Were You Ripped Off by Craig Sawyer/Vets 4 Child Rescue? WE WANT YOUR STORY

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 3, 2020 at 2:33 P.M.
Were you ripped off by Craig Sawyer, CEO, Veterans For Child Rescue?
Since the inception of V4CR in April, 2017, the organization has been scandal ridden and a horrible embarrassment to the U.S. Military.
We have received a great deal of information and evidence from the general public that Hillary Clinton’s bodyguard, Craig Sawyer, verbally assaulted them and blocked them after they kindly asked Sawyer how many children he rescued and/or how their donations were being used.
In some instances Sawyer responded to females by calling them a “cunt” and then blocked them from Twitter.
If you have a Craig Sawyer/V4CR horror story we want to hear it.
Please send your story to [email protected] along with screenshots and any other evidence you have. Please write the words CRAIG SAWYER HORROR STORY in the subject line. We receive thousands of emails so please write the words in the subject line or it might get missed.
You’re the real deal! I was watching VOP live on Facebook exposing that cemex rape camp. I saw this Sawyer guy come in and confirm that it was a rape camp only to turn around and say it wasn’t. Then he started to disparage Arthur by calling him -screwy lewy. Then Sawyer went on Alex Jones and Jones joined Sawyer in disparaging Arthur and saying the rape camp wasn’t a rape camp. I stopped paying attention to AJ ever since.
I’ve been praying that God raises up some real men to deal with it. AJ- he better repent he better not be a part of this!
We are out here angry that this is happening. Just as angry as Arthur Lewis. We are watching. We are praying for warriors such as yourself, Mr. Holmseth. Never heard of you until a few months ago, but I’ve praying for you.
In Jesus’ Name….