Don Jr. calls out ‘creepy left wing journalist’ Will Sommer (stumbles into THE CIA FINDERS CULT)

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on July 31, 2021 at 12:47 P.M.
Don Jr. took to Twitter on Thursday and referred to THE Daily Beast reporter Will Sommer as “creepy”. Jr’s assertion – a very short time later – would be proven up in spades.
And there’s nothing more “creepy” than the CIA FINDERS CULT.
It is not known if Don Jr. knew the same slimy operatives that have targeted his father and family come from the same group of spin-offs of the CIA FINDERS CULT who are targeting mothers, journalists, and whistleblowers around the country.
But, his timing was right on.
On Thursday, July 29, 2021 a court in Colorado changed the trajectory of the high profile ‘felony conspiracy to commit kidnapping case’ against Cynthia Abcug, a mother whose name was diabolically splattered all over the Web after she was accused of being a “QANON mom”.

Abcug faces trial next week in Douglas County, Colorado where she is charged with planning an armed “raid” to kidnap her child from foster care where, Abcug says, her little boy was/is being abused and sodomized.
If the ‘conspiracy’ to ‘raid’ something/somebody sounds eerily similar to the fake FBI conspiracy case created in Michigan to accuse men of plotting to kidnap Governor Whitmer – you’re thinking is on track with the Abcug case.
The warrant that initially issued for Abcug’s arrest cites statements made by Abcug’s daughter about QANON. However, during a pre-trial hearing on Thursday, the judge disallowed “QANON” from being a supporting basis of the prosecution.
The judge also disallowed the use of the term ‘Munchausen’s by Proxy’.
Evidence shows QANON was absolutely necessary to this prosecutorial scheme…because…
Evidence shows Abcug’s child really WAS being raped in foster care – and evidence shows the prosecution against Abcug is nothing more than trumped up felony charges, comprised of pure fiction and fabrications created by diabolical operatives of a well-organized child abuse scheme that was once known as the CIA FINDERS CULT.
In short…State-sponsored kidnappers and child rapists are trying to escape prosecution for their own crimes against children; by bringing their own prosecution against their victim’s mother/protector who fought for her child.
In 2019, when the CIA FINDERS originally began stalking Abcug behind the scenes to gather intelligence and monitor her public statements, with which to fabricate a crime story, make false reports, and spark a prosecution, they were not only aiming to frame Cynthia Abcug, but were also conspiring to frame a list of others who were exposing their CPS kidnapping scheme.
William K. Murtaugh, 70, Apopka, Florida, (murtwitnessonelive) is a CIA FINDERS operative and media agent who has aired videos to prove he has been traveling to Minnesota to meet with Minneapolis FBI agents. Murtaugh said he met with agents of the FBI for four (4) hours. He said they are all working on a huge case.

Murtaugh’s big story to the FBI is the assertion that award-winning news reporter Timothy Charles Holmseth, Boeing Whistleblower Field McConnell, and others, were/are operating an international child trafficking operation that is committing wire fraud, planning armed raids, stealing kids, and moving kids to other countries via a yacht.
The “QANON” angle was absolutely necessary to the Abcug prosecution because, the prosecution needed a politically charged ‘abstract’ with which to create the ‘idea’ that a ‘crime’ had been committed, despite there being no real or meaningful evidence of any such thing at all.
So…who pushed the “QANON” story here?
None other than “creepy” Will Sommer with a little help from NBC.
On January 4, 2020, Will Sommer, Politics Reporter, THE DAILY BEAST, published ‘QAnon Believer Teamed Up With Conspiracy Theorists to Plot Kidnapping, Police Say’ ‘Conspiracy theorist Cynthia Abcug allegedly predicted that “Satan worshipers” would be killed in a raid by QAnon believers’.
Sommer continued.
“Colorado mother Cynthia Abcug became an unlikely star on the fringe right last year thanks to a battle with her state’s child-welfare department over custody of her son, which became a cause célèbre among believers of the bizarre pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory,” Sommer reported.
On August 15, 2020 Sommer began a two part series.
PART 1 – QAnon Promotes Pedo-Ring Conspiracy Theories. Now They’re Stealing Kids. The far-right fringe group infamous for promoting nutjob conspiracy theories about pedophile rings has moved on to criminally meddling in child custody cases. /// The cover photo featured award-winning news reporter Timothy Charles Holmseth and Boeing Whistleblower Field McConnell.
PART 2 – QAnon Incited Her to Kidnap Her Son and Then Hid Her From the Law. Beguiled by far-right conspiracy theories that foster care was a front for child sex-trafficking, Cyndie Abcug allegedly planned to kidnap her son. Then she went on the run. /// The cover photo featured Boeing Whistleblower Field McConnell and Cynthia Abcug.
However…apparently…Abcug was not really charged with all the things ‘creepy Will Sommer’ wrote. Likewise, McConnell, Holmseth, and others were not involved in any big conspiracy such as what Murtaugh was broadcasting on behalf of the FBI.
Sommer’s online ‘prosecution by proxy’ (President Trump refers to it as “fake news”) which he brought via the Chelsea Clinton publication DAILY BEAST, against Abcug, Holmseth, McConnell and others came to a screeching halt on Thursday at the pre-trial hearing.
Murtaugh (a suspected child rapist and serial killer), who is planning to travel to Colorado to sit in the courtroom during the Abcug trial, has been telephoning the Douglas County Court Administrator’s phone. He stated the following on You Tube.
“It appears this trial is going to take a different course of action than anyone ever expected,” Murtaugh said.
“Now, this is the part that is surprising. QANON, Field McConnell, Tim Holmseth, and the rest, will not be entered in the trial,” Murtaugh said.
You can find a wealth of information on this and other cases at THE_HIGH_COMMAND (