CIA sex rings of the elite – insider Anne Hanly names operators – Bohemian Grove to Washington D.C.

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on December 26, 2018 at 6:34 P.M. CST
I have new information regarding a California based organization connected to the CIA that has been shuffling children around for decades.
I recently published ‘Q’ clearance Marine family targeted – MK Ultra / crimes against humanity’ and ‘EXCLUSIVE: 1993 child kidnapping a Christmas/Winter Solstice satanic ritual orgy connected to Rothschilds’.
The first two installments to the series described how the family of Major Alfred Hanly (now deceased) has been plagued by mysterious deaths, torture, and endless tragedy. The family has endured everything from MK Ultra torture and human experimentation under S.K. Rothschild and Dr. Louis Jolyon West – to a young child being kidnapped for a sex ritual.
I reported Monica Hanly and her mother, Anne Hanly, were in the news in 1996, in a segment that mentioned Monica’s 1993 kidnapping from the streets of Sacramento.
The Hanly kidnapping made the news by way of a feature about a man named Greg Mengell, Interstate Association for Stolen Children. The news praised Mengell for assisting Monica and Anne Hanly.
However, a careful analysis into Mengell reveals something very dark and cynical.
Monica Hanly’s kidnapping was showcased in a special segment called ‘People You Count On’ aired by KOVR 13 in California. The segment featured Greg Mengell and his organization.
“Kids on our streets are a little safer tonight thanks to the hard work of a man you are about to meet. His name is Greg Mengell,” KOVR said, praising Mengell.
“With the help of the Interstate Association For Stolen Children, Monica is recovering from her ordeal,” KOVR said.
“We handle cases of stranger abduction and juvenile prostitution nation wide,” Mengell told KOVR.
“We’ve been around for five years,” Mengell told KOVR.
However – KOVR never mentioned any actual success stories or significant accomplishments by Mengell.
The footage shot by the KOVR TV crew showed Mengell hanging around in the slums with small children, grubby teens, and families in terrible living conditions – bordering on homeless.
Anne Hanly said she became concerned about Mengell when she realized he appeared to be harvesting children from their families to be placed into the foster care system.
Anne Hanley also said Mengell referred her to a CIA operative named Al Holbert – an event that seriously affected her life in a negative and permanent way.
KOVR praised Mengell in ‘People You Count On’ and then merged sound bites of Monica Hanly and Anne Hanly praising Mengell into the TV segment.
“I was young and naive,” Anne Hanly said, looking back at the praise she have Mengell.
Mengell actually played no known role whatsoever in Monica Hanly’s safe recovery
Monica Hanly was kidnapped on December 21, 1993. She was raped for three days and dumped back onto streets of Sacramento at Midnight on December 25 (consistent with the Satanic calendar for ritual orgy).
The coverage by mainstream news featuring Mengell appeared to be just another news piece of the CIA program called Project Mockingbird where mainstream news is used to brainwash the public.
Essentially – Mengell was praised by a major television network that promoted his organization – an organization that focused on street kids and impoverished families that live in sleazy motels.
Mengell has created an organization that places him in direct contact with children and families that are completely vulnerable.
In December, 2018 the official website for Mengell’s organization said, “Interstate Association for Stolen Children (IASC)is a 501(3)c nonprofit organization that intervenes directly in non-family child abduction cases and is involved in the relentless pursuit of predators. All actions are coordinated with law enforcement.”
What actions? What law enforcement? Where are the records?
“Interstate Association for Stolen Children (IASC) not only aids in the investigation and recovery of non-parental abductions but also those children who have been taken into the dark world of Domestic Human Trafficking, more commonly known as Prostitution. Our team keeps up-to-date training, resources and knowledge of what goes on in this underworld of modern day slavery. We are extremely dedicated in bringing these children home and insuring their safe rehabilitation. We have successfully Investigated, researched and searched the streets in order to make this happen. Interstate Association for Stolen Children not only has the training and experience in this area but also has a team of parent volunteers that have lost a child to this underworld of Human Trafficking. These parents were once out clients, who before seeking the assistance of IASC spent many sleepless nights and placed themselves in dangerous situations searching for their child with no success. We here at IASC, educate and guide our clients in the process of finding their child in order to insure their safety. We believe that coming together as a team; Local Authority, Federal Agents, Missing Children’s Organizations, along with parent cooperation insures the success of bringing our children home,” Mengells’s website said.
Anne Hanly, a transcriptionist and court reporter specialist, went to work for Mengell doing transcriptions for missing children cases.
Anne Hanly told me Mengell’s office was covered with pictures of missing children. “All missing children across the United States – they come in – he knows about all the missing children,” Hanly said.
