by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 21, 2020 at 2:29 P.M.
On March 31, 2020 TIME Magazine online published a COVID-19 story headlined ‘I Still Can’t Believe What I’m Seeing.’ What It’s Like to Live Across the Street From a Temporary Morgue During the Coronavirus Outbreak
The TIME story featured Alix Monteleone, events planner, Brooklyn, New York.
“I spend my entire day like this,” she says, propping her elbows onto the back of her couch and looking out toward the Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, the hospital across the street. “I still can’t believe what I’m seeing.” – TIME ONLINE INTERVIEW WITH Alix Monteleone
The story then goes on to describe Body Collection Points.
The deployment of temporary morgues across the city—known to emergency planners as Body Collection Points, or BCPs—marks a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic for New Yorkers, whose city has rapidly become the global center of the crisis. By late Monday, the state’s death toll had surpassed 1,200, with more than 66,000 confirmed infections. More than 900 of the deaths were in New York City. – TIME ONLINE
America – below you can get to know Alix Monteleone, TIME Magazine’s eyewitness to their riveting Body Collection Point story.
Ms. Monteleone wants you to know how much she loves pizza, as you can see by the photos she put on her Instagram.
Believe in me I’m with the High Command
Thank you lord Jesus!!!
Praying for all you hero’s that are involved in this mission. It has to be horrifying and very difficult to witness this, I can’t even begin to imagine. My heart aches for the children and we are anticipating the arrests of these evil despicable people. God bless all you you and thank you, stay strong!??
Timothy God Bless you. The first time I heard about you is when I started listening to Abel Danger. I came to love him and I realized you were on the same team. I pray he is alright and that President Trump will help him.You are both all about rescuing the children and loving the Lord. I happen to have 9 grandchildren all of them know the Lord age appropriately. Two of them are being raised by bipolars one by hardcore liberals. My daughter and ex son in law had joint custody but he and his mother asked the judge for educational and medical custody. That gave them full custody. They have her on mind altering meds all the time. They gave her the flu shot twice. God only knows whats in it. I feel so helpless. I can only pray. I am concerned with the whole foster care system and think it should be overhauled along with the educational system. This evil system is only interested in breaking up homes. President Trump can only do so much and he must feel he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Abortion is murder and it is tied up with this satanic evil and pedogate. Sometimes I have a hard time believing this evil will end. The bible says one thing about the end times that the wicked would outnumber the righteous and the love of many will wax cold. Isnt that what has happened? There is a scripture the Lord keeps putting on my heart about the children. Malachi 4:6 This scripture is for this hour as we rescue these precious lost ones. Praying for a spirit of repentance calm and justice not revenge. May the Lord bless us with victory over this dark night and may the Son shine in our world again. Thank you again.
Thank you Timothy for all your courageous and brave work. Bring dark to light and exposing the truth. May these people be brought to justice, every single one of them. Love and Light
The hashtags lead some where in combination?
The hashtags lead some where in combination? Or not. Just want you to know field and you are in my prayers god bless you and keep you safe. Thank you for saving kids and caring.
Thank you Timothy for exposing these child trafficking sickos! You have sacrificed so much to help the children. God’s blessing!
What our friends have said, and Thank you for your dedication,commitment and Light.
Praying for the Children. POTUS. The good brave people of the US Forces, and your good self
I’m all with the Qanons!
Praying for you heroes! Thank you thank you we are with you! #WWG1WGA
Hello Timothy, like many truth seekers, I look at these stories from all angles in order to find the truth. With this particular girl it may be that the whole pizza imagery is REALLY about Italian food pizza. It seems she’s Italian American. The Monteleone family are bakers from Brooklyn and Long Island. Many of them sell pizza in addition to cakes etc.. I am an Italian American from Bklyn. I have use the “true love” image with the woman hugging the pizza slice. My mom loves pizza and I even bought her a pizza stickers.
So, it may be this young girl is unaware of the other, more sinister meaning of our beloved Italian, fast food.
Why did they have to pick Italian cuisne for their code words!??
Thank you for your reports and God bless.
JSOC and CIA/Mossad are allowed to be imprinted with an underaged girl before serving 4 years to have a religious female totally devoted to them before going on missions that could result in death. Police know this and make us fake IDs because we serve our country. Sometimes AG/FBI tries to infiltrate and pretend to be underage. But if you have horrible mind eating intelligence you need something/someone pure that can keep your secrets and is healthy enough to raise your children. Sorry that’s the way things are in the military IC. Go join Special Forces or CIA and give up your entire life including all vices to be able to have young adults bare and raise your children when you return home. The rest are Mossad honeytraps and is why Epstein is in Gbay yo… Get over it. Unless it’s Mossad honeytrap. Fuck those guys unless it’s wartime.