UPDATE ON JESUS STRAND PSYOP – Marcella Crandall [Mary Magdalene] publicly announces she works for David Lester Straight

A screenshot of a facebook page with a picture of a woman in sunglasses.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on June 25, 2022 – USA

The following was posted on the GAB account of Timothy Charles Holmseth, today.


UPDATE ON JESUS STRAND PSYOP – Marcella Crandall [Mary Magdalene] publicly announces she works for David Lester Straight

by Timothy Charles Holmseth – War Correspondent – on June 25, 2022, at 7:16 P.M. EST – USA

I have filed multiple reports on the PSYOP regrading JFK Jr. and the Jesus Strand hoax. I reported that I infiltrated that U.S. Military-connected operation being run through the intelligence community. I reported David Lester Straight brought a woman named Marcella Crandall into the PSYOP and said he was “Mary Magdalene” carrying the Jesus Strand.

Below you will see Marcella Crandall publicly states she works for David Lester Straight.

Believe in me I’m with the High Command


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