Welcome to the Beast System…
I share your reports on Facebook. Thank you for all you do. May the Lord keep you safe.
My Name is Clarice my 3 American children were kidnapped and are being held hostage in UK why is it no one cares to help me save my children All need is one letter for Authority to send to Social Services there and 2 US Marshall’s to bring them home. Why is it no one cares aren’t all children important Since we do we tolerate Hostages?? Unless I can go over to UK UN harmed and work for Greg Hallett with my children I just wanna be with my babies that I love more than life and God have me!
I will pray for you. This should happen to NO mother!!! God bless you & pray this ends soon! & they pay for what they’ve done. #Operation Millstone A millstone should be placed around all their necks. Pray against this evil.
Thanks you for your works… it is awesome to do what you do regarding the truth you are revealing. We arr praying for all the people you said but also for you.
The more I look the more evil I see. I thank you for your efforts to expose this at great risk to your own life. May God continue to protect and bless your actions.
Let’s hear names , can I assist, in the rescues live close to LA , California
If they are still bringing children out of the tunnels in NYC, why did they send the Comfort back to VA??
(((Hugs))) Timothy….I also find myself in tears ?
god speed & good luck.
Isaiah 13:12 KJV
I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.
Thank You very Much for Polish children as well and Australian .I know , a lot children have been taken in to US on adoption form But all connection with them despair. Fake Parents -They payed for children a lot of money
You helping me with your videos a lot .Thank You for grate work what You doing for all humanity and for amazing kids. I do hope will be a lot cildren survived from this horble traumas done to them by crazy sick people . Thank You Take care 🙂
I hope I do used you videos in successful way in Poland to do my work for children in Poland and Australia i try as well .
Tim we need POTUS to disclose all of this and everything else. I know timing is key.
People wont take the red pill I give them on FB they need someone they can trust which I think wld be JFK jr
Love and Light!
TanQYou Tim, we are following. We love you! 🙂 QC-Can
I am former U.S> Customs and I have reported High Ranking Customs officials for Human TRaffikcing(John H. Heinrich DD of Long Beach CBP) who took over $250,000 for 167 “illegal” Aliens. (See: John Heinrich Overflight List) or
I have the list with the names and I already had the names verified thru an Immigration database and NONE of the names had a passport or document to come into the U.S.(18 USC 201 Bribery, 8 USC 1324 alien smuggling, 18 USC 2381 High Treason, 18 USC 2384 Sedition, etc…Still no arrests and the DOJ/FBI & OPR recently claimed THEY have “Wide Discretion” NOT to enforce the laws or make arrests.
I am also aware of the Secret Underground bases(D.U.M.B.’s) as well as places like NWC China Lake where I actually lived ad worked at.
Earthquake activity is picking up in the SAME areas as the underground bases. (Over $5 Billion USD in Damage at NWC China Lake alone…weird WHY??? Also alleged to be over 5,000 employees there? You’d belucky to see a few 100 people spread out, …maybe.give or take 1,000 plus U.S. Navy residents & Scientists on the base. Too many unanswered situations.
Contact me for interviews: [email protected]