Close up shot of kirks law corner with red background

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on May 22, 2023 – USA

The States Attorney’s Office in Marion County, Florida has learned the TRICK behind how the BAR Association and Family Courts are human trafficking hundreds of thousands of people.

An unconstitutional Sharia law system that has been cleverly cloaked using the term “Family Court” has been exposed as a racketeering criminal organization instrumentality used by an international cartel to accomplish everything from child rape to international kidnapping, to crimes against humanity.

It came out during a sworn deposition in a murder trial underway.

The bombshell testimony appeared online yesterday, but actually occurred in February 2023 when Marion County Assistant State Attorney Amy Berndt, and Florida attorney Jack Maro, conducted a deposition of Kirk L. Pendergrass, Idaho. The deposition was taken in the Marion County, Florida case regarding the first-degree murder trial of Neely Petrie Blanchard.

On November 15, 2020, Christopher Edward Hallett, the CEO of a corporation called E~Clause LLC (Emoluments Clause) had a MANDATE from 5th District Court of Appeal Judge Jay P. Cohen when he (Hallett) was assassinated in his Ocala, Florida home. 

Hallett was performing loss-prevention audits, which included audits of the Family Court system, and he had uncovered a massive network of coding fraud within the system networks used by courts. The elaborate system was used to accomplish almost any conceivable goal from human trafficking to money laundering.

After Hallett was gunned down on November 15, 2020, his agent and dear loving friend Neely Petrie Blanchard was quickly arrested in Georgia under very suspicious circumstances and charged with first degree murder.


According to Blanchard, she and Hallett were assisting the federal authorities with President Donald Trump’s “Operation Legend”.

When Blanchard was arrested on November 16, 2020, she did not show any sign that she knew why she was being detained. She pleaded with officers to keep her safe in Georgia, and to protect her “human trafficking” “evidence” that was in her vehicle. Media interviews that have been recently released reveal Blanchard uncovered an international human/child trafficking corridor between the United States and Canada that was being operated by a multi-level Satanic cult that required initiates to “eat” a “human heart”.


In February 2023, Kirk L. Pendergrass, an agent of Hallett’s corporation, testified under oath at a deposition. “… what [Christopher Hallett] had told me was he did a full forensic audit on all four states for Neely, and found, what, 56, 57, something like that, different case numbers, and that he had cracked the billing code on the bonds on the back side of these cases,” Pendergrass said.

You can watch Hallett explain what the “Weaponized Family Courts” did to Blanchard and see exactly what Hallett was helping her with.

Pendergrass’ testimony blew the lid off the massive cover-up of a judicial cartel that is waging war against the U.S. Constitution and the American People.

Pendergrass used many names during his deposition, including the name “Timothy Charles Holmseth” who had given E~Clause LLC Power of Attorney in 2019 regarding a multi-State Sharia law scheme using Family Courts against Holmseth. Holmseth is an award-winning news reporter and credible FBI witness and was targeted after he started reporting evidence he obtained about Jeffrey Epstein, Ukraine, and international child trafficking. The MEMO Holmseth sent to AG Jeff Sessions warning President Trump about Mike Pence and an FBI agent named “John Regan” was tweeted to President Donald Trump by Attorney Lin Wood shortly before the events of January 6, 2021.

The Tweet storm by Wood has been deemed the most profound Tweet storm in the history of the world.


The true and real reason Hallett was assisting Blanchard has been diabolically distorted by the Fake News.

Blanchard’s very small child had reported to her mother (Blanchard) that her daddy put his penis in her “noo-noo” and it was “sticky like glue”. Florida DCF reportedly confirmed the abuse was happening. Blanchard took every measure to protect her child, but a judge in a different State (suspiciously) issued an Ex Parte Order that ordered the little girl back to her abuser.

According to Blanchard, she spent untold thousands upon thousands of dollars for BAR attorneys who ultimately could do nothing for her. Essentially – the Family Court abducted her child and there was nothing she could do about it.

Years went by as Blanchard fought for her children, but she appeared to be a target of a very well-connected system of individuals. At one point Blanchard made national news due to an AMBER ALERT that was put out under utterly ridiculous circumstances, which resulted in Blanchard being charged with a felony.


After Blanchard was arrested on ridiculous charges involving miscommunications with her mother (Grandma) about who would have Blanchard’s children while Grandma had covid, the Sheriff in Logan County, Kentucky told some obscure reporter named O.J. Stapleton that the United States Secret Service assisted in tracking down Blanchard.

