“We’re going to indict them – we’re going to try them in the public – and we’re going to carry out a sentence – and then we’re going to hang them” – THE PLOT TO FRAME PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP

A crowd of people in front of the capitol building.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on June 28, 2022, at 10:42 A.M. – USA

The following was posted on the GAB account of Timothy Charles Holmseth, today.


“We’re going to indict them – we’re going to try them in the public – and we’re going to carry out a sentence – and then we’re going to hang them” – THE PLOT TO FRAME PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP

by Timothy Charles Holmseth – War Correspondent – on June 28, 2022, at 9:21 A.M. EST – USA

Credible evidence shows President Donald J. Trump requested up to 20,000 National Guard to keep the peace in Washington DC on January 6, 2021 – but his request was denied. The world has been told by the enemy media that President Trump incited an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021, which is patently false. “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,” President Trump said during his speech on January 6, 2021.


Evidence shows there was a plot to frame President Donald J. Trump on January 6, 2021. The plot was set forth by people who created the false appearance they were close to Trump. The plotters attempted to overthrow the government while falsely claiming they had been instructed by Trump to do it.

The following is from an interview with David Lester Straight.

Straight told me he was “Secret Service” and viewed video of “Mike Pence” raping a little boy. He said he was appointed to three Commissions by Trump (Judicial Corruption, Human Trafficking, Space Force).

The following was on a date before January 6, 2021.

“I’m going to do something that hasn’t really been done very much in history on any kind of a large scale – and that’s, I’m going to swear in a crowd – make them a Grand Jury and indict, remember, those that go against the Republic – and that’s what we’re working on right now is the indictment. I’m literally writing an indictment with names to be added later – to be amended – anyone in Congress or Senate that votes against what’s right, and not allowing the voter fraud – we’re going to indict them – we’re going to try them in the public – and we’re going to carry out a sentence – and then we’re going to hang them,” Straight said.

“President Trump said it was up to We The People and he said that multiple times and that’s exactly what I’m going to say in front of the crowd – that our President – President Trump said it was up to us – that he’s done everything he can to restore the Republic and now it’s up to us – and this is the power we have in the People – our Constitution not only allows for us to be the militia – but to be the jury to hold trial – to pass sentence and to execute,” Straight said.

“[Trump] may call [the Insurrection Act] but were already going to have everything – the Indictment served upon Congress and Senate before that,” Straight said.

“Here’s the thing. You’ve got the Marine 1st Infantry Division is going to be in the crowd in civilian clothes – Special Operations Command of the Army – Navy SEALS – many, many of our Special Forces teams are going to be in civil clothes in the crowd,” Straight said.



Timothy Charles Holmseth

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