PHOTOS: Unspeakable Horror Beneath New York’s Central Park – Deformed Victims – Genetic Experiments

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 18, 2020 at 5:14 P.M.
On April 15, 2020 I published CONFIRMED: IT’S BABIES!!! Under the Tents in Central Park (PRESIDENT TRUMP IS A HERO!!!)
It is infants and children being treated under the tents in New York’s Central Park.
HIPAA and child pornography laws forbid the publication of photographs featuring sexual abuse of children and/or medical records etc.
There has been some photographs released from Central Park and other medical facilities that provide glimpses of what is occurring.
There is very strong evidence infants and children are the primary patients being treated and cared for in New York – and the purpose of the care is trauma – not COVID-19.
There is also evidence that suggests some of the children/persons being treated may be the product of unholy genetic experiments which has caused them to not appear one-hundred percent human.
Some of the victims may actually be mixed genetic beings that were seen in the art of Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta, that was leaked to the world by Julian Assange through Wiki-Leaks.
Below are photos that were featured on the Blessed To Teach channel on You Tube.
I’m publishing these photos so the public can view them.
However, I would highly recommend you view the videos published on You Tube by Blessed To Teach because his guest, Gene C., is an expert and provides intelligence reports regarding Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB’s) and updates on the underground war taking place as we speak

Thank you
Thank you so much. It makes sense. I knew this was going on back in the 1970’s
Thank you so much. I’m a single foster mother to 4 beautiful girls. 2 have been severely sexually abused by their father and I’m heartbroken. I can’t imagine anyone hurting this kids. I will love them and protect them until the day I die. I wish I could take a couple of those kids and give them the love and life they never had. Thank you for the work you do. ❤️
Ghastly! Time to wake up Patriots and those still Asleep! I am ready to Battle these demonic entities and help rid our planet of this SCUM!!!!
Actual distanced from the Clinton Foundation Offices in the Paramount Building at 50th and Broadway, according to Ggle maps is 1.17 km.
I think the most part of anybody asking for pics would be of the area or place underground. I for one would not want to see the horrific pics of the children. Thank you Trump and everyone fighting this evil. Thank you Timothy
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, Timothy. As a born again Christian, I know evil exists. But this is absolutely horrific. I will continue to prat for the children, for you, military intelligence, medical personnel and President Trump and his administration. I am present on social media and will continue to wake Patriots up.
I went to that YouTube channel and it appeared that they had a lot of viewers upset for giving inaccurate information and more than once. Which immediately turned me off because I’m so upset in not knowing what is really going on. And that takes people’s hope.
God almighty! I knew a little bit about this evil but I did not know the extent of these horrors. God bless you Timothy and God bless our wonderful President Trump and the other patriots who are saving these children. Americans need to wake up to see the horrors that are going on in our land!!!
I have a FB presence with thousands of red pilled followers Timothy. I planted the seeds, but if awareness is the President’s agenda, I cannot put years of credibility on the line without more confirmation. Those who know have been put in a Hellava situation where we want to incrementally red pill those who are ready, but I can’t go on what is out there so far. Need more. People need to toughen up. This is an information war and we have our hands tied behind our backs.
We are ready. Disney and Television in general has been slowly desensitizing Americans like a “sloth” for years. I believe our president is shading us from this horror show because it’s not a movie …its real, and right in our back yards ! God said patience is a virtue. Stand with the hand of god
I dont know how to thank you, for decades i been trying to remember, to think where was I in NYC in some tunnel all i knew, i have seen so much horrors, so much death and so many evil people, being locked in a cage naked like a rat i was tested for new drugs promising to help soldiers with PTSD, they pumped me with a trial drug in mid 70′ called Prozac, and Xanax. They mixxed it with so much other drugs to see the reactions from it. I also seen female children being used to mate with many animal species. I lost many friends there, but looking at the pictures it appears more modern than my time there, we had hard floors, bowl to eat from and a pot to piss in. After looking at this story it made me cry, it made me think about all my friends i lost there. They are very evil. I am now 51, but at one point early 80’s 48 of was saved being transported from one house to a factory, not sure by Police,FBI but assumed it was FBI, my brain is so messed up its gard to connect the dots. Im thankful i am martied now with a very supporting wife, but I thought i let you know you added another missing link to my puzzle, Thank You.
I dont know how to thank you, for decades i been trying to remember, to think where was I in NYC in some tunnel all i knew, i have seen so much horrors, so much death and so many evil people, being locked in a cage naked like a rat i was tested for new drugs promising to help soldiers with PTSD, they pumped me with a trial drug in mid 70′ called Prozac, and Xanax. They mixxed it with so much other drugs to see the reactions from it. I also seen female children being used to mate with many animal species. I lost many friends there, but looking at the pictures it appears more modern than my time there, we had hard floors, bowl to eat from and a pot to piss in. After looking at this story it made me cry, it made me think about all my friends i lost there. They are very evil. I am now 51, but at one point early 80’s 48 of was saved being transported from one house to a factory, not sure by Police,FBI but assumed it was FBI, my brain is so messed up its gard to connect the dots. Im thankful i am martied now with a very supporting wife, but I thought i let you know you added another missing link to my puzzle, Thank You.
wow, you are strong. God bless you.