Two reasonable people would never disagree that the U.S. Secret Service doesn’t track down mothers who went camping with their kids.

Emerging evidence is revealing the woman the media called “QANON MOM” (Neely Petrie Blanchard) and painted as crazy, may go down in history as the biggest hero in world history who fought for children that were being tortured and raped.

Blanchard said her child was in the hands of freaks and pedophiles connected to Hillary Clinton and the Kardashians.

After Blanchard’s arrest, she received a visit in the correctional facility from two super-creepy FBI agents who brow-beat Blanchard about Hallett, told her he was an awful father, and told her Hallett never filed anything in their federal courthouse. However, the FBI’s assertion was patently false because Hallett sent a copy of the receipt to his colleague, Randi Lynn Erickson, Minnesota, that proved the filing was made. Blanchard told the FBI what was happening to her daughter and the agent told her the FBI could not help her because they cannot do anything about local hands-on crimes. The visit by the FBI to Blanchard looked more like the FBI tampering with a witness of “Operation Legend” than doing anything productive for the American people.

The deposition released yesterday is one of a long list of pieces of evidence from the Blanchard case that has been published by William Kevin Murtaugh, Apopka, Florida, on his show called From The Desk Of Murtwitnessonelive on You Tube. Murtaugh openly meets with the FBI and wears “FBI” and “CIA” on his person, as well as what appears to be a U.S. Marshal Badge.

During a recent airing Murtaugh said Timothy Holmseth “may have signed his death warrant”. 


Murtaugh met with the Minneapolis FBI in September 2020 to discuss “Operation Chaos”. The Minnesota meeting was approximately one month after Trump announced, “Operation Legend”. Murtaugh openly stated he met with FBI agents for “four hours” and boasted the outfit in “Ocala” (Christopher Hallett) days were numbered.

Hallett was murdered two months later.

Murtaugh initially said he received the evidence from the Blanchard case through the Court. However, a concerned researcher telephoned the Clerk of Court in Marion County and the Clerk adamantly denied giving out such information. After Murtaugh’s first fib was exposed, he changed his story and said he obtained the files from the Marion County States Attorney Office. That was subsequently confirmed by SA Toby Hunt and SA Amy Berndt.

Murtaugh recently stated he is investigating evidence for the Marion County State Attorney. Murtaugh announced Pendergrass is likely going to be charged with “Perjury” (based upon his “four hour” meeting with the States Attorney).

There is evidence that causes people to believe Murtaugh is a serial killer of children and child rapist.

A screenshot of a social media post  

Murtaugh made the news in Florida when he purchased an old news van and followed detectives around town in the Casey Anthony trial. Murtaugh was described as creepy by Channel 6. Murtaugh was required to apologize after he publicly claimed to know the identity of the abductor of missing child Trenton Duckett.

There was recently a report filed (sealed by the U.S. Court) to the FBI that shows Murtaugh appears to look exactly like the man drawn by an FBI sketch artist of mobster James ‘Whitey’ Bulger that was published by the U.S. Marshals service.

A cartographic sketch

An article about the FBI


Murtaugh has been appearing on his FBI show and railing against Jessie Marie Czebotar, the federal witness who provided sworn testimony she personally watched U.S. Presidents and world leaders torture and eat children alive. Czebotar presently has a Petition in front of Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan asking to tell her story to Weaponization of the Federal Government subcommittee.

The information obtained by Blanchard during her interviews for “Operation Legend” fall perfectly in line with Czebotar’s recollections of crimes against children connected to Satanic cults, Witch covens, and the Luciferian Brotherhood.


Evidence shows a woman from Vancouver, Canada, using the name Paula C. Blades is working with members of the international intelligence community (5-Eyes, NSA) and conspiring against officials of the United States Government.

Evidence shows Blades is working with 9-11 whistleblower Field McConnell, Plum City, Wisconsin. In 2019 McConnell said he was associated with high-level brass and Generals (as does Blades who says she is associated with Gen. Michael Flynn) and was very close with a character named Juan O’Savin who is part of a military Phycological Operation called “Q”.

While it’s believed Blades is using a fake name to conduct trafficking activities in the United States from her home location in Canada, there is evidence the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office in Wisconsin knows her real name.

Devin Nunes, CEO, Truth Social, made the news this week when he said the entire judicial system is collapsing.


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