Anne Hanly specifically mentioned ‘Jacob Wetterling’.
“He (Greg Mengell) told me at Marin in California where I was going to school was very dangerous – that they had a dead body there and that they almost arrested him as a detective,” Hanly said.
Why did the police almost arrest Mengell?
“He told me one time in Washington D.C. they had a limo waiting for him,” Anne Hanly said.
Mengell being picked up by limousine in Washington D.C. directly conflicts with the very modest presentation made about him in the news where he said they go month to month financially operate and “God provides”.
Mengell was picked up by a limousine in Washington D.C.? Who arranged for that limousine? Who paid for the limousine? Who did Mengell meet in Washington? What did they talk about?
Anne Hanly said she once sat a restaurant with Al Holbert (who she met at the direction of Mengell) as a helicopter landed nearby. She said Holbert told her to watch and learn. She said a man got out of the helicopter and into a limousine. Holbert told Anne Hanly those people were on their way to a place called Bohemian Grove.
During my journalistic investigation into the kidnapping of a five year old from Florida named HaLeigh Cummings, I encountered exactly the same circumstances I am seeing with Mengell.
In the HaLeigh Cummings case I learned from multiple eyewitnesses that a man named John Regan was dressing as a pastor and identifying himself as an ‘undercover pedophile for the FBI, as well as claiming to be a CIA agent. John Regan was accompanied by his son, Jeremiah Regan. The father and son appeared out of thin air to involve themselves in the missing child case.
An eyewitnesses reported seeing a man that looked exactly Jeremiah Regan attempting to cover the identity of a little girl at a gas station in South Carolina. I learned that child pornography had been created of HaLeigh and was passed around by individuals in a motel room including Jeremiah Regan.
Jeremiah Regan and others opened up a road-side facility called “The HaLeigh Bug Center” where they were accepting ‘tips’ about the child’s whereabouts and taking cash donations. This group of weirdoes also set up a website called where they had a Pay Pal button for donations.
I possess actual audio of Jeremiah Regan wearing a wire and identifying himself as a member of law enforcement, as he promises a case witness immunity if she will sign a false statement that would implicate another girl in the case.
On March 22, 2009 the mainstream news covered a ‘cookout’ that was held at the HaLeigh Bug Center in Satsuma, Florida. The event was supposedly held to thank the public for all their support.
But – it was actually a planned media stunt with very serious implications.
On that same day John Regan, Jeremiah Regan, a bounty hunter named William ‘Cobra’ Staubs, and several members of the missing child’s family staged a fake search where they had planted some of HaLeigh’s toys to be found.
The fake search was a media stunt that ended in disaster. The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office refused to accept any of the evidence that had been cleared for removal by John Regan, the ‘undercover pedophile for the FBI.
In a parallel to the situation…
Anne Hanly mentioned where Mengell was almost arrested – the same thing happened with ‘Cobra’ the Bounty Hunter. He was in fact arrested for felony kidnapping after abducting a local man after a media stunt he pulled with CNN/Nancy Grace journalist Art Harris.
I captured members of the judicial community (i.e. lawyer’s, social workers, police) on tape secretly conspiring with private investigators and Florida DCF to steal kids from their parents through diabolical coordination that would leave the target (young impoverished mother / illegal immigrants etc.) vulnerable and defenseless.
Wayanne Kruger, California, was a member of the group and detailed a CIA baby sales operation involving John Regan and others in Broward County, Florida.
In 2018, I discovered Craig Sawyer of Vets For Child Rescue was running a similar scam where he professed he was dispatching squads he called ‘VIPR teams” (Veterans Investigating Pedophile Rings) to find children held in captivity and extract them.
Sawyer too professed to be associated with law enforcement and even claimed he was making arrests.
Evidence show Sawyer’s entire operation, which he rolled out with Alex Jones, is a complete fraud. Sawyer has received untold thousand of dollars for his fake group that never extracted children from slavery as he promised.
However, just like with Mengell and the operatives in the HaLeigh Cummings case, Sawyer received major network support and promotion of his organization from news stations.
Perhaps the largest fraud perpetuated on the American public regarding mainstream news and Project Mockingbird has occurred in the Jacob Wetterling case.

Publications including the St. Cloud Times and Star-Tribune have wholly and completely deceived the public by refusing to report that the teeth and bones found by law enforcement in rural Minnesota at the direction of Danny Heinrich turned out to not be human – and therefore could not have been the remains of Jacob Wetterling.
The mainstream news cannot cover that explosive dynamic of the case because it automatically means somebody planted clothing with animal bones to be found – all done to create the false appearance that Heinrich was the murderer.
This is an ongoing journalistic investigation by Timothy Charles Holmseth.