“I don’t want to be daddy’s little princess. I don’t want to be daddy’s little princess”

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 4, 2023
There is a website called Real Raw News that contains content regarding the U.S. Military written by someone calling themself Michael Baxter. The public is strongly CAUTIONED to see ‘Real Raw News’ as something that is for entertainment purposes only.
The website Real Raw News actually tells you the sites contains humor, parody, and satire.
However, in presenting what they call humor, parody, and satire, the website purports to write news that uses sources connected to actual military brass such as USMC General David H. Berger.
We previously reported regarding a PSY-OP called “Q” and/or “QAnon” that involved a cast of characters including retired General Michael Flynn, disgraced attorney Lin Wood, David Lester Straight, Attorney Sidney Powell, Juan O’Savin, and others, The ‘Q’ operation is part of a vast network called “digital soldiers”.
In 2019, Timothy Charles Holmseth infiltrated the ‘Q’ operation to ALERT and PROTECT President Donald J. Trump from a conspiracy Holmseth observed that was forming around Trump. Holmseth’s plan was called “Q – PROJECT [SECRET] AMBITION“.
Holmseth uncovered a plot by Straight, members of the U.S. Military, and others, to hijack Trump’s MAGA movement, through a full spectrum psychological operation against the World that involved claims Straight was one of the 144,000 referred to in the Bible; that Straight’s girlfriend Marcellas Crandall was “Mary Magdalene” carrying the Jesus Strand of DNA; that Straight was working with “JFK Jr.” who, Straight told crowds, is still alive; and the opening of a foreign embassy in Keene, Texas where Straight claimed he was a “Colonel” of the Republic of Texas – Texas Rangers. Straight set up the embassy with his fake wife Bonnie Thomas. David Straight and Bonnie Thomas traveled to Hawaii in summer 2021 where they got so-called married. They were at Mark Zuckerberg’s house. Thomas called herself “Bonnie Straight” and handed out business cards that she was “Counsel General” for the Republic of Texas. While inside the embassy, Bonnie Thomas (Straight) told Timothy Holmseth she had “President Donald Trump’s” telephone number and could call him anytime she wanted. David Straight and Bonnie Thomas were attempting to set up a ‘government’ with its own courts, juries, and judges.
The plot involved a plan to dramatically announce and reveal to the American public (and world) evidence of crimes against humanity had been discovered. The evidence, which was going to be filed into David Straight’s ‘court’ in the Republic of Texas, was to come from multiple sources, but the bulk of the eyewitness testimony was to come from Jessie Marie Czebotar. Czebotar was trained as a small child for the position of “Queen Mother of Darkness’ and witnessed unthinkable, horrific acts of evil, torture, and cannibalism, that are so horrible they defy logic and understanding. Czebotar provided David Straight with affidavits of truth that detailed her memories of torture and cannibalism by U.S. President and world leaders.
Real Raw News regularly reports about a military officer – Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall of the United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps.
The following excerpt is from Real Raw News and should not be taken seriously.
~begin excerpt~
Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall of the United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps, too, received a threatening letter written by Austin. The letter ordered Adm. Crandall to immediately free GITMO detainees, cease all unlawful prosecutions, and turn himself in.
In response, Adm. Crandall wrote back, “I have a better idea. You turn yourself in, Lloyd. We have a seat reserved for you.”
~end excerpt~
In 2019, David Lester Straight told Holmseth that a woman from California named Marcella Crandall carried the DNA strand of Jesus Christ – was “Mary Magdalene” and was going to give birth to a child that would change the world. Later – Straight can be seen on video making audiences believe that ‘Judge Advocate Darse E. Crandall is related to Marcella Crandall and suggests that everything is ‘Biblical’.
In 2019, Holmseth worked alongside Straight and Marcella Crandall at a resort in Oregon. The curious clerk at the resort kindly asked Straight what the team was doing in the room. Straight pulled back his coat and revealed his sidearm holster and weapon. He told the clerk he was working for President Donald J. Trump on three Presidential Commissions.
During task force investigative work Marcella Crandall told Holmseth she once found a boot in the closet of the house where she lived with her husband – a police officer and SWAT team leader. She said the boot contained a large amount of SD cards and suggested the cards contained child pornography created by her husband. She did not turn the SD cards overt to law enforcement. Marcella Crandall also told Holmseth that she once went to put her small daughter to bed and the little girl was flopping back and forth on the bed crying and saying “I don’t want to be daddy’s little princess. I don’t want to be daddy’s little princess”. She said she believed her husband was creating child pornography. Holmseth continued to casually ask Marcellas Crandall questions. Holmseth asked her why she stayed with her husband etc. She told Holmseth she was trying to get them into marriage counseling and worked to save the marriage. Holmseth observed that the timeline of events given by Marcella Crandall showed that while she thought her husband was raping their daughter, she wanted to stay married to him.
Straight told Holmseth he assisted the U.S. Marines in the transfer of 2,100 children from their cages in California to a military base. He also said the children were moved through Johnson County, Texas. Straight also told Holmseth he knew the location of a mining cave in California where children were being held.
On one occasion Straight told Holmseth the U.S. Military did a ‘Fly Over’ Marcellas Crandall’s house to thank her for all her great help.
You, the reader, are strongly cautioned to carefully examine the TRUE CHARACTER of retired General Michael Flynn, Juan O’Savin, disgraced attorney Lin Wood, David Lester Straight, Attorney Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Stew Peters, Professor David Clements, Clay Clark, Alex Jones, Tim Ballard, Jim Caviezel, and a massive list of others too extensive to name.
Michael Flynn’s network of “digital soldiers” essentially REPLACED the legacy corporate mainstream news in a traitorous intelligence PSY-OP where Flynn is called ‘The People’s General” (he’s a “TV General” as described by President Trump).
Michael Flynn was supposed to be on a Presidential ballot with Ron DeSantis.
“Q” and “QAnon” is controlled opposition operated by an international human trafficking cartel created by the Luciferian Brotherhood and/or other factions of groups that worship Satan.
Timothy Charles Holmseth is being called America’s ‘Last Journalist Standing’. TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS is free. However, if you feel led to assist Tim in getting to where he needs to go, to do what he needs to do, to bring this information to the world, you can. CLICK HERE to for options to donate.
Watch/Listen to Isaac Kappy call Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Lin Wood talk about Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Ally Carter address Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Timothy Charles Holmseth uncover (in real time) the FBI/CIA Ukraine/Epstein fake adoption child trafficking operation – PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP UKRAINE SPECIAL