by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 5, 2023 – USA
Timothy Charles Holmseth, War Correspondent, posted on TRUTH SOCIAL today that, according to Jessie Maries Czebotar via affidavits filed with the U.S. Court and U.S. Military, Newt and Callista Ginrich were present when children were strung from the ceiling and drained of adrenochrome.
It appears Holmseth is examining professional relationships and associations of alleged child torturers and cannibals after seeing an article on The Gateway Pundit – LIVE! #SaveTheElectorsTelethon—Newt Gingrich, Jim Hoft, Steve Bannon, Kari Lake, Shawn Farash, Michael Easton and MORE!
We examined the JESSIE MARIE CZEBOTAR AFFIDAVIT GINRICH and observed the following names are also listed by Czebotar.
The following Czebotar affidavits was among affidavits submitted to the attorney(s) of President Donald J. Trump.
Note: Some names may be misspelled due to transfer from program to program. Corrections forthcoming.
President Ronald and Nancy Reagan
President George H. and Barbara Bush
President George W. and Laura Bush
Nazi and Ukrainian Legion of Defense€ l,eader Michael Karkoc
Clara Odelila Acker Church (Queen Mother of Dar*ness)
Beatrice Acker Hellanbrand (Mother of Darkness)
Valeria Church (Mother of Darkness)
Maggie Acka (Married name Unknown) (Mother of Darkness)
Vera Acker (Married name Unknown) (Mother of Darkness)
Laurie Cabot Kent (Grand High Priestess of North/East)
Jour Collins (Grand High Priestess of West)
Gloria Vande6ilt (Grand High Priestess of East)
MaryInu Whitney (Grand High Priestess of South)
Col. Michael Aquino
Gen. Paul E. Valtely (Saw him in association with many members of this order, but
cannot confirm his involvement)
Col. John B. Aloonder
John O. Brennan
Edward Rincon (DARPA’ CERN, Haarp Interface)
Isaac Asimov (Writer with Connections to Underground Boston Military Base)
Oliver Stone
Colin A. Ross (ISSTD TheraPis0
Bennelt Braun (Founder ofISSTD)
Neil Brick (Finder)
Eilene Avetti (Breedor Program, ISSTD TherapisQ
Newt Gingrich
Ambassador to the Holy See Callista Gingrich
Bill and Hilary Clinton
Barack Obama
Oprah Winfrey
Mitt Romney
Rahm Emanuel
Dick, Lynne, and Liz Cheney
James Danforth “Dan” and Marilyn Quayle
Former Vice President Mike and Kzen Pence
John and Thoesa Heinz Kerry
Cardina/Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan
Archbishop John L. May
Msgr Thomas Brady
Muammar Gaddafi
Elon Musk
Sasha Stone
Michael Trudeau
Nathan Rothschild
Saif al-lslam Gaddaf
~begin Truth Social post by Timothy Holmseth~
by Timothy Charles Holmseth – War Correspondent
Does anyone find it interesting that Newt Ginrich, Jim Hoft, Kari Lake, Steve Bannon and others are hosting some #SaveTheElectorsTelethon when Newt and Callista Ginrich are personally NAMED in an affidavit by Jessie Marie Czebotar (U.S. Court/U.S. Military)? Czebotar said Callista was present when children were hung from the ceiling and drained of adrenochrome.
~end Truth Social post by Timothy Holmseth~
Timothy Charles Holmseth is being called America’s ‘Last Journalist Standing’. TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS is free. However, if you feel led to assist Tim in getting to where he needs to go, to do what he needs to do, to bring this information to the world, you can. CLICK HERE to for options to donate.
Watch/Listen to Isaac Kappy call Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Lin Wood talk about Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Ally Carter address Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Timothy Charles Holmseth uncover (in real time) the FBI/CIA Ukraine/Epstein fake adoption child trafficking operation – PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP UKRAINE SPECIAL