NORM TRAVERSY a GOFUNDME FRAUDSTER? – The ‘Raping Bandit’ strikes again!

Gerald Brummel (Right) and Norm Traversy
by Timothy Charles Holmseth on July 17, 2020 at 10:35 P.M.
Norm Traversy considers himself a pretty big deal in Canada where he has erected a GOFUNDME page with a $400,000 goal.
“I have charged Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with violations of the Criminal Code of Canada – namely obstruction of justice and taking bribes. Any money raised here will go to cover my legal expenses,” Traversy’s fundraiser website says.
But wait…
Travery’s friend and colleague, Gerald Brummel, is WANTED by the law in Canada on a Warrant and has been sending psychotic threats of violent rape to a news reporter.
In fact – Traversy joined Brummel in a You Tube video where the two men sat arm-in-arm while Brummel (who appeared intoxicated) babbled incessantly on about Timothy Charles Holmseth.

On July 2, 2020 we reported – EPSTEIN’S $68 Billion: Gerald Brummel (Agent Margaritaville) WANTED by the Law in Canada
Despite being WANTED by the law in Canada, Brummel has been sending yet more rape threats to Timothy Charles Holmseth. On July 15 2020 Brummel (Agent Margaritaville) made another threat.
Traversy has enjoyed some modest success with his online campaign.
For instance – Traversy has received positive and supportive commentary and opinion-based editorial from commentators such as Linda Paris (McCallister TV). Paris is not an investigator so it is not known if she is truly aware of Travery’s colleague’s and their activities (or if she just got excited about something she saw in the news and started talking about it).
Below is a video that shows Travery’s colleague, Gerald Brummel, threatening to have Holmseth raped. Brummel copied the sentence about rape and pasted it what appears to be over a thousand times as if psychotic.
I think Linda Paris is genuine. She’s a supporter of Field and has done a few interviews with Juan O’Saven. I honestly don’t think she’s aware of Traversy and Brummel being shills.
Brummel, aka Margaritaville, leaches his existence on the tailcoats of Field’s credibility (on Field’s show a handful of times). Creatures like Brummel throw out red herrings and then run with unproven conclusions. Problem with Brummel is he’s a rage machine with no filter (under the guise of outrage for the kids). To any thinking person, he smells.
Traversy has more self control. It would be hard to discern unless Timothy exposed this.
I find Norm and Gerald’s agreement with another disturbing. It’s hard for me to see them as credible when they speak and behave this way. I lose trust and respect when they bash others on their videos; zero cred. Underlying motives? That’s the impression I’m left with. Avoid.