POLICE REPORT names Nancy Grace associate Levi Page in creepy child based sex communications

by Marilyn P. Hanson on July 9, 2020 at 9:08 P.M.
07.16.15 EGFPD Police Report REDACTED from Minnesota add to the mystery behind the Nancy Grace associate who threatened an FBI witness to “shut the fuck up” about a missing child from Florida named HaLeigh Cummings. WATCH/LISTEN VIDEO BELOW.
On July 7, 2020 Timothy Charles Holmseth REPORTS reported LEGAL ACTION DEVELOPING!!! regarding mysterious photo of child on Rachael Chandler Tumblr
The story pertains to the very strange and disturbing saga of a former HLN pundit named Levi Page who, according to actual evidence, has engaged in extremely inappropriate sexual behavior directed at minor children. He also may be a child that appeared in a photo from Rachael Chandler’s TUMBLR account (which connects to the Jeffrey Epstein case).
We have obtained original police reports (SEE BELOW) from one event where Page contacted Timothy Charles Holmseth and asked about his (Holmseth’s) children’s “private parts”.
Page’s criminal and creepy behavior mimics the behavior of another man, William K. Murtagh, who also contacted Holmseth and asked sexual questions about Holmseth’s children.
Murtaugh and Page are friends and communicate publicly.
Murtaugh’s extremely creepy behavior during multiple missing child cases made the news in Florida.
Murtaugh published a photo of Timothy Holmseth being shot in the head.

Both Murtaugh and Page are documented media agents of multiple individuals that are under congressional investigation.
The behavior of Page and Murtaugh appears to be part of a larger and coordinated operation involving sex-crazed perverts that are obsessed with cases about children. One man from the group is from Canada named Gerald Brummel (known as Agent Margaritaville on You Tube). Brummel contacted Holmseth and warned him (Holmseth) he was going to kidnapped and raped – Brummel duplicated the message hundreds and hundreds of times (SEE VIDEO BELOW).
There is now a warrant for Brummel’s arrest in Canada.
Names, facts, circumstances, and other evidence pertaining to this massive operation is in the possession of Senator Lindsey Graham and the Judiciary Committee.
Evidence of international child sex trafficking obtained by Holmseth has also been delivered to the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense.
Holmseth’s information contributed to the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein.
07.16.15 EGFPD Police Report REDACTED
timmy lol this little homo bitch pissed u off huh lol i get it… I cant help u with cash but I know all all i can find online as ive been at my laptop for the past 3yr EVERYDAY for 18 hr a day and i dont miss a beat pal nor am i scared idgaf and i am a free thinker with a half of brain.. put it this way ive been suspended from twitter 14 times i got back on last week and with in an hr I had 600+ some with blue check marks .. THATS how educated I am on the whole situation followers lol but im susp until tomorrow AGAIN lol nothing will stop me and im not here for money or the followers Im here for the Kids Im here for the Win. just figured Id let u know we are here and we are many. Hey the only thing the way I see it is the reptilian thing ,, I cant prove that nor can u so please lay off that it discredits everything .. people are not ready for that lets deal with the Kids first. Feel free to ask questions I might of seen something u miss ya know… I did u a favor the other day btw . I had a little spat with Craig S and his followers lmao when ur up to date u get to squash them… hang in there, idk if u got the warrant cleared but im guessing it dont matter cuz ur gonna have to stick it out until after the election when gthe flood gates open as ive heard idk maybe we will get lucky an the say fuck it and right after the judge sullivan crap cuz if the keep going after mike ive noticed many of us are getting ready to organize .. enough is enough … bring out the aa 12 an the 50 ive fucking had it
(In response to another’s comment: WInk Wink with smirk) at Tim…So glad you do have EVERYTHING…Connections are important in this world…those who can discern truth even more important.
“Contend, LORD, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me. … May the LORD be our judge and decide between you and me.” Psalm 35:1
Those who are in this fight for the children…do not fight or contend with one another.
Prayer over you today Tim & all those faithful brethren in this fight
(Spiritual Warfare Prayer)
Tim please go retrieve my recent message under High Command is now on Twitter! It is posted publicly!