Dear Roland, I am just now reading this post, probably one of the first people as it came up right as I logged on and went to comments. Timothy Holmseth is an earthly angel in his relentless efforts to bring the people who hurt you to do justice. I want you to know I am praying for you, and your wife. God loves you more than you can ever know and he can heal your sufferings. In the Bible the book of Matthew 9:35 says, “And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, ,,,,healing every disease and every affliction.” I pray you will seek out God, and read the Bible, as your first effort at finding help. I am so thankful God has given you a wife and I know he will continue to guide you and care for you. He tells us in his word, the Bible, that we can cast all our cares, burdens, sickness, and suffering. Again, I would never try to suggest I have any way of knowing your pain, but I know that only God has the power that can deliver you from the sufferings you know, and I pray he sends you a qualified person, here on earth, and pray for his angels to attend to you as well. The Lord be with you Roland.
I want to believe something is happening that’s more important than saving our entire nation and this would be it. there has to be photos of what is going on. the locations the military emerging something. from what this whole ordeal that our country is going thru right now has taught me is to not believe anything no matter who without verification. As I always say, “show me”
Did you know how the situation in Germany is? I live in Westgermany.
There are many small Airplain’s in air (they said,to Scan the underground in miles of deep).
Children in Dumbs here?
Gov. ( Merkel) deep State?
I hope and pray for the children and the persons how rescue them
I know that is something that is done to locate the tunnels.
Merkel is Hitlers daughter bud. A picture will soon come out. Merkel will be removed and put to death. There are tons of underground Nazi bases being used.
Anyone that needs emotional help/relief please Google EFT Gary Craig he has the answer!
Bless you for what you do!! I heard you mention in one of your videos that you have knowledge that these satanic pedos wear disguises. Well, I’ve been aware of this for years. That rabbit hole goes DEEP, all the way back to the Greek actor days probably. Anyway, the expert on this is Ed Chiarini, aka Dallas gold bug. His website is Here’s a good link to give you a general idea of these people:
After reading this article, it’s not difficult to understand why you’re so passionate about ending this unfathomable evil. You’re never alone in this battle. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is behind you every day and our prayers are always with you and the children that the PPTF are saving.
The Lake of Fire was designed for individuals who perpetrate these types of crimes against children. I can’t wait for justice to be served. Payback’s gonna be Hell.
I’ve known since the late 60’s this has been going on.. Guam 1969 though 1973. I was a victim during that time. Although it was totally ignored. The powers that be came after my daughter in 2007.. Thankfully I had senator Nancy Shafer and a sex crimes detective on my side.
I must say small town America and rural communities need to be looked into. The officials in some of these areas are dirty players in the game. I would share more, but i have to protect my daughter. IT’S hard to trust other’s. I have been warned 3 times to shut my mouth.
Prayers of protection, health, knowledge and happiness be with you Timothy and your loved ones.
LUKE 8:17 (NKJV)
David Icke maynot buy the story of Jesus nor bwelieve he was who we say He was. In truth I feel the same about Baha’u’llah founder and Godhead of the Baha’i Religion. I belive that bahaullah was and is the latest Avatar who arrived with the same spirti Christ did. THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH. I do not belive either of them were or are GOD. The represent the will of GOD for this planet. I am sure David Icke would not settle on that road of beief which I have described. That does not mean Icke is wrong on this Lucerferic Cabal that is using demonic spirits from the fourth dimension to cause humanity to get on its knees in worshipping material things rather than the things of GOD. I still think Icke has been spot on with a lot of truth. He may even be a voice for the Cabal who is there person who tells what the cabal is going to do. I dounbt this but I do not know, nor do you. As far as the faith of Baha’ullah. I belive it has interlopers in its administration and it has turned the religion as far as some of its members are concerned , into a cult. Something like the Papacy and the teaching of Jesus Christ.
Amario, I dropped David Icke like a bad habit after I realized that he is actually controlled opposition. He does have alot of truthful information. And that’s the point. Frauds like Icke reel you in with truth but muddy their message with new age spirituality. The new age spiritual indoctrination was actually implemented by the Luciferian cabal in the 1960’s to phase in the fulfillment of Revelation 17.
Oh, and let’s not forget Icke’s lizard people. Nothing would be complete without the shapeshifting reptilians who live on the Moon. I would use a great deal of discernment when reading Icke. Better yet, chuck it in the nearest trash basket.