by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 18, 2022 – USA
True the Vote is hemorrhaging credibility following the latest antics and actions by their front man Gregg Phillips.
Phillips recently posted online that everyone should delete their Telegram account.
“I have zero trust in the telegram platform. We have been briefed on information that Americans are being targeted by China. I have advised friends, family, and colleagues to delete telegram,” Phillipps said.
There is good reason for Phillipps to be concerned about his public image. FOX NEWS recently reported, “Arizona AG asks FBI, IRS to investigate election integrity watchdog True the Vote”.
Many people were dazzled early on by Phillips’ “2000 Mules” and would not have known that the devil is in the details of what Phillips said about “China”.
Investigative journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth has been monitoring Phillips and True the Vote after identifying major player(s) in an international human/child trafficking operation that are publicly declaring their relationship with True the Vote – claiming they are working to fight human trafficking.
Holmseth has evidence that Phillips’ professed concern about “China” is actually projection by Phillips who is attempting to cover-up the fact that the China connection actually sits with Phillips, True the Vote, and some of their colleagues.
In 2010, Holmseth, who was deemed “credible” by the Minneapolis FBI, identified an FBI agent named “John Regan” who is a registered sex offender. Wayanne Kruger, Avondale, Arizona, told Holmseth that John Regan was trafficking children internationally through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC.
Holmseth subsequently identified an FBI agent who physically appeared to be John Regan’s identical twin that publicly said he had a “passport” that was created by the “Chinese” that is now in the “FBI museum”. He said he posed as a drug runner, contract hit-man, pedophile, and international weapons runner.
Facts and evidence show Phillips is likely attempting to steer people away from Telegram because there has been an avalanche of information that continues to pile on the quiet partners that are engaging in blatant racketeering behind the scenes at True the Vote.
True the Vote was quickly defended by a colleague.
“You guys are miserable that Gregg exposed election fraud and that we are aligned against child trafficking,” True the Vote’s colleague said.
“And since a pedophile (Holmseth) is your source, your nasty motive is clear,” Phillips colleague said.
The following was published by former Minnesota judge Randi Lynn Erickson in regard to Timothy Charles Holmseth.
- Timothy Charles Holmseth is NOT a pedophile.
- Timothy Charles Holmseth is NOT a felon. I confirmed this through a background check and records directly from law enforcement.
- Timothy Charles Holmseth has NEVER been charged (much less convicted) of stalking.
- Timothy Charles Holmseth IS, in FACT, an award-winning news reporter. I confirmed this with the North Dakota Newspaper Association that Timothy Holmseth received two First Place awards.
- Timothy Charles Holmseth was interviewed in person and deemed “credible” by Special Agent A.J. Eilerman, Minneapolis FBI.
- Timothy Charles Holmseth passed a background check performed by the United States Department of Agriculture and was cleared to enter the secure areas of a locked federal facility.
- Timothy Charles Holmseth has custody rights to all of his children, and, has NEVER lost custody rights. In fact, Timothy Holmseth was granted sole-physical custody of his 5-year-old daughter by a Minnesota Judge and raised her as a single parent until adulthood.
On October 17, 2022, Holmseth submitted information to the Arizona Attorney General and Phoenix FBI regarding Phillips.
Holmseth has expressed that he loves his TRUTH SOCIAL account and that’s where he hangs his online hat.